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A WILD POKE- No, no I'm not doing that

Artly Diabolical

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Haha, so after that embarrassing topic title, let me introduce myself: I'm Artly and I wanted to take a shot in interacting with the community since I really appreciate the game!

To start off, I'm still in school (meaning if I'm here I'm procrastinating). Interests wise, I love anime and RPG/JRPG games. My hobbies pertain to reading, writing, and art.

Hope that's enough as an intro! I look forward to meeting you beautiful people~

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Hello and welcome please leave your sanity at the door~

But hi there am Wendel and some time in a bit there'll probs come another guy like Jericho or someone else to introduce you and tells you where to ask questions and stuff so I decided to be the first to say hi :D good luck have fun~~~~~~~~~~~

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Is that Ike in your profile pic? Please tell me that's Ike.

Welcome in mate, I'm Sheep and I'll be your guide to the reborn forums today. If you've already lurked here a while then this will be old news but if not then we're all good. Community rules are on your left, reading them saves you potentially breaking one and saves me potentially having to remind you about them later. There's a nifty FAQ here with all of the questions and answers necessary to get any newcomer started and in the know about how people are doing things on the site.

You can also swing by the reborn server by clicking on the link in the top left that says reborn showdown. That's where people (that aren't me recently) go to just talk, and battle.

Lastly, I do appreciate both the title to your thread (seriously, we get way too many people being all like "A wild ___ arrived") and the fact that your interests are cool.

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Hey Artly, Welcome! You seem like a nice person and your interests are cool. Check out the Creative Writing section of the forums for some good reading material. Also who doesn't love procrastinating. Also check out the RP section with our great Sensei Hukuna and King Murdoc, the best guides for RPs. I'm almost always in that place You can also find fun games in the Onyx Arcade. We even have a radio tower for arty stuff and a radio station here. Our ever so awesome DJs are mixing it up there. Yes, I am talking about myself/arkh/cow/fink and the gang

Anyways cya around! Cheers.

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...that profile pic is from Rising of the Shield Hero...I like you already.

Anyways, welcome! You've already been given the standard welcoming, so I'll just mention the Team Showcase section, the place to make a topic in if you want feedback on your team or if you're struggling with a specific battle (in the first pinned post there).

That said, hope you enjoy your stay here! Feel free to shoot me a PM if you have any questions.

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  On 2/5/2015 at 7:01 AM, Sheep said:

Is that Ike in your profile pic? Please tell me that's Ike.

Sorry Sheep, like Etesian said that is the Shield Hero. The people's champion... well the intelligent people's champion.

Yash and Etesian stole everything I would've said so... Uh, hi.

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Hey man, a lot of us are still in school and procrastinate (like yours truly). Don't worry about it XD

Anyway, welcome to Reborn! I see your interests and raise you The Radio Tower and the Creative Writing sections, where we have music and visual art threads and great reads as well as RPs (with some new ones with openings too, if you'd like to join!) respectively.

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