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A Very Big Project!


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Can the average internet user interact with it?

Of course not. It's not finished, remember? Right now, the only people who can even slightly interact with it are me and a couple close friends.

...But I know that's not what you meant. So yes, once it's complete, the average internet user can interact with it...but not for free.

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Will the paying customers be able to contribute to this "project" or is its development up to your list of people?

That wouldn't really work out, I'm afraid. The development is limited to the team at OBS. And no, that does not stand for Open Broadcaster Software.

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What does it stand for?

Sorry, but that's a question I can't answer. Maybe I'm a bit paranoid, but I don't want the name stolen before it's copyrighted. Or whatever that thing is for names that isn't a copyright but practically the same.

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How do you plan on developing it ?

Slow and steady, for now, at least. The story and characters are still being worked on.

Can it be a video game when there is no programmer?

This diverted attention pretty well, didn't it? I told you I'd be cryptic. So I answered a question with a question. You see, the answer is yes, because there is no programmer yet. There will be, though.

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Well that was a bit obvious but yes you did a good job there. I didn't think of the copyright or the "work rights" or however they are called. If something puts you in a hard position, tell us.

So, it is a big project, probably a game or a story-based virtual novel, on the internet, with many variations.

Is the reason the project is not proceeding quickly that it's still being written on paper, you gather ideas about it and try to implement them somehow to digital form, albeit without success because the people trying to, are not so qualified, thus the need for a programmer?

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Well that was a bit obvious but yes you did a good job there. I didn't think of the copyright or the "work rights" or however they are called. If something puts you in a hard position, tell us.

So, it is a big project, probably a game or a story-based virtual novel, on the internet, with many variations.

Is the reason the project is not proceeding quickly that it's still being written on paper, you gather ideas about it and try to implement them somehow to digital form, albeit without success because the people trying to, are not so qualified, thus the need for a programmer?

Well, that's not exactly what it is. I think, for the moment, I'll stop being cryptic and just tell you some stuff. It's not an internet game. This is a very large project, that I hope can be on consoles, especially Nintendo's. Yes, we don't have a programmer yet. But the programmer will be me, once I get around to taking my programming courses. We're still adding important details to the story, and still adding some characters. We recently got a musician/sound guy, so we're taking a step in the right direction.

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Hehe, the last part of the one-liner description was to get some info by disputing it. You know what they say: the way to find the answer to a question on the internet is not to ask, but to post a wrong answer. Sorry about that.

I see that clears some stuff. I suppose you want to be the programmer because you want it to be done exactly as you see it. This will take long though, as you will need backup, testing, coding, and stuff that takes the project behind scedule. I'm assuming we'll not get all the information, but I'm wondering what it is, that makes this something not done before (as previously asked), and how do you ensure that in the following years, in which you'll be able to start, or be on your way to finish this project, something similar will not have been already implemented.

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Hehe, the last part of the one-liner description was to get some info by disputing it. You know what they say: the way to find the answer to a question on the internet is not to ask, but to post a wrong answer. Sorry about that.

I see that clears some stuff. I suppose you want to be the programmer because you want it to be done exactly as you see it. This will take long though, as you will need backup, testing, coding, and stuff that takes the project behind scedule. I'm assuming we'll not get all the information, but I'm wondering what it is, that makes this something not done before (as previously asked), and how do you ensure that in the following years, in which you'll be able to start, or be on your way to finish this project, something similar will not have been already implemented.

Very clever! No need to apologize, I did say that you can find out a lot if you're clever enough. I'll remember that tactic in case I ever need it.

Well, pretty much, yeah. I know it won't be easy. I know it'll be years before it's complete. I might even have to code my own game engine. That would be a nightmare, I'm sure. But I'm very passionate about this, and I'll keep it going no matter what. One thing I will have help on is QA testing. Some close friends that I've known a long time will be helping with that. And even if something similar appears, I'll keep working on it. The genre makes it unique, but the story will be something that no one else has.

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Midnight, this channel has been posting some videos about game design lately (the green ones, but the titles are obvious enough). you'll find other stuff on it, too. https://www.youtube.com/user/ExtraCreditz

Success with your project, hopefully we'll be able to see it some day ;)

Thanks! I'll check it out! And if Pokemon Reborn is still here when it's finished, I'll definitely tell you guys~

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