Commander Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 Nina was rather shocked at how quickly someone reacted to a freakout and pulled her away from the table. At first, she was speechless only following the girl seeing as she had little choice. She did take a moment to say something to the nice girl. "Thanks for your help, but I doubt I'm going to find one. Even if I did, there's they probably won't like me." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sevonic Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 "Hey, don't say that. You're totally partner worthy." Vivienne gave the girl a concerned look and put her arm around her to reassure her. "Why wouldn't they like you? You seem really cool." Urk. This is really getting to me. I'm honestly not sure if Arya and I would work because of the age thing, and this girl is really lonely and I can't just leave her like this. She wanted to open her mouth up again. but she remained quiet. Once again, she smiled, hoping Nina would feel better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 Not really knowing how to respond to the girl's flightiness, Arturia simply dug into her meal once again. She wanted to get it down before it got cold; cold mashed potatoes just weren't the same. This place is. . . interesting. Yes, that's what we'll say. Interesting. She ate quietly for a bit, then heaved a sigh when she was almost done. She noticed the rather neglected tray left on the table by none other than the green-haired girl. "It's almost as if you're trying to piss me off," Arturia thought aloud. Glancing toward Emberly, she spoke again, this time with an actual question. "What was her name, anyway?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 "The ditzy one with the possible rage issue? Nooooot too sure. Think it was Vivienne or... something like that. Not good with names, I am better at recognizing attitudes and faces. They stick with me more." Emberly said while shoving some food in her mouth. "Any particular reason you wanted to know? You two.... didn't really get off on a good foot." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code: PIRULUK Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 After close to ten minutes of uninterrupted staring, Natalie was still not looking Rein's way. Rein, slightly annoyed, decided to forsake that particular endeavour. As she scanned the room anew, she spotted Lilith - the young girl who had declared as Laylite late - sitting alone at a table in the corner of the hall. Deciding that Natalie would come find her later if necessary, Rein strode over to Lilith's table, sitting herself down across from Lilith. Without a word, she began tearing into her now-cold mashed potatoes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamitako Posted February 18, 2015 Author Share Posted February 18, 2015 On 2/17/2015 at 3:32 AM, RubyHeart said: Mary stared at Sharp as she sat down and started to talk with Lexi and Riley. There was something about her a bit more eye catching. Perhaps it was her amazing red eyes that Mary was a little jealous of, or just her Sharp hair. Though she was yet another stranger to Mary, it made her happy that another girl wanted to hang out with her and the two others. "Hey thar Sharp~ As Lexi said earlier my name is Mary, Mary Alexi~ And I have to agree with Riley, your eyes are very pretty, and that's not just because red is one of my favorite colours~ But hey, I'm glad you can join us here. The more the kin-- merrier after all!" Mary's face lit up in joy as she was speaking, she loves to meet new people, though she tries to be very careful about the things she says since she has a habit of speaking without thinking most of the time. To ease her own awkwardness of what she was about to say, she turned to Lexi to continue. "Right Lexi? It is always much fun to have people sit with us~" Though this was only her first day speaking with these people, she spoke as though she knew them for a while. After realizing this she thought to herself, "is it really okay for me to act so familiar with these three... We only just met.. and I think I'm starting to weird them out a tad bit. Oh well, I suppose it can't be helped..." Lexi "Yeah, um, sure, much fun." Lexi said, feeling slightly uncomfortable being dragged back into the conversation. Mary seemed nice enough, the kind of person Lexi would get along with under the right circumstances. But these didn't really feel like the right circumstances. Lexi was just too uncomfortable at OI, she wasn't in the mental state for dealing with Mary's excitement. "I think, I think I need to use the bathroom." She said, grabbing her bags and rushing off before anyone could protest. Riley "I'll go after her." Sharp said almost instantly once Lexi was gone. Riley couldn't help but feel like that was her fault for being weird with the whole "eye" comment and scaring her off. She watched Sharp and her long red dress fade into the crowd. "So... Mary." She said awkwardly, "Looks like it's just you and me. What do you do for fun?" Riley couldn't help but feel sheepish for her lame attempt at making conversation, and she visibly fidgeted in her seat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 "Wanted a name to the face. It sounds pretty stupid to go around saying 'that one chick with the green hair,' and I guarantee that she will come up in conversation." Arturia stood, having finished her meal. "Lovely. I get to clean up after people, too." Scooping up the abandoned tray and stacking it on hers, she walked toward where people seemed to be dropping them off. After doing so herself, she quickly made her way back to the table. "Yknow, I don't mind being nice, but I hate it when people assume I'll do things just because. Especially if they haven't exactly endeared themselves to me." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 "Well, just be 6 Feet Tall, then they will be pissing their pants anytime you get near them. Works for me." Emberly said giggling. "But, sure I know what you mean. That girl... she doesn't think much before she does things. I mean, I am to be no judge, I don't exactly think through stuff all that much either. However, I do at least a little bit." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rustytengo Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 Lyre blinked with surprise as the green haired girl who just offered to sit with just left "Kayyy she's flightyer then me. So where to sit then hmm?" She thought as she looked around the room again. She smiled a little as she saw the black haired girl she asked questions to earlier sitting by herself, but the smile left as she saw another girl go and sit with her "Not there they will probably start talking soon." She thought as she looked around once again. Blinking a few times as she noticed that people where pairing up her usual smile faded from her face "I really don't have anyone do I?" she thought as she found a sit alone and started picking at her food tears forming in her eyes. "No need to stay happy people don't like you when your sad." she said to herself as she tried to wipe the tears from her eyes before they started falling. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted February 18, 2015 Support Squad Share Posted February 18, 2015 Karrin had sat down and blanked for a little while. Too many people in too little time. It wasn't until the girl next to her had a small breakdown that was quickly solved by the other incredibly annoying girl. Why was she annoying? Because Karrin couldn't in any way shape of form see reason or thought behind any of her actions. She was far too similar to Karrin in one of her moods... None of that stopped her from vaguely saying to no one. "Why do we need partners anyway? Finding a partner's gonna be a bitch" It was then that Karrin shook her head and actually tried paying attention to the conversations around her Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 "Forget it," Arya thought. It was pointless, at this point she obviously wasn't going to find them it seemed- Hell, she had even lost complete of the time anyway. "But watch, just because I can't spot them doesn't mean they aren't here somewhere..." Her food had long since gone cold during the 'game'- which didn't bother her given she didn't much intend to actually eat in the first place. She gave a glance around the room once more, curious as to what everyone else might be doing... when her eyes fell upon a girl sitting alone like herself at a table not so far off with dark blue hair- and Arya could tell with just a lingering stare something was kicking her. Without a word she got up and dumped her food in the trash receptical, depositing her tray before moving over to the area, taking a seat across from the other girl. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked in genuine kindness, seeing her emotional state close up now... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 "What about that one girl that just left? Nina, or whatever," she suggested in response to Karrin's comment. "She seemed pretty intent on finding someone before she was interrupted." Arturia was trying to maintain a pleasant expression, but the day was already exhausting- and lunch wasn't even over yet. Plus, she, as usual, was running on minimal sleep. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted February 18, 2015 Support Squad Share Posted February 18, 2015 Karrin smiled and nodded, grateful for the advice. "That" she started "Is a good idea. But before I hunt her down, what's your name? I'm Karrin Waite, also known as "The strange girl"" Karrin introduced herself. She figured this girl already had a partner, but it's not like that was the only thing to ever consider period. Friends are nice. I think Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 "Arturia Eberhardt. Good to meet you." Karrin looked happy enough, which was nice. Having finished her meal, she pulled out a hefty-looking book from her backpack and began reading quietly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted February 18, 2015 Support Squad Share Posted February 18, 2015 Karrin, having finished her small meal, got up and looked around the room for the girl called Nina. When Karrin spotted her, she got up and hopped over. "Hiya, i'm Karrin. I'm 16 and haven't got a partner. In, out, or are you still shaking all about?" Karrin blurted out, forcing herself to ignore the possibility of being turned down. This time i'll be confident and NOT get kicked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 Well this is a little awkward. Nina wasn't sure what to say after hearing Vivienne's words. While it did help, her worries still overcame those words of encouragement. She about to say something when another girl came up asking about being partners. She froze for a moment trying hard until she finally responded with a quick, "Yes, I'd like being partners with you." Suddenly, Nina turned to the girl who was helping her before now bursting with excitement. "Can you believe it? Someone wants to be partners with me. I'm so happy I just could hug someone right now." She didn't even give anyone a chance to react when she tightly embraced Vivienne with her arms. Perhaps a bit too tightly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RubyHeart Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 (edited) Mary became a little bewildered as Lexi ran off to the washroom. "Did she really have to go that badly?" Mary's attention was turned to Riley as she asked a fun question. Mary sat still for a short while, at least a minute or two, as she pondered about what she actually likes to do for fun. "For fun? Well other than having fun for fun, I like to hang around people and talk with them. Yeah, I like to talk to people because it is fun. I also do other stuff like board games and puzzles. Not always jigsaw puzzles though, most of the time I do mind puzzles and such but I almost never finish them, it's just something to do to pass the time" Mary responded while flailing her hand all over the place. She never really did do too much for fun, it was never something that she thought about before. "What about you Riley? What do you do for fun, oh, and how long have you known Lexi?" "Might as well make the best of the time being alone with her. I guess this means that she really does wanna be friends with me... Oh this is perfect, new friends on the first day at this school!~" Mary was a little lost in thought after her own little ramble, at least until Riley were to speak to her again. Edited February 18, 2015 by RubyHeart Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 "You know, it is kinda interesting how people keep forgetting I am sitting here and that I have said all of this before." Emberly said aloud. It was one of her thoughts that just slipped out. She did that from time to time, where she jsut couldn't help but blurt out what was on her mind. "It was nice meeting you though Karrin, hopefully the next time you try to get a partner... well... that doesn't happen." She said clearly referring to what happened this morning. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sevonic Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 (edited) Vivienne hugged back and smiled, but she was a little disappointed. "Alright, well, I'll be heading back now." She waved and walked towards an empty table and sat down. Well, I don't have a partner. She glanced over to where Arya had sat herself down. I guess I'll be partnerless, if that's okay with Miss Katherine. Viv shrugged. Okay, she was going to be alone. Whatever, no biggie. After all, she simply ran off without telling Arya. Not partnerworthy, right? Edited February 18, 2015 by Sevonic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 Arturia looked up from her book. "Yeah, you're kinda hard to miss." She sighed and returned to her book, not really feeling the need to carry on a conversation. It was going to take her th rest of the week to get through the chapter, at this rate. . . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rustytengo Posted February 19, 2015 Share Posted February 19, 2015 Lyre looked up at the black haired girl who talked to her well still trying to wipe the tears out of her eyes. "n..nothings wrong ju..just got some in my eyes." She said doing her best to sound happy. "Snap out of it Lyre. People won't like you if you get sad." She thought as she did her best to put on her usual blank smile "My name's Lyre Cross whats yours?" She said cocking her head a little to the side smiling with tears still on her closed eyes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted February 19, 2015 Share Posted February 19, 2015 Arya couldn't help but be a bit skeptical it was 'nothing', but... no point in directly pressing the matter. I'll just flank around and nudge things back to it later. "Arya," She said. "Arya Wraith- kind of a weird last name, yeah...I know..." She paused, glancing over at the table she'd just left as Vivienne sat down in the distance. She honestly couldn't tell what was going on between them partner wise- but she'd assumed since the green haired girl had simply rushed off immediately after they'd gotten in here... Actually maybe this can work out... She turned her attention back to Lyre. If I can find someone else for her to partner with instead of me...I won't have to deal with all the flightiness I've seen... There was a bit of guilt for the thought of simply pawning off the girl on someone else to handle, but Arya... simply was not fond of the way Vivi had been consistently acting since they'd met; and it was better to handle it this way instead of just powering forward and letting more slip ups like in the hallway happen down the line. "They'll probably get alot worse the more and more irked I get..." She mentally sighed to herself, her facial expression sinking from it's concerned cheerfulness for just a moment. "I don't want to be shallow or anything... but it's better to just end this here and only hurt her feelings a bit now than to let it go on and end up with me accidentally saying something and hurting them alot more later on." "Hey, Lyre," She began in a naturally friendly tone. "Do you have a partner yet?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sevonic Posted February 19, 2015 Share Posted February 19, 2015 Vivienne let out a sad sigh and stood up. She glanced over in the direction Arturia was walking. "Maybe we could...come to some sort of- No. She probably hates me now. EVERYONE probably hates me now. Damn, why do I always fuck things up?" She put her hands on the table and started fidgetting. "Well, fuck. Arya probably hates me because of this. I shouldn't' have ran off like that." Whatever. Again, she could always be...partnerless. Screw the rules, she has green hair. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted February 19, 2015 Share Posted February 19, 2015 "Uhh...what just happened?" Nina was shocked how quickly the girl disappeared. One minute she was holding hands, next she'd completely vanished into thin air. Actually, where did everybody go. She looked around for a minute, but couldn't see anybody. Somehow she missed her partner who was standing right behind her. It seemed like the only two people nearby were a girl reading a book and another girl silently eating. "Should I go talk to them? They seem rather quiet." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted February 19, 2015 Support Squad Share Posted February 19, 2015 Karrin was kinda hurt that her new "Partner" had evidently forgotten her existence, but she didn't let it bother her. Much. "We could, or we could go explore the school while we get to know each other~ Now c'mon!" Karrin suggested. It was a rather forceful suggestion as she grabbed Ninas hand and practically started yanking the girl out the door to have a look around. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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