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Your First Pokémon

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2 years ago I played my first Pokemon game ever on my phone (thank you android gameboy roms!*available for free in Google Play*).

It was pokemon Blue and I chose Squirtle. But right after I defeated Koga, my eye caught something shinier. It was Crystal.

Chose Totodile, defeated it a few times *yay for Bulbapedia*

I pretty much always go for Water starters. Squirtle, Totodile, Mudkip, Piplup, Oshawott, I love you guys. No love for Froakie yet, haven't used it yet. I chose Mudkip in Reborn too. Has to be my favorite starter.

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My first was Cyndaquil. I started with Gen II so my heart is forever biased toward the little fire mouse. I wasn't able to finish the game on my copy of Gold, however. I gave up in the Ice Path because my Save Battery had bled out and I was just a did so I didn't know how to fix it. I moved onto Gen III and chose charmander and that was okay, but Cyndaquil was still way cooler to me. Fast forward to the HGSS era and I had just gotten Soul Silver for my birthday. I was reunited with Cyndaquil and together we crushed souls. I beat the game and almost completed the Pokedex, but fell short due to my faulty internet connection. Cyndaquil will never be replaced nor surpassed in my eyes.

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Torchic in Sapphire. I had a level in-70's golem and blaziken and the rest I just caught somewhere but never trained it, until it definitively crashed by an accidental slip out of wy hands. Started over with the same, but better. Now I tend to choose treecko more often in gen III due to it's fun movepool in that generation (thunderpunch, crunch, dragonbreath and leaf blade were all special then. What coverage). I like all the gen III-starters, though.

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Pikachu in yellow, was cool that it ran behind you, but sucked totally vs brock, even thought I never played pokemon before it, it is pretty easy to understand so i caught a caterpie and evoveled it to Butterfree and beatet him with that.^^

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my first? I didn't own a pokemon game for most my childhood till I my brother tried to play poker with me when we were about 10, he bet fire red and I won it then the first pokemon I caught was a venomoth in the safari zone....


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I still remember every starter I picked.
My first game was Yellow, so Pikachu of course was my first, but after that I played Red and Blue and both times i picked charmander (later replayed it with squirtle and even tried with bulbasaur)
I still remember how at the back of the game package there was a picture with the protagonist using surf and when I got a squirtle I tought of course that I could just go surfing. When it didnt work i got really angry and asked mom if this is a error or smth,
My favourite starter type however was always somehow fire.
Charmander, Cindaquill, Torchic, Chimchar. The fire starter was somehow always the first one I picked :D
Of course i replayed sometimes the games and choose other starters.
Now I prefer Treecko other Torchic and Mudkip, Chimchar still stays my favourite 4th gen starter, Totodile > Cindaquill.
But in 5th Gen when I saw Snify I just had to pick it :D It was so majestic! So amazing, so proud looking. I loved it. The other 2 were kinda... naaa. (They were cute though)

I remember how in Ruby I only used Blaziken and Groudon to beat the game and couldn't beat the Elite four because my Groudon was my last pokemon and had no PP left xD And I too skipped most trainer battles.
However Emerald with Rayquaza was just too easy ^^

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My first Pokemon was a Piplup in Platinum, named Sammy. At the time, I'd somehow not known that water was weak to grass, but I knew Barry wouldn't pick Chimchar because I would be good against it. So I thought I was getting the best deal... :P

I was pretty much of the belief that all HMs sucked, so I never gave him Surf. I used BubbleBeam and Metal Claw all the way 'till Lv. 100... I remember getting so mad when my sister logged on and taught him Surf, I was convinced she had ruined him for good. XD

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My first pokemon was a Turtwig in Pokemon Platinum, and being the ultra noob I was back then, I didn't know how to switch outside of battle, thus making my Torterra about level 72 when I was in the Spear Pillar. Yeah, I was the biggest noob ever <3

I also remember how in Eterna City, I had 6 pokemon and Cynthia was giving me the Togepi egg, so I needed to deposit a Pokemo. Guess what? I didn't know how to do that either - so I just thought I needed to level up my pokemon. Sigh...

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  • 2 weeks later...

When it comes to my first Pokemon game I have technically 2 :P

I had pokemon blue that my sister had that i would borrow and play, yet i was only around 5 so didn't really know what i was doing :P

in 2007 I got a copy of Pokemon pearl for the DS as a Christmas present and i often count that as my first as it was the first one i took seriously and actually knew what I was doing :)

I love both games though and both of them hold a special place in my life :)

My first Pokemon itself was either Squirtle or Piplup, but like i said it depends on which of the games count as my first :)

Edited by Scandude
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