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A new challenger approaches!


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Hello everyone!

If you haven't decided to look over to see what my username is, or if you actually want an introduction, I am the new Komodojoe of the Reborn forums (even though there might not have been one to begin with). I'm 20 years old and I work at Walmart as an overnight stocker, though I'm also going to college for my Associate of Arts degree. I've been a fan of pokemon since I started playing my Silver version and I've really been enjoying Reborn so far. As for my progress in Reborn, I've beaten all of the gym leaders thus far and started another run in the meantime. Then I started looking around the forums and I thought why not.

So here I am.

Great! Now that I have made my presence known on the forums, if anyone has any recommendations for anything on the forums, please, let me know.

Thanks for having me.

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Hello Komodojoe.

Going by your listed interest a few places for you to check out might be; Gaming General, The Radio Tower (music, anime and books can be found there) and the Creative Writing section in case you want to read some of the things the community has written.

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Hey Komodojoe, welcome to the nuthouse Reborn. Please deposit your sanity at the slot labelled "Incinerator For Sanity".

If you tell us more about yourself we can help you find stuff on the forums.


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Thanks for the suggestions. All of those sound good, especially the Radio Tower, though I'm also kinda curious about the creative writing.


Thanks for the music. It sounds great!


Thanks, though when I deposited my sanity, I think it burned to a crisp not that there was much to begin with. On the other note, I like Video Games and Music (Both of many kinds). I also like to watch anime, though I haven't watched any recently and need to catch up on a few others. I also like to read when I'm not occupied with other people and/or work. Other than that there's not much else I can think of right now.

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So apparently Komodo Joe is a character from Crash Bandicoot 2, is that what you're going for or is it just a cool sounding name 'cause you like komodo dragons?

Other than that welcome, rules are on your left, server (for talking to people here) is also on your left, FAQ is pinned in the grand hall (not on your left, even though it is on your left, I mean I guess you could check that one out too, I've found it handy before) and if there's anything you're unclear about just ask me or any of the other staff.

You said you started with Silver? What's your favorite gen 2 starter? I've got a funny feeling it's Totodile but hey.

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Actually, I wasn't even thinking about that when I first came up with it. I mainly picked it because I like Komodo Dragons and because it rhymed so well with my nickname (my nickname being Joe... or Joey for that matter), but being a fan of the series, that's one of the main reasons it stuck. And yes, my favorite starter was Totodile, but Cyndaquil is pretty high up there too. Also, thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to ask you, or the other staff, if I have any questions.

Edited by Komodojoe
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Hello and thanks for the welcome. I'm not all that original either, or if I am, it's not usually something I can come up with on the spot and can take a while, so don't worry about not being original.

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Hi! why not

You DO know that every time I see the words "A New Challenger Approaches!" I am instinctively forced to beat said party into the ground to unlock them.

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Well, it's probably good to know that I'm gonna get beaten to a pulp before it happens, but before you do, I will admit that those are some good instincts you've got there.

@Gift of Death

While I'm only targeting my AA right now, I'm currently considering some form of animation (though I'm not entirely sure about the specifics).


The Radio Tower is sounding better by the minute! I'll also have to take a look I the creative writing. Thanks for the welcome.

Edited by Komodojoe
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