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After the INCREDIBLY smart decision to start the game over instead of working harder and train my Pokémon well to beat Samson, I've found myself in a predicament.

My old team, consisting of Swampert, Dodrio, Mammoswine, Meowstic, Galvantula and Toxicroak were doing quite well, but with Galvantula underleveled about 15 levels from Samson's Conkeldurr and the others also not looking too bright, I decided to just start over!

Not the smartest move. Not only did I forget how long I had actually been in the game (this was literally the first time any of my Pokemon were 60+ in ANY game I've played)

But, then I started over, chose Piplup instead of Mudkip, making sure of it's nature being right, but for some reason everything is harder than the first time I played through it.

Maybe it's because I now know how to get some Pokémon I didn't know before, like Budew(which is terrible at the moment, didn't evolve into Roselia until level 31, by then all the good moves were already gone), Murkrow(In Light Platinum Hack it learned Drill Peck at level 40, only today found out it's an egg move. Training Spearow/Dodrio up to Drill Peck takes tooo long), Houndour(which I can't reach yet due to my ass getting whooped by Magma every time),

So I could use some help at the moment too.

And now I am still stuck at the Meteor

Current team:

Empoleon (41)



-Metal Claw





-Mud Bomb

-Icy Wind

-Ice Shard

-Take Down



-Mega Drain


-Nature Power

-Stun Spore (keeps missing)



-Fake Out


-Charge Beam




-Shadow Ball


-Feint Attack

-Wing Attack




-Rock Smash


- Fire Fang.

And since I literally never have bred before, how long does it take for an egg to come when I finally do have Spearow at Drill Peck and then put it in the daycare with Murkrow?

Or shall I just Start over again with Mudkip, then catch the needed pokemon for breeding and start then? Since I can get spearow/doduo long before Lapis Gym, could come in handy.

Edited by Helia
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the team you have there doesnt seem that bad , pyroar can be a real threat when used properly

i would say your pokemon may be slightly under leveled at this point in the game but grinding a lil bit never did anyone any harm a lack of ground pokemon may be scuppering you at the moment , it wouldnt do you any harm to get yourself a tranpich from the arcade

your Murkrow needs to be female and your spearow needs to be male provided they are in the same egg group (i dont know if they are off hand)

ive been breeding alot of growlithe recently and 80-90% of the time it gets the strongest move the parent had (flamethrower) so i dont think it would take that much to get one with drill peck

Edited by Hypa
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...I decided to just start over!

Not the smartest move....

Not the smartest move indeed...

And now I am still stuck at the Meteor

....can you be more specific? it's been a while I played this game......

Now, let me said a few things:

-Empoleon being Jolly is really a bad, bad choice mate. Speed to him doesn't do anything.... make him a Impish Nature, give him Swords Dance (spend Heart Scale) and spam Aqua Jet....

-Evolve Piloswine (I think you should have access to the move relearner by now....don't kill me if you can't, starting over again myself lol)

-Roselia is complete trash unless you breed it (Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder, etc).

-Level up Meostic and teach it Reflect when it learns it. Should had keep Light Screen but too late now...

*Don't start over, ur team just need a little bit of work. What you are about to do is no different than you did last time; re-starting because you think your team ain't good enough...you can't run away forever man; this game was designed for you to fail. Also, Mudkip is available in the wasteland area when it's raining, so it's pointless to start over for Mudkip. I honestly believe you can destroy everything with Empoleon, Swords Dance and spamming Aqua Jet.

...grinding a lil bit never did anyone any harm a lack of ground pokemon may be scuppering you at the moment , it wouldnt do you any harm to get yourself a tranpich from the arcade...

....what? he already have Piloswine and IMO Flygon is inferior to Piloswine....yes I said it Dragon-Type lovers :P

If you need extra help, wait for Etesian lol. I'm tired and I think I need to lay down....zzzzzz

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Pyroar is good, but houndoom is a beast. Solarbeam - Flamethrower - Dark Pulse - Sunny Day, GG.

Murkrow would like Tailwind.

Metagross, Gardevoir, Gengar, Reuninclus, even Beeheyem is more useful than meowstic in the future.

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Thank you guys! Yes, I've decided to take some time and train up Spearow up to Drill Peck (37) and get a Cubchoo and train it up to Icicle Crash (also 37), then breed it with my swinub so I'll have an Icicle Crash Mamoswine in the end :)

Good thing I didn't get Ancient Power yet, or I'd have to try and breed that plus Icicle crash onto a swinub.... *cringe*

And the Drill Peck Murkrow is taking quite nice shape already too, so that's happening :)

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Bred myself 2 good ones:



Snow Cloak (might change to Thick Fat, not sure yet)

has Icicle Crash

Currently training to 37 for earthquake then immediately evolve to Piloswine(don't have key/move relearner yet)



Super Luck

has Drill Peck!! :D

currently in training to be able to fight Kiki

I do believe Breeding in this game is quite easy.

Just bike up and down the Peridot traintracks from the station to the dessert gate a few time and it's hatched.

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