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[Work in progress] 3D Print the Reborn Badges!


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Episode 15 Update: Warning this will spoil the ending of episode 15 for you!

For anyone else here with a 3D printer, I'm gonna make printable models of each of Reborn's 18 gym badges. Now, if you have one you should know this, but for those of you who don't and would inevitably ask about it if I don't say anything right now: 3D printers don't print in color, and if they do they only print in 2 colors. So if you think the color is off or wrong about one of these, it doesn't matter. This will also probably affect how I make certain badges (I'm looking at you Amaranth Badge and your mixed-up blue and pink parts). I'll try to test them with my own 3D printer before posting them here, but sometimes my printer has issues, so I'll give you proper warning if something hasn't been tested.

At first I tried attaching the .stl files to this post, but apparently I'm not permitted to upload that kind of file. So instead, underneath the image of each badge, I've put the link to download it off filedropper.

EDIT: Okay, since using the images taken straight from the program used to make these didn't work, I took pictures with my phone and posted them instead. Sorry for the phone quality.

EDIT 2: My printer conveniently got jammed just in time for me to finish making the Canopy Badge, so I'm gonna have to hold off of testing them. That won't stop me from making them, though.

So far, I've only made: 13

Volt Badge:

May require support material.

Status: Tested, approved
Download link: http://www.filedropper.com/voltbadge

Canopy Badge:


Status: Tested, approved
Download Link: http://www.filedropper.com/canopybadge

Cocoon Badge:

Remember, the coloring doesn't matter, only shape

Status: Tested, approved
Download Link: http://www.filedropper.com/cocoonbadge

Omen Badge:

Remember, coloring doesn't matter, only the shape. Also, this may require support material.

Status: Tested, approved
Download Link: http://www.filedropper.com/omenbadge

Venom Badge:

May require support material.

Status: Tested, approved
Download Link: http://www.filedropper.com/venombadge

Rime Badge:


Status: Tested, approved
Download Link: http://www.filedropper.com/rimebadge

Standard Badge:


Status: Tested, approved
Download Link: http://www.filedropper.com/standardbadge

Millennium Badge:


Status: Tested, approved
Download Link: http://www.filedropper.com/milleniumbadge

Eclipse Badge:


Status: Tested, approved
Download Link: http://www.filedropper.com/eclipsebadge

Fury Badge:


Status: Tested, approved
Download Link: http://www.filedropper.com/furybadge

Cinder Badge:

May require support material.

Status: Not yet tested
Download Link: http://www.filedropper.com/cinderbadge

Gravity Badge


Status: Not yet tested
Download Link: http://www.filedropper.com/gravitybadge

Suspension Badge:

Remember, color doesn't matter. Only shape.

Status: Not yet tested
Download Link: http://www.filedropper.com/suspensionbadge

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I like this idea and fully support it. If you do manage to find any way to color the badges that looks good, whether paint or whatnot, I would be interested in possibly ordering some. Keep it up though, this is a really neat idea.

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The picture's broken, at least it is for me.

Also, I don't have a clue what 3D printing is but this sound's pretty cool, so nice work.

I will say, it's broken for me too, it seems, but the concept sounds fantastic.

Also, 3D printing is basically like having a printer, that instead of printing out paper, prints 3Dimensional objects when given a blueprint.

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Also, I don't have a clue what 3D printing is but this sound's pretty cool, so nice work.

It's the layered printing of 3D designs (nearly always CAD files) through additive processes. Think of the creation of a skyscraper: floors are stacked upon each other continually as the overall height increases. What makes it stand out is that little to no material is wasted in comparison to other methods of creation. Creating a car, for example, requires that metal be cut into particular shapes. Because there is cutting being done and material not being used, that's a subtractive method. 3D printing only builds, which makes it economical.

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Hmm, the image is working fine for me, but I'm using a computer. Do you two happen to be viewing this on mobile? If so, try using a PC and see if that works.

Anyway, the Canopy Badge is... gonna take a little while. Turns out, it looks like it's gonna be the hardest out of all the badges to make.

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Made the Cocoon Badge, sorry for the wait I got Fire Emblem Awakening and was kinda caught up that kinda stuff. As for the image, keep in mind that the coloring of it doesn't matter, only its shape. I wasn't gonna go through the trouble of modeling in those alternating orange and black lines, because it would be absolutely pointless to do so.

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Added the Omen badge, which was probably the easiest one so far. Like with the Cocoon Badge, I didn't bother modeling in the random white spots since coloring doesn't matter.

Also, it seems that my 3d printer's gonna be out of commission for the long run. So until further notice, all the badges save the first one (Volt Badge) are going to be untested.

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Added the Rime Badge.

I always thought with the Venom Badge that the purple "fangs" as I like to call them were higher than the black part. Could be just me tho.

Huh, never thought of it that way. I guess it's pretty up to interpretation, since the only image we have of it is in 2d looking from the top down.

Speaking of up to interpretation, the next one (Standard Badge) is kinda... vauge looking. Not sure how I'll be approaching it.

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I'm not totally sure how you wanna do it for printing but the grooves would be circular and then intersected by the lines crossing through the middle, and fairly thin... I don't know if they'd be that distinct enough to be raised separately, but that's one method, I suppose?

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