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[OOC] ANKL, P Much Just a Magical Girls RP


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It's the Lyre and Sion loveydovey-healing-post-emotional-trauma-comfort-moe-moe-doki-doki-love show.


Aye... only slightly makes me wanna hurl. I think I am in the wrong type of RP XD. Too late now I guess.

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Aye... only slightly makes me wanna hurl. I think I am in the wrong type of RP XD. Too late now I guess.

Honestly, I was just as surprised when I saw that happen. Gotta roll with it, though. XD

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It's the Lyre and Sion loveydovey-healing-post-emotional-trauma-comfort-moe-moe-doki-doki-love show.


Aye... only slightly makes me wanna hurl. I think I am in the wrong type of RP XD. Too late now I guess.


4 months ago, I would've felt the immediate urge to cringe/ bash my head against the nearest wall at that answer...

Now... now I feel nothing from it. Nothing at all

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Aye... only slightly makes me wanna hurl. I think I am in the wrong type of RP XD. Too late now I guess.

I'm just a bit to use to it. I guess that what happens when you watch a lot of anime not meant for guys.

Honestly, I was just as surprised when I saw that happen. Gotta roll with it, though. XD

yeah well Lyre is a bit of a derp when it comes to that stuff so she just acts.(besides its funny to write stuff like that)

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I, am not really the biggest fan of how this is going TBH. Like, it all just feels really forced

Fair enough. it probably is a bit on my part, but its the first thing that popped into my head and thats how this version of Lyre works. Emotions are actually really hard for me since I'm a bit of a heartless basterd. so any type of caring is difficult for me to write, but Lyre's a lot kinder then me so i kind of have to force emotions out.

My normal reaction to that kind of thing would be Umm...but then I'm also not a 17 year old space case girl who likes cake a lot.

Edited by rustytengo
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Mrrp, so I was gonna try to avoid this subject, but then it was too funny not to http://pastebin.com/jTq5DzfR

I gotta admit... the whole baby making thing is a bit creepy... but it's also honestly what I myself was kinda suspecting in the back of my mind since near the beginning of this whole setting... cuase, knowing you...

so... best men are...bred. And the lame or undesirable ones either become servants to the matriarchs or cannon fodder on the field of battle/ some other menial tasks and manual labor... think I got it

And lols... Arya and Lillith... XD

I actually forgot what orientation I had for her, been 3 months afterall... I know Rame is open to experimentation, but... I made her only recently so...

Eh, whatevs, let's just see how things go, maybe they might lead to... some type of affection, or might not, who knows... the wheel of fortune turns for us all (In before you make a joke about being the goddess of luck or whatever.)

Arya though... let's just say... the wolf and the fire motif serve more purposes than simply being an allusion to something else. I'm looking forward to see if she every is pushed to just snap...cause I'll secretly enjoy writting it if she does

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Lexi, this world has magic. It's run by 4 goddesses. Can't you just screw it and make it possible for two girls to have a baby by intermixing their souls or something?

Honestly, I like the whole eugenics thing a lot better than... that...

just because the explanation she gave takes away from the "Moe" and Magical Girl themes just a bit to reveal a darker and uglier surface beneath it all...

It's like that Book "Epitaph Road"... very much like it... in a certain way... same basic concept of eugenics and gender superiority

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Honestly, I like the whole eugenics thing a lot better than... that...

just because the explanation she gave takes away from the "Moe" and Magical Girl themes just a bit to reveal a darker and uglier surface beneath it all...

It's like that Book "Epitaph Road"... very much like it...

really it reminded me about "Handsmaid Tale" but with the gender roles reversed....god why do remember that book i hate that book.

Also if any of you want it. i do a a legit Role Play reason why Lyre would do such a thing also.

Edited by rustytengo
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really it reminded me about "Handsmaid Tale" but with the gender roles reversed....god why do remember that book i hate that book.

Also if any of you want it. i do a a legit Role Play reason why Lyre would do such a thing also.

Do what exactly...?

wait... you're not referring to the whole "Breeding" thing there, are you? o_o

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Can we not discuss men in this, like, at all? I dismissed it simply because it's an RP about girls, girls, women and girly girls with a dash of tomboy but the idea that men are just straight up oppressed like that is unnerving at least and offensive at most.

Speaking of, no clue what's happening with Karrin. She just kinda got sideiined...

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Are we going to be delving into politics then? If not my question to not is still valid because outside of the OP and minor school politics we have had no hints as to any kind of political state :x

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Sorry for being so quiet, but I feel I should chip in about this. I mean you can keep that whole breeding concept idea, but let's keep all of the concepts subtle for the time being. The thing about suppression is that it can be happening to someone, but they might not even realize it or consider it normal. Very few people question the norms in a world so you can just base it off of that.

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Yes, there will be politics happening. I alluded to that in the original post when I talked about the war between Kalo and Nayo. And even if we weren't, this is a very complete world so this would still be part of the world, just not something pertinent to the RP (like, I also have a general idea of the military structures and strategies of the different countries, but that's not going to matter one bit)

I'm not gonna bother explaining the politics behind it, but basically the government of Nayo said that the government of Kalo was full of crazy fanatical bitches and the government of Kalo--which was largely comprised of crazy fanatical bitches--decided to attack them. So long story short, Alex is total shit and I kinda regret creating it.

But no worries, you'll just be a girl in a second stage school (that's like high school, but it's six years long). So I'm sure you won't have to worry about any of that stuff.

It's not totally apparent, but that "sure" is basically an "Alexus Sure™"

The school is in Kalo, I thought I'd mentioned that >_< Sorry if I didn't

but you recently got transferred to the newly built "Opium Institution," in mid Kalo

And yes Commander, it probably never would have come up quite so specifically (the most we would have gotten was some comments about men being treated as livestock or something) Though there are people questioning it; it's a major political issue right now, the ethics of how men are treated in society

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Do what exactly...?

wait... you're not referring to the whole "Breeding" thing there, are you? o_o

no i meant the whole lovey dovey kawaii thing though hmm....if i really wanted to i probably could for that as well.

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And yes Commander, it probably never would have come up quite so specifically (the most we would have gotten was some comments about men being treated as livestock or something) Though there are people questioning it; it's a major political issue right now, the ethics of how men are treated in society

Oh politics is a tricky issue. Such a frail system that is so easy to corrupt. The one I created for an idea was really nothing more than a cover-up for a dictatorship (similar to Palpatine and the Senate). Not sure how you designed yours, but I'm going to take a guess and that it's a slow and not very effective system where most people are against changes.

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