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Fire Emblem Deminian Knights [Sign-Ups/OOC]


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I remember those Light Pillars. They made the Great Bridge even more painful than it was in Path of Radiance, and I hated that chapter then. I'm actually starting to get interested in historical piratry now that I've been looking up this stuff for Nemir, and figured they would be useful in some way or another.

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Oh, wow. I thought I was the only one that started looking this stuff up, though I only planned to use it for historical references. If we can actually use it for something more useful, I'd say go for it.

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Uh Pyyr, I don't think I was too clear, but I'll be controlling all enemy actions in this chapter (I'll always mention whenever you're free to control enemies). Since it wasn't anything drastic, I'll let you off with a warning, but it's best to ask (either here or PM) before doing something like that.

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I sent him a pm talking about it. ((I tend to do my stuff via PM rather than clog OOCs with it, but if you are willing to let it slide I am okay with it. You are the host here and I am certainly going to let you run it the way you wish lol.))

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I'm starting to think an RP such as Fire Emblem, a game where everything hangs on certain decisions and moves, may not have been the best RP for me to start out in. Oooooooopsssssie. Anyway, I can promise it won't happen again. I've edited my post to make it look like the whole ordeal never happened.

Besides the point, are we thinking we should maybe retreat? This guy seems way to strong and I think our friends in the city may or may not need help.

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I'm starting to think an RP such as Fire Emblem, a game where everything hangs on certain decisions and moves, may not have been the best RP for me to start out in. Oooooooopsssssie. Anyway, I can promise it won't happen again. I've edited my post to make it look like the whole ordeal never happened.

Besides the point, are we thinking we should maybe retreat? This guy seems way to strong and I think our friends in the city may or may not need help.

...I may or may not have been working off of your original post for that update. Whoops! GG me.

Edit: I'm not going to make a big deal out of it unless you start controlling bosses. Pretty sure you'll get the hang of it eventually.

Edit 2: Well...I'll try to make this work. Time to edit the update.

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Pyrr, we all learn sometimes. As long as you are willing to change it up when it is asked for, and you make an effort to try and not do it we are solid.

((pretty sure there is a time where we all were learning something and ya always feel like you are messing up. Like in Fire Emblem games themselves, and am sure many a person felt that way lol. It can be a bit more intimidating in an RP because other people are relying on it and I get that XD. But we all got to learn sometimes. Just keep your chin up and keep trying, you will get the hang of it.))

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Just to be clear, there is one lance man to fight as well as a fire Mage? Not so sure about the Mage but I know we're trapped either way by the fiery rubble.

Don't worry about that. That's just to make sure no one else follows you. And yes, there's one lance wielder on one side and one fire mage on the other side.

Also, nobody change anything. I think I got the update to work for everyone.

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Kind of waiting on Rubyheart to see if she wanted to post something before moving on (usually I'll give a week before doing anything). I'll update the main group tomorrow or Sunday. The only reason I try to continously update the Zach group is because there's not much I can cut from it.

Speaking of that, I guess I should explain something. In some chapters, I'll be dividing the group. The main group basically fights and kills enemies making their way to the boss. The other group usually has a side objective that can range to quite a variety of things.

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Sorry, I may not be so quick with posting. Can't really think straight right now

It's alright. Just wanted to make sure no one gets left behind.

@The outside group: I'm actually okay with letting you guys control this battle if you want since they aren't too important. Otherwise, I'm willing to control the enemies and let you guys do your thing.

Edit: What Virgil is using right now is called Sol. While abilities aren't a thing, high ranking members get access to special items (like Virgil's Sol Ring) to do a little extra stuff. Mostly because people don't want their generals dying on the fields.

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Hey! It has been quite a while since I RP, so I'm quite excited!

Name: Durin Strider

Age: 45

Class: Knight

Appearance: Durin is a pretty big man, at about 6'4, and about 250 lbs. If you were to just look at his body, you would think it would belong to any 30 year old, but his face tells his true age. His face has many scars and wrinkles, a sign of many long Onishia winters, and frightening battles with the Onishian military.

Backstory: Durin was born in a small hamlet town in the middle of Onishian countryside. Born to a small time blacksmith, Durin had a normal childhood. Growing up he was instilled with what his father said were the 3 most important values a true man has; Courage, Loyalty, and Respect. As a teenager he felt a strong loyalty to his country, and because of this, he joined the Onishian military as soon as he could at the age of 18. Because of his size, he was immediately put into a small group of other knights. After about 15 years in the military, he had been able to climb up through the Onishian military, and was in control of his own platoon. Because of his military career, he had no family of his own except for his father. He had gotten sometime to go home and visit his aging father. When he got there, he found that there was nothing there, nothing but destruction. There was nothing left of his childhood town but rubble. After searching through the ruins of his father's shop, the only thing he was able to find that was his fathers, was his signet ring with his family crest on it. As he was leaving his village, he found his father's head... on a spear, with a shield near by. Looking at the shield, it had the crest of the Onishian kingdom on it. His own kingdom had betrayed him, and he was in disbelief. It was at this point he lost all loyalty to his kingdom, and left without a trace. After that day no one knows where he went, but some have seen traces of someone living up in the mountains near the wreckage of his old village, where a new village has been built. Same say that is Durin living up in those mountains, others say that they have heard stories of a monstrous man in armor, saving travelers under attack by bandits in Annea. Many say this man really is Durin Strider, The Lost Soldier.

Additional Details: After being betrayed by his country, he has lost all sense of trust and loyalty, and while he misses the feeling of being able to trust in someone, he has not found someone worthy of his trust. Also, after the years of being out of the army, and his age, his strength and agility have decayed from when he was at his prime, but being alone for so long has increased his intelligence, making him quite wise.

Title: In many of the games, people you recruit are given titles. For example, Seth is known as The Silver Knight. Durin Strider's "Title" is "The Lost Soldier".

Favorite FE game: The original Fire Emblem (in North America at least), and Awakening are tied.

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An update should be coming soon, but there's a little something I kind of want to hear out from the main group. You guys wouldn't mind me having Durrin join up with you right after this fight is over, would you? I kind of want to hear your opinion as most hosts tend to wait until the chapter is over to do something like this.

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While I prefer to wait, I will not be saying anything on this matter. As a part of my policy I don't want to influence any decisions within another host's RP in any way, shape, or form if I am not like an honorary host or something within that RP. ((like with Under the Hill.))

I hope you can respect my decision here. I want host's RPs to be a space they can control and their own bubble. While I don't mind advising or suggesting things, I will not be directly part of a decision as I don't want to scorn the trust I have built up around here. Your RP is your place and it is your creation. I as a mod don't want to mess with that, it is not my place. So, I hope you understand why I will be abstaining from this.

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I don't mind if he joins in after the fight. However, I agree with Hukuna on this one. It's your RP and it's your decision. It's not my place to say whether or not someone can join.

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Just keep in mind Komodo that I am saying that because I am kinda the Head Mod of this Sub-forum, and I don't want to interfere with a Host's control over their own RP. That is not my place here and it is why I let Hosts for the msot part run and police their own RP. ((I will pop in if the problem gets out of hand and a Mod is in fact needed however.))So, I am just not comfortable, even when asked, to do so unless I am in a position that says otherwise.((like the example above.)). So, my circumstance maybe a tad different and I want that to be clear lol.

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I know, but I'd also rather not force someone out of a decision that they think would be a better fit for something like this... if they think that it's a better decision that is.

Edited by Komodojoe
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Just a heads up before anyone enters panic mode. Huk's going to be controlling the fight happening outside the town. I'm a little bit busy right now and this should help move things along a little bit fast. Exlink and Dragonmasterkrim, I'm still controlling yours. With that cleared up, you are free to panic because I just gave Huk the power to teleport anyone.

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