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tell me your phobias


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this thread had to be made tbh.

I'll add more of my phobias to this list as they're discovered:

philophobia- fear of love/ being loved
glossophobia- fear of public spraking
erotophobia- fear of being asked to have sex
whatever the fear of fortune telling machines is called because jfc those things are horrifying.
murdocphobia- fear of King Murdoc
arachnophobia- fear of spiders (sigh)
ligyrophobia- fear of loud noises
emetophobia- fear of nausea/vomiting
tomophobia- fear of surgery
tocophobia- fear of pregnancy
theophobia- fear/hate of religion

claustrophobia- the fear or being in closed spaces (tbh i hate intimacy with people i don't know well)

I'm a very paranoid person. /sigh


http://phobialist.com for those who have phobias but don't know what their phobia is called. u-u

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Thantophobia - Fear of losing a loved one

Entomophobia - Fear of insects crawling on you

Mnemophobia - Fear of past memories or losing memories... in my case it's both... I hate myself and want to die because of them, but now that I finally got them back, I don't want to lose them again

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Catoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors

Eisoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror.

I had actually forgotten these word for it until just now. I'm not sure if it's the mirrord or me. It's not petrifying or anything, I'm (excessively) just cautious of it.

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I definitely wouldn't call them phobias, but they're the only real fears I have.

Claustrophobia - Fear of Confined Spaces

Scotomaphobia - Fear of Blindness

Thanatophobia - Fear of Death

As well as 2 apparently unnamed fear of deafness and disappointing others you really care about.

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Whatever the height one is. Even then, I've mustered the balls to go on really tall park rides then, so not much of a phobia if I can get past it.

I guess also the fear of being surprised/ shocked? I mean, i'll only ever scream at something if it takes me off guard.

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  On 2/13/2015 at 4:54 AM, Dhanush D Bhatt said:

Nyctophobia (Fear of the dark)

I was actually fine until i watched The Ring at night when i was nine. It freaked me out. It didn't help that in the darkest part of my house was a mirror just like the one in the video....

The Japanese version of The Ring is twice as terrifying.

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  On 2/13/2015 at 3:25 PM, DobbyTheTrueElf said:

Whatever the height one is. Even then, I've mustered the balls to go on really tall park rides then, so not much of a phobia if I can get past it.

There are actually two of those

The first should be Acrophobia, when you are standing at an edge of somewhere high and looking down

The other should be the classic fear of heights, which you have even when there is no urge to jump as you look down from a glass window or from a safe distance from the edge (like on a mountain where you stand being safe but looking at the bottom from afar)

I have no claustrophobia, being confined in small places. What really got me when I was younger was the thought of the inability to escape.

I don't know if that's what the phobia is about. I have no problem being in a closed space, as long as I can move my limbs freely.

Otherwise, you could see action like in "Saw", trying to free myself.

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I don't know the official name, but sharp objects being near/pointed at me. One time in middle school, a kid kept trying to poke me with a pen even after I asked several times to stop. My fight or flight response ended up activating and I choked him.

Another time I was working with a theater group for a scene and we were playing around with props and other objects. One of the people was playfully pointing a plastic fork at people for some reason having to do with the scene that I can't remember now and I instinctively jumped back. It didn't lead to anything like the pen incident, because she stopped when I did.

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I don't know any of their "something-phobia" names, but these are mah fears:

-Fear of darkness

-Fear of long, void halls and tunnels (specially when combined with darkness)

-Fear of silence in places that are normally noisy

-Fear of spiders and insects

-Fear of any animal, plant or microbe that can potentially kill me (well this is quite an instinctive fear I guess)

-Fear of drowning

-Fear of not being able to breath

-Fear of large masses of water that are very deep (lakes and the ocean, mostly)

-Fear of heights

-Fear of death

-Fear of being alone (not the regular kind of "being alone" in your room in the computer, but fear of everyone I love dying and me being alone forever)

-Fear of porcelain dolls, manequins with faces, certain kinds of puppets and in some cases, old toys.

-Fear of people that look "too normal" ; I don't really know what to say about this one, but sometimes when I'm walking in the streets I see someone that for no particular reason makes me feel a dread sensation.

-Fear of dark, cold, void spaces (only darkness surrounding you and no sound, nothing)

-Fear of totalitarisms, nazis and war

-Fear of losing one of the five senses, specially sight, hearing, taste and tact. Smell... I don't care as much for some reason.

-Fear of failure

-Fear of things I see and cannot explain (shadows, noises, etc.)

-Fear of fire

-Fear of physical and psychologically torture.

-And finally, fear of seeing other people die.

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