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Does Everybody Go for Perfect 'Mons in Reborn?


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Natures usually have the smallest effect on you pokemon, both EV's and IV's are better.

Depends on the base stat, but Natures generally do between 25 to 40 points (for stats actually worth boosting), EVs and IVs are always 72 and 31 respectively (except for health).

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Good IVs have to be in each spot, so it's more tedious to have, than just a nature.

One can argue that Nature affects more than the IVs, because it increases one stat and decreases another. If it decreases a stat you want increased, the numbers can go from -35 to +35. This is a 70 points difference we talk about (and it is actually a maximum one, tested on Conkeldurr's attack stat).

Decreasing the speed of a pokemon you need to go first is big deal.

Not having 31 IVs in all my stats is not a big of a deal. I can do my job with 26 as well, sometimes with 22. Ok usually I breed to go over 20 in the stats I want, and if it's a pokemon I like, I might pursue over 25. EVs are the most important and should be looked as such. The game is competitive, so take some time to train your fellows properly. It saves you time and effort, and instead of losing a bunch of times, you create a team capable of upgrades and taking on more challenges.

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