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Does Everybody Go for Perfect 'Mons in Reborn?


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I see a lot of posts with people talking about how their teams are fully EV trained, bred perfectly, etc. I've mostly been playing the game for success with as little work as possible in breeding/EV training, and I've had very little trouble with the game and am caught up past the Terra Gym Leader Battle.

So, does anyone else have a ragamuffin team like mine? EVs spread out wildly, random natures, HM moves?


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It's fine man. You need not worry about these things. If the nature is negatively impacting a vital stat, ( like an adamant vaporeon) then you can change it. Other than that, they aren't too important. Breeding moves is pretty dang useful though. You can give earthquake to ur flygon via heart scale move tutor, (one in agate and in the onyx) Heart Scales can also be used to change nartues in 7th street.'


Rockin team by the way!!

Edited by Sonikku
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I'm like you. I tend to use just whatever pokemon looks cool and not worry about EVs/Natures/etc. Though unfortunately this has led to me getting stuck right at the fight against Fern in Onyx. I'll either figure something out or start over and pick a fire-type starter.

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My team is whatever dark and or fighting types I could throw together. With IVs of I have no clue and EVs of whatever the people in the grand hall throw out every day. And move sets are based on hitting hard. No stalls, heals, hazards and so on.

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Get out of my subforum, you heathens :(

Just kidding, but I do go for a party as good as can be, IVs being the only thing I don't care about because it's just a hassle, one which is hardly worth the effort. For the rest, I do it because it is incredibly helpful. A lot of things out there go from utterly worthless to godly with the proper moveset, and natures and EVs increase most stats by up to 50% depending on the Pokemon, so it definitely comes in handy. Plus, the foes in Reborn have optimal EVs, natures and movesets too, so might as well fight fire with fire, y'know? The worst I've done with any gym after getting most of my final party (right after Kiki) was 4-0, so it gets the job done.

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Considering the lag, I don't even bother trying to breed for IVs. When I do breed, it's just for those breedable moves. And after I'm far enough into the game (enough to buy the EV berries), I just clear out their "useless" EVs and train to replace them in stats I want. From that point on, I've EV trained each new party member once I get them, but that's mainly just because I have so much free time between episodes...

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The only bits I care about in game are the Ability, Species, and Movesets as well as sometimes gender so I can breed copies of it but only for the first of every mon before Ditto. EVs and IVs simply take too long for me to care about obtaining them haha.

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You don't need to worry about perfect teams. I honestly think perfect EV teams makes things too easy for games like this. My team has scattered EVs and IVs (Though most of the IVs are in the upper 20s). The only thing I have on my team are ideal natures, which is thanks to the psychologist on 7th street.

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To be honest if a pokemon has higher ivs and better EV's it would be stronger but the only purpose of that would be competitive battle unless we get an ingame PvP with other players or we end up facing a gym leader going all cynthia on you(cause all her pokemon are programmed with 31 ivs in each stat and made for competitive battle) i dont think we need to worry about that but still can be easily defeated with the right moves and strategy.

If youre curious about players who do that there probably accustomed to this by playing other main series game or competitive battling after a while you just become addicted on having the perfect Team and if you have caught at least one full box you may have a perfect or near perfect pokemon there with right nature and ivs and everything .

The verdict is easy the advantage of a perfect pokemon is that it will be stronger than most of the same species like a speed boost adamant blaziken with 31 ivs in every stat would be much stronger than the same thing with 31 ivs in 1 or 2 stats and so for ingae play its pointless as were not pairing up same species but different pokemon all together such as no mater if you put up a perfect lvl 50 dunsparce against a 0 ivs in each stat and 0 Ev lvl 60 arceus with a good moveset the verdict is clear.

Edit:not saying that it not good to have a perfect ivd pokemon as it only makes things easier if you have em but it is not very important

Edited by NovaKnight
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Normally I don't bother with EV/IV stuff and breeding. I only got into EV training because at that time we could breed TMs so I wanted to do something more constructive to do while biking around trying to hatch eggs. I EV'd all of my mon, especially my early ones since I had grown really attached to them and I didn't want to relate them to a retirement box. EV training gave my Simipour, Arbok, and a few others enough of a stat boost to still be useful here in the late game. I didn't start marginally paying attention to IVs until half way through. I'm not one who'd breed for weeks just for the perfect one but I'd be hesitant to train a special attacker with less than 10 in that stat.

As difficult as Reborn is, EV/IV stuff would help you but having solid movesets is more important.

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While I will always use Pokemon I like the look of, I do tend to breed and look at IVs/natures. Granted that there are some Pokemon that get most of their better moves from breeding, and breeding alone, rather than by level up. They're also never perfect IVs across the board, just decent ones, because I don't have the patience for that and I honestly am not looking for outright perfection.

EVs... I've bothered on my main file, and I intend to bother on the item hunting run, but I won't bother with them every single time. That would get tedious. It's really not as because I know full well how to speed up the process but... yeah.

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Q: Does everyone go for perfect 'mons in reborn?

A: No 'cause not everyone uses Heracross.

But seriously I don't bother breeding for anything really, semi decent IVs and a non hindering nature and I'm good to go.

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I'm not really one to bother with IVs, though I'll get my EVs where I can. I just need a decent nature to get me through and only bother with breeding if there's an egg move that I really want. I only go for that kinda stuff in competitive.

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What you people don't realize is that in this game, unlike in the original games, the later gym leaders (starting from CHarlotte I think) actually have PERFECT IV's (31 for every stat!), EV's and natures. Ofc you don't have to EV train or IV breed, but I am pretty sure you will need to counter them hard or at least some good strategy to beat the next gym/meteor leaders and e4.

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I'm like you. I tend to use just whatever pokemon looks cool and not worry about EVs/Natures/etc. Though unfortunately this has led to me getting stuck right at the fight against Fern in Onyx. I'll either figure something out or start over and pick a fire-type starter.

Why aren't you using the based god kricketune?

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This is actually the first game I've been looking at natures and even abilities when considering my pokemon. I remember saving right before choosing my starter and pick it, check it, close the window and start over on my second run of the game.

But having no pokemon on rotation and going with just 6 mostly, for my team I look for dual types, and having 12 different types on my team, spread with over 16 types of moves i'm a happy snowman.

I combine that with the ones I enjoy looking at and tada! a team is born. (of course they have to kick ass or their asses shall be kicked off the team)

I did however breed my own Swinub and Murkrow to get certain moves on them, moves that are complete bs for not coming naturally to them.

Honestly I don't even know what IV's and EV's are, and please don't try to explain since I want to keep this game fun instead of a mathmatical problem.

Edited by Helia
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Yeah, I personally don't really bother with IV or breeding, but I do try to EV train a bit, but mostly for Def and Sp Def on some pokemon. You have to remember something: even with perfect stats and movesets, the game runs on AIs, not players, so it will always be a bit faulty. I hardly doubt you'd need to perfect your Pokémon.

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