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What abirity dost thou employ...eth


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Moxie - I can be ax-crazy if i want to and love it.

Insomnia - Self explanatory.

Mold Breaker - I have mastered the art of not giving a damn.

Sturdy - I'm not easy to bring down.

Trace - I analyze everything. Everything.

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Steadfast- just gotta keep going. the winds will change in my favor

Swift Swim- I may be out of shape, but I'm still pro.

Sheer Force- don't have time for love taps, I go for the decisive victory.

Scrappy- do you even smash/fps? come at me bros. I ain't afraid of no ghosts.

Intimidate- not an intentional thing 98% of the time.

No Guard- you get to land a jab on me while I wreck your face. Pretty sure I win this tradeoff

Analytic- pattern analysis + logic? check

Inner Focus- I kinda suck at multitasking, but the ability to focus made me a great student and I am very self-aware

Iron Fist- I don't like kicking... and I don't need to.

Keen Eye- eye for detail, expert marksman

Rivalry- see scrappy, and I have a soft spot for females, which I'm trying to get rid of. Shouldn't be cutting girls any slack for being girls

Sturdy- I seem to be made of solid stuff. My cousins broke their leg and ankle getting off a bus and getting their foot stuck in a hole, respectively. I fall out of a plane and don't break anything.

Unburden- lemme tell you how much all that kevlar and a ruck sack filled with everything except a kitchen sink slow you down...

Slow Start- screw the mornings, but when I'm up and in the groove...

Moxie- when I'm in the zone, I'm in the zone. [insert killstreaks here]

Super Luck- I am extremely lucky in a lot of ways, and sometimes what seems like bad luck ends up in my favor in another way.

Adaptability- I've worn a lot of hats in my days, doing lots of different jobs that you wouldn't expect a person to string together

Mold Breaker- Atheist after being raised Catholic. Not an easy decision, it was the result of years of contemplation.

White Smoke- combined with inner focus, not much affects me save that I allow it to.

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Adaptability: I often go with the flow of things.

Anticipation: I try to anticipate things happening.

Competitive: Self-Explanatory

Dry Skin: I just have it.

Prankster: People hate me on April 1st.

Rivalry: Goes with my competitiveness.

Rock Head: I've banged heads with people and gave them concussions.

Sniper: I'm a hunter. Kinda goes with the territory.

Sturdy: It takes quite a bit to knock me down.

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I would have Competitive, as it tends to be a part of my personality those days. Sometimes to an extend I wouldn't like

The second ability could be Regenerator, as a quick break from a physical activity feels like it replenishes my energy very fast.

It was evident in my studying for my finals. Having studied all morning and noon, I slept for half an hour and then I was back up and ready to go.

My hidden ability is Technician, because I work pretty well when the situation puts me into a disadvantage. I like to analyze the field, the terms, and try to find ways to use the things that would hinder me to my advantage. I guess I am complacent in situations where I have the upper hand, and tend to make mistakes from overconfidence, whereas if I'm in a tight spot, I apply the pressure by working harder, thinking faster and trying to turn the tables to my favor. (not cocky)

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