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A wild Sleppu is extremely Lost!!


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Uhh, hi!! I just recently joined the Reborn forums! I first posted in the fan art thread (I loved all the art in the thread so much that i decided to actually overcome how shy i am to join HAH) and then someone pointed me in the direction of... well, here! -And said that maybe I should introduce myself.--And since I pushed through my shyness already to join, might as well keep going!



I'm a young (16) artist just trying the best I can to be recognized and uh, just make it in general! I'm not extremely confident, but I think I've done well and made good progress in my time of drawing (which has been pretty much all my life!). I've definitely gotten better at giving myself some credit.

UhHMMM Let's see, what else-- I actually first heard about Reborn from a tumblr post that'd been making the rounds!
I'd been kind of stuck in a rut at the time, honestly :') I couldn't really find anything I really, really wanted to get into, and I found that most things I enjoyed before just weren't cutting it anymore. I'd even been having a hard time being inspired to draw anything... And then I saw that post about Reborn! I thought it was interesting so I decided, what the heck, might as well, right? What was there to lose?

...ALL MY TIME, THAT'S WHAT. I fell so in love with the story, characters (ill admit right now that im really fond of fern ok dont look at me), just everything about Reborn is so appealing to me. It's silly and kinda cheesy I guess but it really motivated me to story-build (for my protagonist, whom I've named Mor), and draw a lot more (i REALLY REALLY wanna get better at drawing scenery because city ruins and trashed buildings are MY THING OK)

and... thats it! I think! I can't really think of anything else to say but thank you for having me. *poses weakly* (i hope i did this right o man)

Edited by Sleppu
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good luck with the drawing your in good company here welcome to the madhouse there are pleanty of creative types here you should fit in well with em and artwork is well recieved here its always nice seeing some new artwork on here :3

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I take it that your avy is your character, Mor? So adorable >< that looks like a really cute drawing style. I also like to draw and use drawings of my OC, Zephyr, as my avy (she's... crazy. Yeah. That's the best way to explain it lol) or I could be wrong and that's actually your own impression of yourself but that doesn't change the fact that it looks adorable omfg. Do you have a DeviantArt, by any chance, or somewhere to post all your work so you can have a portfolio to show if you're planning to make it in as part of a company or as a freelance artist, if that's what you're aiming for. Confidence, for this kind of ambition, is important too-- have faith in yourself and in your works. And that's why a portfolio or a gallery is handy, too, cause when or if ever you begin to doubt yourself as an artist, you could simply look at your past works for a boost in morale c:

By the way, there's also The Radio Tower section! We have a thread for posting other kinds of visual art (so you've got, like, the fan art thread, and a general art thread XD). As an artist or rather a lazy often creativity-blocked person who just draws sometimes myself, I find it refreshing to meet other artists and wish I were as good as they were :c. So... welcome to Reborn! : DD

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Looks like I'm on duty for this one. Rules are on your left, any questions about them ask me. Showdown server is also on your left, we talk and battle there, any questions about that ask me. FAQ is a really hand resource for newcomers. It's pinned in the grand hall, any questions after reading that, feel free to ask me. Seeing a common theme here yet?

But yeah, welcome and know that I'm always here (not literally) to help people out.

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You like Fern then, huh?

Wait until Onyx Trainer School. You'll change your mind then.

But anyways, welcome to the forum, leave your sanity at the doorstep and all that wonderful stuff. ;P Hope you enjoy your time here.

Edited by BreezyPonie
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oh gosh, everyone's really welcoming//// THANK YOU AAAA.... I'm glad I decided to push through how timid I can be HAHA...

and i uh... story-wise, i've gone as far as possible atm... and so, here i am... *flexes weakly* dont worry ill go quietly sit in my trash can and think about my choices, salutes and looks into the distance (i am in no way excusing him though oh my god fern is the WORST--)

AND JUST....AAA... THANK YOU EVERYONE AGAIN//// i dont know what else to say other than constant thanks HAH OK IM DONE I PROMISE.. thnk

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  • Administrators

Hey there! I see your art on tumblr quite a bit, and a lot of it is fairly impressive. I'm glad you decided to join up here!

There's not much I can say that the others haven't already, but I'll continue looking forward to your work in the future. Welcome!

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Welcome! Your art puts out a vibe similar to AtokNiiro's <3
Anyway, my second senpai, Atok, and I conveniently share musical tastes. Additionally, you need the confidence boost, so here's a two-in-one deal. Enjoy your time here!

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