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Your First Pokémon

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What was your first Pokemon?

Way back in the day when I got my first game, Blue Version, for my birthday. I started it up with absolutely no knowledge about Pokemon (This was way before the internet) so I had no idea about what the starters turned into. Between the three, I chose Squirtle, because I had a pet turtle. I nicknamed him Killer.

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Just like the topic starter, I too got Pokemon Blue for my birthday (it had just come out in Italy, I was the first one in my hometown to get it actually...), and I too had no idea of what the starters would turn into. I picked Bulbasaur because the manual stated it was the easiest to raise! Now I know that was because it had type advantage over the first two gyms, but back then I had no idea...

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Oh the memories... especially now that the internal batteries should be dead. I'm afraid to look.

Red Version, Bulbasaur. Oh, yes. I am the person who chose Bulbasaur. I am also the person who demolished the "ever powerful" Charizard with a Golem I raised.

Never had a clue what the game was about, or what the starters were going to be. True, Bulba had an easy time against the first 3 gyms, but by the time you reach them you can beat them anyway. Afterwards I saw nobody liked Bulbasaur, so it felt great to win with the underdog.

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First Play: 1999 Blue, a friends cartidge.

I completely did his whole 1st playthrough (with no knowlegde both of us too)

My first game: 2000, Yellow

My first pokemon: Squirtle

Edited by Qaaz
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The first pokemon i ever played wasn't actually a pokemon game, but a minecraft pokemon mod.

At the time i knew nothing about pokemon at all and i picked Chimchar(which to my surprise was a girl, so i'm glad i picked an 'unisex' name for her) just because, then i caught a Poochyena just because too.

Eventually i grew attached to them so i hacked every pokemon game i could so i could play with my team from the mod.

Infernape is now my faithful wallbreaker and reserve lead.

Mightyena is now my handy sweep-stopper and the guy that takes hits for the team and saves the day.

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My first pokemon was I think but don't quote me charmander in fire red. That was my first pokemon game but can't remember if I chose zartard or the turtle first time around because I played it so much. Surprisingly now my favorite of the three are neither of those two because I prefer bulbasaur.

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My story is actually strikingly similar to ShatteredSky's: My first pokemon was technically Treeko, but it didn't last long. It was my first Pokemon game and one of my first ever video games in general, so I had minimal idea what I was doing and that first run was full of fail.

First of all, I didn't even MEAN to pick Treeko. It was the first Pokeball that my cursor happened upon, so I was like "let's press A to see what it is", and it showed me Treeko. I was like "that's cool, but let me look at the other two first" and TRIED to press no. But I accidentally pressed yes, and was stuck with Treeko. The idea of soft resetting was foreign to me at the time, by the way.

Shortly after picking him, a similar incident with the nicknaming screen led to me accidentally nicknaming him, simply "A". Later in the game when I discovered the guy who changes your nicknames, I WANTED to change his name back to Treeko, but by that time he had evolved, and I didn't know what his new form's name was supposed to be. I could have looked it up in my Pokedex, but I didn't want to scroll through the entire thing just to find it. If only I knew Grovyle would've been the very second thing to come up.

Now, this was all before the great Feebas hunt had taught me how to be patient. Therefore, I did what a lot of us probably did in our first pokemon game: used only the starter ever, and skipped trainer battles whenever possible. I didn't realize the importance of fighting with your pokemon to level it up, and as a result I could never ever get past that battle with May on Route 110, because of her Combustken.

I then restarted the game and chose Mudkip as my starter, in order to beat that Combustken. You could imagine my anger when I find out May automatically chooses the starter that beats yours. But the dumbness doesn't stop there: with Swampert (yes, I eventually got past that Route 110 battle) my ONLY strategy was spam Surf on everything. Needless to say, I had a nightmarish time against Wallace and it caused me to initially form a burning hatred for Milotic, who would later become my favorite Pokemon of all. The only other Pokemon I used to fight in that run was Groudon, who I somehow thought was named "Ruby" despite seeing his name so often. Since I only had two Pokemon, my victory over the elite 4 was due to me struggling Steven to death while spamming potions and revives. I didn't figure out what the ethers and elixers to because I was to impatient to read them. Again, this was before the hunt for Feebas taught me patience, and before then I was a VERY impatient individual. In a sense, Milotic changed my life for the better, which is one of the reasons she's now my favorite 'mon.

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Good old-fashioned Cyndaquil from Pokemon Silver, nicknamed Blaze. It has become my all-time favorite Pokemon to the point where I always raise a Cyndaquil with an Everstone, because I feel like it gets progressively less cool as it evolves. Granted, all three forms are still pretty good. It's a principle of mine to always own a level 100 Cyndaquil whenever I can in the games now.

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Fennekin, in pokémon reborn. This was my first pokemon game ever that my friend introduced me to and told me that I didn't need a DS or nintento stuff to play it, only my computer. I was hyped because the game looked really cool, I had never played pokemon in my life and I really wanted to try. When Ame in the grand City hall asked me to choose a starter, I went through all the tables, looking at all the pokemon I already new of (gens I to V) but what got my attention was a fire fox that I had never seen until then. I didn't even knew of gen VI by that time (that was, around this same month last year, actually). Best decision ever (specially since 1st gym was grass lol gg)

I have discovered so many wonderful things about pokemon since then, and Fennekin will always be my first starter. That turns into a beautiful psychic fox wizard by the way. Looking back at ALL of reborn until now, that fennekin (a Delphox nowadays), the rest of my team and I have lived quite plenty of adventures until now, and we have seen many people die. And we defeated a lot of gyms. And once, we caught a beldum. Ah the memories..

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Pretty sure my first was Mudkip in Ruby, but I was a stupid kid and reset the game and chose Treecko. I ended up beating the game with a Sceptile named "WINDLIZARD" because I didn't know he was a Grass Type until after I named him (I didn't know how Starters worked back then either, I was like 7 or something and only watched the anime).

Now I got him in my Y Version so I can trade him to Omega Ruby.

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