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Totodile and his Evolutions Ideal Breeding Moveset


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So basically I'm not much of a breeder but I wanted to get a Totodile and do a new run through Reborn. The obvious problem with this is the terrible level up learn-set of Totodile. It doesn't get a single Physical water move until 43 and that's only if you don't evolve it at all until then. Short story short, I'm looking for an ideal move-set to breed onto it and instructions on how to do so. For what I've heard so far it gets Aqua Jet from the Golduck line, so that's something I'll probably breed on to it.

Also, much later in the game, I'll add on Dragon Dance from Kingdra and Ice Punch from Abomasnow, but I'm currently looking for some decent early game moves to add to it.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: So here's a complete list of the breeding plans so far-

(m)Golduck w/ Aqua Jet+(f) Totodile= Totodile w/ Aqua Jet

(m) Horsea line w/ Dragon Dance+ (f) Totodile w/ Aqua Jet= Totodile w/ Aqua Jet+DD

(m) Abomasnow line w/ Ice Punch+ (f) Totodile w/ Aqua Jet+DD= Totodile w/ Aqua Jet+DD+Ice Punch

Still looking for a final move. With no other suggestions, I'll probably throw on Crunch for coverage and SF abuse.

Edited by AuthorReborn
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There aren't many physical water attacks in Pokemon, Aqua Tail and Jet and Waterfall are pretty much the extent of his water movepool(don't think he can get Crabhammer) so you would probably have to wait until level 43 with Totodile or Use Water Gun. Sorry bro. Jaws is one of my favorite pokemon but yeah. I started with him 2 years ago but I deleted my file for the same reason.

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I actually don't know what Pokes are available in Reborn, but with Sheer Force, the ideal ability these are the moves to consider.

Ice Punch, can be gotten from Abomnasnow.

Dragon Dance is gotten from the Horsea line.

Aqua Jet can be learned from the Golduck Line as you said.

any other move is preeeeety terrible and not worth getting.

The biggest problem with Feral in Reborn is that there is 0 way to obtain Waterfall as of now. It is really the move that patches up Feralgatr's Movepool.

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Tbh, I kept my Totodile in the box all the way until the end of E14, but that was because I didn't want to use it until I got it's best(imo) possible set.

Ice Punch from Obamasnow, Waterfall HM, DD from Horsea's line and Superpower from leveling up. Sure, You'd never really need Superpower, but it's nice to have and alternatives would be Aqua Jet (which is unnecessary since nothing will outspeed you after 1-2 DDs) and Crunch (useless coverage).

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