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tfw I have to introduce myself


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Well, I'm too lazy to write a detailed info thread, so I'll just a assume a simple one will work. I'm also a mess at organizing information so I'll just do a bullet list of stuff about myself.

  • My name is Dan, but you can call me Alchemi as well.
  • My preferred pronouns are whatever you feel like using.
  • I'm not much of a gamer, pretty much the only things I play are Pokémon games and a rhythm game called osu!
  • I can script somewhat.
  • I'm okay-ish at monotype and balanced hackmons, but I haven't really ever tried an OU team (unless a monotype team in OU because I couldn't find matches on mono counts.)
  • My favourite type is Ice or Grass, and my favourite mons are Froslass and Lapras.
  • My interests include reading, procrastrinating in the internet, music, and very rarely anime or movies.
  • My first pokémon game was Fire Red on an emulator which was unable to save, and I was only allowed the computer two hours per day, so I had to start again every day..... I ended up finishing the game.
  • I live in a farway country called Argentina.
  • I'm 17 years old, my birthday is September 7, I'm in highschool.
  • I suppose we'll get along just fine,
  • and I can't think of anything else.
    ps: how can I get to the server, or is it down?
    edit: added more stuff
Edited by Alchemi
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The server is currently down, so waiting's the most we can do. Though, in the meantime, you could explore the site a bit. Also, we'll have to call you Alchemi because there's already a Dan here. At any rate, welcome! Enjoy your stay!

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I've already been lurking a bit. :P

Thanks for the welcome!


you should, it's really fun, both in the games and competitively, just don't pick grass or ice for your first time and you'll do fine.

Honestly I was gonna do a dragon monotype for pokemon X with the Charizard X, Garchomp, Goodra etc but Greninja literally killed 70 percent of the pokemon I encountered in the game and I realized it didn't matter what team I had.

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Hello hello~

17 is the best age, so yay for being 17~ ^w^

My name is Clara, and it is nice to eat meet ya~

You're not the laziest intro poster, so don't worry about that XD

It would be nice to talk with you later, so enjoy your stay~

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Hello hello~

17 is the best age, so yay for being 17~ ^w^

My name is Clara, and it is nice to eat meet ya~

You're not the laziest intro poster, so don't worry about that XD

It would be nice to talk with you later, so enjoy your stay~

Nice to meet you too. Indeed 17, is the best age. Albeit I'm glad for not being the laziest, it's also kind of sad because it means I'm not even the laziest. Thanks, I'll try to enjoy my stay as much as possible.

Hello and welcome Alchemi!

Hello and thank you!

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Welcome! and what clara said, you aren't the laziest intro poster, i am, i still haven't posted it around 300 posts later


Welcome Dan, no wait that's way too weird, let's try again.

Welcome Alchemi, in general if you have any questions feel free to direct them my way but to kick you off I'd appreciate it if you took a gander at these first. You might (or more likely will) also find this FAQ to be a very useful resource for getting started. You've already found the server so I guess that's everything from me.

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Hey Alchemi, welcome to Reborn! Sanity should be deposited at the door.. Since you like reading check out the Creative Writing and RP forums.. There is some good stuff there.. Also for we have our very own Reborn Radio where you can sometimes find Arkh, Cowtao and others me included playing the awesome 'moo'zicks.. So ya.. That's about all for now..

Cya around!!

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