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[Feature Suggestion/Request/Plea...] Egg Move Tutor


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Hello, everybody. This is my first post here, and I hope I'm not committing a terrible faux-pas by having it be, well, a request. More of a plea. A petition. Maybe somewhat of a beg. Anyway-! Please hear me out, and tell me what you think!

In official Pokemon games, most Pokes you end up training are simply caught in the wild. One of the things I love Reborn for is encouraging a more invested relationship with your Pokemon, by giving them to you through events, basically providing them a backstory. I got really attached to my party members.

Have you ever refused the little Scraggy after it decides it wants to join you? It makes a sad noise, like it had just fainted, and starts slowly walking away, only to turn around one last time to give you a parting look and let out an even sadder cry. It really wants to join you. Same can be said for many other Pokemon -- those you saved from peril, like that poor Ralts, or those for whom going with you was their only hope, like that orphaned Growlithe.

Now the truth of any Pokemon game is that if you want your Pokemon to have a great moveset, you basically have to breed them.

So.. to have the best version of a Pokemon possible, you're supposed to throw your trusting friend into the Day Care to be a breeding machine, then train its descendant, leaving the little Pokemon who chose you to be its trainer to rot in a PC box for all eternity? What a special kind of cruelty! *shakes fist*

What would solve this problem is a simple idea, an Egg Move Tutor. Of course the service would have to be laate in the game, and suitably expensive, requiring a lot of money/Shards or maybe a rare item to be used. Perhaps even the presence of a Pokemon in the same Egg Group who knows the move in your party - the same you'd normally breed with. I really don't want it to be easier, I just don't want to abandon my beloved partners. My Scrafty stays with me, Dragon Dance/Ice Punch or not - but I do believe it would suit the spirit of the game, what with the personal relationships with your Pokemon and keeping improving your team until the very end, if you could teach them those additional moves.

I have no idea if this is even possible to code, btw. :P Maybe I wrote all this for nothing. OH WELL. It's worth a shot...!

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First thing first: welcome (but maybe you should properly introduce yourself in the grand hall)

Now to "business" your idea seems very interesting (to me at least) maybe for the endgame? Idk and anyway i too am not sure if it can be implemented

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As cruel as Ame is, an egg-move tutor likely won't be avialable after at least the Elite Four.

You could of course cheat in the egg moves if you'd want, which would have about the same effect as breeding+leveling them, minus the time input.

Having such a tutor would be cool, though.

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I actually think this is a really cool idea. I'm not a big one for breeding, I usually just grab pokemon as I go through the game and don't look back, so this is definitely something I'd support. Too bad I don't have any say in development.

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Just because of the way it's set up, this idea isn't entirely practical off-hand. However, I agree with the sentiment about events. To compensate for this, as of E14 the Pokemon you get from eggs around the region hatch with some certain useful Egg Moves.

I would -love- to do that with Event Pokemon as well, but there's a drawback. The only reason I can do that with the eggs is because they don't go to the box right away-- they have to be put into the player's party. Event Pokemon, however, can be sent to the box automatically, and I think most people will agree with me that making the player go deposit a Pokemon any time they want to pick up something new would be exceedingly tedious, and would actually probably result in a fewew number of new things being picked up. But if I don't make the player do that, I can't give them special moves. Soooo it's kind of a lose-lose...

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First thing first: welcome (but maybe you should properly introduce yourself in the grand hall)

Now to "business" your idea seems very interesting (to me at least) maybe for the endgame? Idk and anyway i too am not sure if it can be implemented

Hullo~ Yes I should.

You could of course cheat in the egg moves if you'd want, which would have about the same effect as breeding+leveling them, minus the time input.

Dear me, I have no idea how I would do that. Cheat Engine is difficult to use.

I actually think this is a really cool idea. I'm not a big one for breeding, I usually just grab pokemon as I go through the game and don't look back, so this is definitely something I'd support. Too bad I don't have any say in development.

I'm glad you agree-!

Just because of the way it's set up, this idea isn't entirely practical off-hand. However, I agree with the sentiment about events. To compensate for this, as of E14 the Pokemon you get from eggs around the region hatch with some certain useful Egg Moves.

I would -love- to do that with Event Pokemon as well, but there's a drawback. The only reason I can do that with the eggs is because they don't go to the box right away-- they have to be put into the player's party. Event Pokemon, however, can be sent to the box automatically, and I think most people will agree with me that making the player go deposit a Pokemon any time they want to pick up something new would be exceedingly tedious, and would actually probably result in a fewew number of new things being picked up. But if I don't make the player do that, I can't give them special moves. Soooo it's kind of a lose-lose...

Ah I see. :/ That's all too bad. I see other drawbacks to simply giving event 'mons their Egg Moves, though... What if they learn more than four useful moves? How do you choose? There'd always be complaints the move somebody wanted was omitted. Or, what if the Pokemon has an Egg Move that's kind of out of depth at the point its event is available, as in, is too powerful? It'd be just so easy. That's why I came up with the Tutor idea, though I have no idea how hard it'd be to implement. I've never seen it in any game, so I assume not very easy...

Personally, I'd prefer it if you had to have a free spot in your party to receive a Pokemon if it meant Egg Moves, anyway. That's just me though.

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Personally, I'd prefer it if you had to have a free spot in your party to receive a Pokemon if it meant Egg Moves, anyway. That's just me though.

How do others feel about this?

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It'd be okay if it wasn't all the time and it yielded some extra egg move. The trade off is worth it, so long as it doesn't become EVERY egg/event Pokemon.

But the Chespin Egg for example, that wouldn't be much of a hassle at all to do that with since it's easily accessible to a PC.

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I already think all the Egg events (as scarce as they are) are a pain because you need to go free up a party slot. But if a Pokemon Center or PC is really close and if it's not done all the time but only for longer events like the Scraggy one, then fine, though I wouldn't be using it either way, breeding takes little time and effort anyways.

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Speaking of event moves, I think it would be nice if there was a special move tutor/relearner who gave your pokemon the ability to teach a pokemon they can only learn via event, such as Superpower for Spinda (Dreamworld only), Sludge wave for the ghastly line (Dream world/event as they are not available via TM), and V-create.

Edited by MetalKing1417
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