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[IC] ANKL, Chapter I: Remembering to Forget


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"Welcome to your orientation, girls." The blonde-haired young woman at the front of the classroom said cheerfully, "You may refer to me as Miss Katherine, I'll be the teacher you'll be spending most of your time with this year at the Opium Institution."
She looked down at a list in her hand, then back up to the group of girls seated haphazardly across the floor.
"We will begin with roll call, then the selection of partners, and then have declarations for any second-years who failed to declare at the end of the previous school year or over the break." Without pausing she shot immediately into the names, "Aislin, Lexi. Aker, Sharp. Alexi, Calliope."
Lexi jumped, forgetting she was first, "Here!" She called out quickly.
She let the roll call fade out of her mind once Miss Katherine was through all three girls who's last name was Alexi. She turned her head around, scanning the room and catching a glare from Natalie Opium. Lexi hadn't even been at the school a day, but that was all it had taken for her to doll out a pair of practical jokes. Unfortunately, one of those had landed her on the bad side of the leader of the local mean girls ring, which had unsurprisingly taken less than an hour after arrivals to form. In fact, Lexi wouldn't be surprised if most of the group had been preplanned. She'd have to be careful, they'd probably start camping the bathrooms within an hour after orientation. Lexi wasn't too worried though, she had a plan to get the bathrooms freed up two days earlier than usual. Of course she always had some plan like that, usually she ended up just staying quiet and pretending to not need to pee until things blew over.

Finally tugging her mind off the bathroom and back into reality, Lexi turned to her best friend, Riley Callan.
"Psst, Riley." She said, poking the navy blue-haired girl, "What have you heard about me?"
Riley was the master of gossip, she knew any rumor and every rumor there was to know about just about anyone in the school. Or at least she would once she'd been there a couple days. But she still ought to know what rumors Natty McRichRich was spreading.
Riley rolled her eyes, "Just as much as I did when you asked ten minutes ago. You're just the brat who switch Natalie's lipstick with glue. Give the rumors some time to spread."
"But I don't want them to spread." Lexi replied indignantly.
"Well sorry sis, but rumors spread like rabbits."
Riley called Lexi sis because the two may as well have been twins. Their mothers were best friends from third stage school, and the two of them had been born within a couple hours of each other (Riley was older). They grew up seeing each other nearly every day, and had gotten into more than a few sisterly tussles across the years. Still, they kept each other's backs and there was no doubt in Lexi's mind who her partner for the year would be.

"Zenith, Eleanor." Miss Katherine rang out, dictating the end of roll call.
She held off continuing for just a moment, giving Eleanor time to yell out a timid "here" and everyone else a chance to look around.
"Alright, now for partners. I have a bit of a twist this year. We won't actually be choosing partners at orientation, instead I'll be giving you until tomorrow morning's lessons to choose a partner. We'll declare our partners officially tomorrow. There's one rule though: Your partner has to be at least six months older or younger than you."
Lexi's jaw dropped in shock. That meant she couldn't partner with Riley. But she'd always partnered with Riley. She looked around frantically, she didn't know what to do now. She wasn't an outgoing person, she only had the one friend. She looked at Riley, her eyes wide with surprise and fear.
"Oh cut the drama, sis." Riley said, rolling her eyes once more, "You'll be fine, just hang around and talk to people, they'd all have to be crazy to not pick you as their partner."

"Now, I can see we have two second-years who have yet to declare." Miss Katherine said, snapping Lexi back to attention, "Lilith and Sharp, please come forward."
Two girls strode forward. One was a small girl with jet-black hair and piercing yellow eyes, and who's clothing was probably barely within the dress code. Lexi couldn't decide whether she was cute, creepy, or just needed to put a shirt on. The other was equally small, but somehow seemed larger. Her hair certainly matched her name, it jutted up in a bunch of short dirty blonde spikes. She wore yellow-rimmed glasses over her narrow red eyes and wore a single, long crimson dress with golden dragon-designs on it.
"Well she lives up to her name." Lexi whispered to Riley, who stifled a laugh.
"Sharp, you first, what Line will you be following?" Miss Katherine asked.
"Nayrist." Sharp said calmly.
"A logical choice." Miss Katherine said, giggling slightly at her own joke, "And you Lilith?"
"Laylite." Came the almost sneered reply.
There was a collective gasp across the room. Laylites always declared over winter break, never at the beginning or end of the school year. This practice, among other things, had led some to believe that Laylites were more of a secret cult than a fourth Line, and Lexi couldn't help but note they had a sound argument.
"Well that's, certainly confidence you have there." Miss Katherine said, clearly taken aback.
Lilith did nothing but smile and walk back to her spot on the floor. Lexi couldn't be certain, but she felt like Lilith's confidence was mostly faked, or at least the fact that her black nails were bitten back to what looked like painful lengths and crusted with dried blood seemed to indicate so.

"Alright then, you have another half hour to get to know each other before we head out to lunch." Miss Katherine said, breaking the awkward silence that had formed, "I'll be right here at my desk, so don't try to sneak out on me. And if you need to use the bathroom, I recommend you do so now before some group starts camping them."
The whole room chuckled, and Lexi couldn't help but think she liked her teacher. Though, she wasn't looking forward to partnering with someone new. She nervously tossed her gaze about, wondering if anyone would approach her.

Edited by King Murdoc
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It didn't take long for a pink haired girl to walk over to greet both Lexi and Riley. "Hey there!~ It is my pleasure to introduce myself to the both of you. I am Mary, Mary Alexi. Oh, but don't worry, I don't mean it like 'I will marry a Lexi' or anything, I'm honest about it really just being my name." Mary said as she wore a dorky smile. She quickly spoke up again in a more serious tone. "Now then. I was just wondering if you two were already deciding on being partners. If not then I would like to ask the both of you, if one of you would consider being a partner with me. Even if you both decline, would it be alright if we can be friends? It's always nice to have friends, ya know~" She smiled brightly as she reached the end of what she wanted to say, as she then waited for a response while having both fingers crossed behind her back.

((Her crossing her fingers is showing that she is hoping for something to go through. Not because she is acting like the cake... because the cake is a lie))

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Arturia gazed about the room, quite annoyed with the typical hurricane of students searching for partners. She noted a few girls that she knew in the mess, but most of them were around her age, which counted them out. As she waited for things to settle out a bit, she pondered the one girl - Lilith? She was terrible with names - declaring Laylite. It shouldn't be unusual, yet it was. Maybe she was just doing it for attention, or maybe she had simply made the decision too late. Either way, it didn't really affect her. She might ask the girl about it later, if they happened to run into one another. Arturia continued to look about as she sat at her desk, appearing to be thoroughly disinterested.

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Emberly was actually a slight bit nervous. She was a little overwhelmed from all the goings on in the room. As such she stood in the back of the classroom for awhile. She was sure they would make her choose a partner at some point, which she was thrilled and not thrilled about. While she had worked with people before, and preferred to do so... she really didn't know any of these girls. And Emberly hated getting to know new people. She decided to wait for awhile to calm the slight nerves she had, and more or less access the room. She hoped she would see someone that possessed the dedication and resolve she did, because otherwise, her partner would be eating her dust all year.

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Rein stretched herself over her desk, yawning silently. She noted her fellow Laylite's late declaration with disinterest. It was not her place to question others' personal decision. Also she just could not really bring herself to care.

She pulled a thick novel from her bag - a small pastel green backpack with a prominent sequined red-and-pink heart on the front - and flipped to a bookmarked page, starting to read.

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After Lyre's name was called she let out a light happy "Here". After she was passed she laid back down on her desk. With a small smile she started thinking about lunch or at least the cake she was going to have with it.

"Should I have strawberry cheesecake or a triple layered chocolate fudge cake. Oh I know chocolate strawberry cheesecake. Yeah that would be good. Yay cake for me cake, cake, cake,cake Oh and candy like....." Her train of thought(if you can call it that) was cut of as a mummer sounded in the room. She looked up from to the front of the room where a lightly dressed girl with black nails was standing. Not knowing what happened she blinked blankly as she went back to lying back down on the desk.

Has she started going back to her thoughts she heard that lunch was in thirty minutes."Thirty minutes!!!! Noooo....want cake noooowwww. Why can't we get to know each other over cake it would be much better." She though well everyone started to mill about as she laid on the desk with her cheeks puffed a little.

Edited by rustytengo
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Arya looked up from her work in the sketch pad in her lap, not really sure what to think about the Lillith Girl's unorthodox timing of declaration- it was the girl's own decision what to believe and everything, but something about Laylites had just never really felt quite right to her... not that she'd ever be rude enough(Or maybe better put, dumb enough) to actually say that, but regardless... What drew her attention even more than the anomaly up front was the fact that the scene she had begun to sketch was already beginning to dissolve as the two second years made their way back to their seats.

"Guess I'll just have to do it from memory..." She muttered to herself, The honed Charcoal stick in her hand again beginning to fly across the desolate white space and, laying out the basic structure of the front of the room's interior and slowly building off of it with more details- beginning to compile the sketch up in layers like a cake...

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Arturia noticed a girl hanging about at the back of the room. She was tall -very tall- and appeared to be one of the older students. Come to think of it, she was pretty sure she had heard something about his particular girl before. . . but Arturia couldn't quite place it. Either way, she was going to need a partner. She stood up from her desk, making sure to take her things with her, and moved toward the back of the room. She gave a short wave before asking the fiery-haired girl a question. "Have a partner yet?"

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Emberly was taken aback ever so slightly. She wasn't all that used to people just walking up to her... mostly because well... She was ungodly amounts of tall. Most people were a bit intimidated by just how large she was and tended to stay away a bit. She didn't mind it, in fact she actually kind of enjoyed the stares she got without having to do anything for them. She was interesting to people, just be being there. However, she had some one talking to her. It would probably be polite to answer the girl's question at the very least. "Nope. I assume you are asking because you don't have one either?" Emberly said.

((I am not actually sure if I want her to go by Emberly, or her nickname Drake in this. I am mostly going with Emberly right now to keep it clear in my mind space since this version of her is a bit different. But, if I randomly shift gears and just start using Drake, I am sorry ahead of time lol.))

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Karrin was too nervous. She hated that. Always having to dread first impressions. When her name came around for roe call she may as well have jumped out of her seat as she yipped a quick, unintelligible response then promptly headbutted her desk in shame.

When it was revealed they had to find their own partners, Karrin hissed her displeasure. Today was not working out well. Regardless, she had to do something, so she got up and looked around. She spotted a girl who looked to be younger than herself reading a pretty thick novel. Karrin walked up, paying serious attention to her surroundings so she wouldn't end up planting a kiss on the floor and made her way over. "Hi, I'm Karrin, er Karrin Waite. You must be really smart to read that book!" Karrin blurted out. i'm bludering far too much

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Rein ignored the girl - Karrin, she called herself - who materialised next to her, finishing the page she was currently on.

She glanced up at the girl, taking in her appearance. Tall. Definitely older. Blonde hair that covered a vivid pink eye. She held eye contact for several seconds.

Karrin's attempt at flattery and starting a conversation struck Rein as slightly juvenile, but it would have been too much effort to comment on it.

Rein stared at the girl for a while more, then spoke in a soft tone: "Rein."

Then she turned the page and continued reading.

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Karrin stood there awkwardly, as one would when an introduction only gets a one word response.. She assumed Rein was her name...? Karrin looked at the younger girl, vivid green eyes evidently more focused on whatever was happening in the novel than in the classroom. Karrin started to feel a little bit hurt, sure, she wasn't too sociable but she at least had the courtesy to try and continue a conversation...

"Well, Hi Rein, what're you, uh, reading that's so interesting?" there was a bit of a bumbling cadence to her words as Karrin forced the words out. Calm down dammit

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Rein glanced to her side. Karrin was still there, and still trying to start a conversation. Rein began to feel a tad bit irritated by the interruptions.

Without glancing away from the book, she quietly replied, "Fairy tale."

She was about to resume reading, then thought of something.

She raised her eyes to Karrin's and added a request:

"Reading. Quiet."

She then turned back to the book. She was on the last two chapters, and she was determined to finish the book within the hour.

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Karrin was definitely approaching the point of miffed. "You know, we're supposed to be talking, conversing, all of that? Reading is not on the to-do list." Karrin now had her arms crossed and her brow furrowed. "Also, if you want quiet, you can ask nicely"

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Taken completely off guard, the kick connected with Karrin. She reeled back, losing her balance and falling to the floor, her head glancing off a desks corner as her breath rushed out in a forced exhalation. Dazed and hurt, Karrin lay on her back cursing vaguely until she regained her senses. "Shit you pack a hell of a kick" Karrin would have retaliated but she was incredibly dizzy, barely able to sit up.

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The table jolted slightly as she was putting the finishing touches on the charcoal black scene. Arya looked over just in time to see an older-looking graze her head against the corner of the wood as she fell backwards.

"Oh my, are you alright?" She said, genuine concern on her face as she got out of her seat and offering her a hand- thinking she must've somehow tripped... "What happened? Your head..." She gave a few quick glances to see if there were any visible bumps...

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Karrin shook her head in he hopes of clearing it, only to feel dizzier. "Did you not see little miss bookworm kick me down? Thanks for the concern though, I'm fine. I think..." Karrin took deep breaths before trying to stand up, using the table to stand up until she was sure she was fine. "Mmmk then. You don't want to be bothered. Let's bother you then" And Karrin made a lunge for Reins book, a mischievous little smile on her face.

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Arya only sighed and shook her head as the other girl got to her feet and lunged off. Well, at least that proves she doesn't have a concussion or anything... Still, she had a gut feeling this wouldn't end well- at least not for the blonde haired girl, that is, if the other one could give kick like that... which gave her an idea; she was done sketching the introduction seen from upfront earlier... so Why_not try another scene capture and draw this one? Practice made perfect, after-all.

Without a word she flipped the page in her drawing pad and took up the charcoal stick again, turning her chair slightly to be able to watch the still life unfold... though she couldn't help but feel a bit guilty just standing by and watching something that would likely escalate into a fight...

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(OOC: If you haven't made your intro yet, you still have time. I'll be letting another round of posts go by before we head to lunch. Of course you can always make your intro there)


Lexi blinked in surprise at Mary. Why would she even say something like that about her name? It was really, really weird and Lexi felt her face redden. Luckily for her, Riley took the reins of the conversation.

"We can't partner, we're too close together in age." She said calmly, "And I'd rather avoid just jumping into a partnership without knowing you first, after all we're stuck with our partners all year. But you're certainly allowed to hang around with us for the day. Maybe after we get to know you one of us will want to be your partner."

Lexi nodded her assent, though she was still too uncomfortable to reply with words.


Natalie stood in the back, watching. She already knew whom her partner was going to be, and now she saw the perfect opportunity to introduce herself. She strode forward to where her partner had just kicked over another girl. Said other girl suddenly lunged up towards Natalie's future partner. In response to this, Natalie extended her leg into the other girl's path, sending her back to the ground.
"You shall be my partner, Miss Revynjahlsmyrl." She said, the name flowing off her tongue with ease.

It hadn't been a hard choice, Rein was clearly everything she needed in her partner. Which was to say, violent. As she had just demonstrated, Rein often resorted to violence as her first response to just about anything. And it wasn't as though the relationship would be one-sided, Rein wouldn't get very far with that attitude. Natalie had already seen the teacher start to respond to her display, she had likely only avoided doing so because she saw Natalie approach and wished to keep her job. Rein needed someone to keep her from getting in trouble, and Natalie needed someone to clean up trouble. It was perfect.

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Again, Karrin was on the floor. This time though, she got up much faster. This time she was pissed. "What the fuck do you think you're doing? It's one thing for her to kick me, it's another for a fucking stranger to kick me." Karrin marched up to Natalie, getting right in her face, her pink eye clearly showing her anger. "Do you want to go again, without the cheap shots?" She questioned with an obvious tone of menace despite knowing she'd get in trouble. Like hell would Karrin let this stand

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Natalie found herself interrupted. She glanced at Miss Katherine, who gave her a glare but said nothing. Good, no interference from there.
"Stranger? Oh dear, it seems you didn't recognize me." Natalie said, twirling her finger in her cherry red hair as a warning.

She stepped forward, looking the other girl directly in the eyes, as well as positioning herself for her next move.

"In case the hair didn't give it away." She snarled, "I'm Natalie Opium, my mom owns this school, you really shouldn't be messing with me."

She then spun around swiftly, bringing the leg that she'd placed beside the girl back towards herself, and slipping the other girl's legs forward and up as she did so.

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Vivienne, somewhat annoyed that her calm mood was interrupted by such vile language, stood up and walked over to the scene.

"Natalie, come on. This is so far beneath your level. Kicking people is so NOT okay."

Vivenne's frown soon transformed into a smile.
"Aaanyways, I'm Vivenne. It's so great to meet you!"

Edited by Sevonic
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Again, Karrin found herself falling towards the floor. This time, she thought she may as well not be alone. As she fell, she grabbed onto Natalie and used her body-weight to drag the girl along with her. a small grunt of pain came after hitting the floor then Karrin continued to speak. "I don't care if you're mom's the owner of this school, if you kick someone without good reason, you're gonna fucking pay for it" she said as she scrambled back to her feet.

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Vivienne, realizing her efforts were in vain, walked over to her desk to mope around like an idiot.

"Y-you guys have fun with that. I'll just...sit right here."

She realized she didn't have a partner and sighed. Normally, she would seek someone out, but she certainly wasn't in the right mood to be friendly. In fact, she really wanted to shank Natalie in the throat for being a complete and total bitch to everyone, but she knew the best solution was to be kind and let this go.

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