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Dark Run Suggestions

Raviel the Phantom

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I plan on making a mono run using Dark Types. I'm a big fan of the Pokemon with the type and all the duals seem pretty cool, and have good coverage. Well...almost. I cannot think of a Dark Type that has good coverage against Water and Flying types. If anyone has a suggestion, I am all ears.

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Both the Grass/Darks are available in Shiftry and Cacturne through events it would seem.

EDIT: ((I am not sure if you are allowing yourself to level up mons to breed or not, but that is the only way to get Seed Bomb to these 2... However, I am not sure of the moves the Events have, hopefully somebody else could help out here lol. Otherwise... Cac is stuck with Needle Arm... Not an ideal Grass Move XD. ANd DOn;t start me on Shiftry's level-up moves.))

And Krookidile would get decent coverage against flying if... well, if Stone Edge/Rock Slide TMs were in the game. However... I have a feeling they are not.

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You can get 5 Nuzleaf from an event in Beryl Ward.

They're all at level 25 and have the moves Razor Leaf, Torment, Razor Wind and Feint Attack.

Cacnea is a gift in an egg from a girl in Onyx Ward(same building as the rooftop garden) after you saved the daycare couple.

Α Dark/Electric is what we need right here (if was any)

If only Luxray was.... He looks like one anyway.

Edited by Helia
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For Flying, there's Ice Fang Sharpedo, and for Water you have your choice of Cacturne and Shiftry. I'd go with the latter, although neither has many good options coverage-wise. (Well, Shiftry gets Extrasensory if you delay its evolution, at least...)

You can also use Krookodile for Flying, since it has access to Thunder Fang (although it's via breeding, and I don't know if you'd want to bother). I wouldn't send it out against a Water-type for obvious reasons, though.

Oh, Drapion gets Thunder Fang/Ice Fang, too. It's sadly without Swords Dance to make them really sting, but it's there.

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