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Team plan for my first playthourgh.

The Swordsman

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How did you beat garchomp with that team? I needed some X-items to win

Garchomp? Lol.

Thanks to Garchomp my Mamoswine is in the PC now because Icicle Crash didn't do even 1/3d HP off of it.

Surprisingly my Galvantula took care of it with Bug Buzz.

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It isn't totally impossible to run with just six Pokemon but it is a lot easier to run with MORE than six. My team For example: Greninja, Riachu, Arcanine, Bouffalant, Machamp, and Aggron. But along the way I had to replace quite a few of my pokemon in order to keep in.

I also had a Linnone, Mighteyana, Dustox, Pidegot (BIRD JESUS, you'll see why later in the game), and Gourgeist. And even now I plan on replacing Riachu with Rotom and Bouffalant with Durddigon.

My point being it is possible to run with one team but damn near impossible, especially against certain "boss" (for lack of a better term) battles.

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I also use only six pokemon at a time, never more than that (rotation is time-consuming because of grinding). A good thing is to have a team with movesets for maximum coverage, because when you go to the elite 4, you won't be able to take your 20-strong pokemon legion with you. Only six.

Edited by Knight_Teutonic
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I have mostly stuck with the same team, but I did have to sub in some mons for a few battles, and overtime I replaced a few mons when I found ones I liked/wanted more. Hariyama got replaced by machamp, and emolga got replaced with magneton, but when I got to Aya, I had to sub in Solrock and emolga, as well as go catch and train up a quagsire, who has now earned his spot on my team, both for having great HP and SpDef IVs, and also for proving his worth by yawning everything in his path, and then spamming amnesia to just never die, giving him leftovers would be perfect, but still havent found the item. But after Aya, I returned to my usual team and havent had the need to sub in anyone yet. But I would say a good way to play this game is to keep 8-10 mons as your team, you will still have your 6 favorites, but if you have 2-4 other favorites as subs, you will not regret it.

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Ι think right now the only way to get Leftovers is to use Thief on someone's pokemon

I'm fairly certain Thief doesn't steal a trainer's item permanently as of Gen V. I haven't tested it in Reborn, but I presume Ame wouldn't make our lives easier by changing it.

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Not that one. The level 75 one. The other one is easier, of course...

Wait, the one from Pyrous Mountain? Solaris'/Serius' Garchomp?

You don't have to beat that one, the story just continues....

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