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My Trip to Disney.


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Yea my adventure to Disney world in the form of a Rhyme Scheme!

My adventure starts in the castle, what else is new I brought a toy dat wasn't even brand new. The first ride I saw was Childish as hell but however a teen mother was there. Her Child was 5 who likes to hide and the only way to find him was to cry. I told the mother to try to cry and out out came the child all googley eyed.(He was wearing something) She think me and rewarded me with a smile and wave but however I wanted to get laid.(bummer) Venturing deeper and deeper I found a food stand who sold me something that burned my hand, I bitch'd and whine til they passed by, laughing at me attempting to show pride. "Oh fun" Both were Bi, bodies nice and fine, all I wanted was a number but they saw my cucumber.(yea never wearing thoese pants again >.<) She say tis to me " Hey big boy, you wanna play with me" while the other one just smiled and behave But however I asked "hey wats your name?". She replyed with offer no man can't deny but however time wasn't on my side. So I replyed back " umm gotta fly" but however they said, that I was gay. (>>) I ran back to meet up with my folks to catch ride and get soaked, but however I caught a float. Later on i saw thoese hoes, both flirting with a pole. They attracted a man who was covered with gold but really does he know? If you fuck a hoe, you'll get aids but since they're bi wouldn't it be..... ahh whatever~

There is moar but I'm tired, however tis was the highlight of my day.
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