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You know who I want to be the Champion?


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If the champion is going to follow the same formula as the rest of Reborn, I'd imagine the last fight is going to be an epic one. One of those fighting-over-an-active-volcano types. I don't think the champ-in-the-making guy would have a good mass appeal.

There's been minimal, if any, mention of a champion in the Reborn region. Members of the Elite Four have an active role in the story thus far, but never a mention of a champion. Is it possible that the champion is shrouded in secrecy, even to the Elite Four?

There's actually one mention of the champion in the game so far (if I remember correctly). In a house in the North Obsidia Ward (the Reborn Geography Club or something) one man says that a certain region is where the campion resides, so I think we can be pretty sure there is one. The trickier question, of course, is who it is. In my humble vision, there are a few possibilities:

Fern: he's a possibility, but I think a very unlikely one, just because of the whole Gary/Blue plottwist in RBY.

Lin: also, I think Lin's quite unlikely to be the champion, because it'd make a little too much sense with her (supposedly) being the main antagonist and all.. Although I'd love to see her as the champion, just because she's basically one of the most badass characters we have up until this point. ----Saphira: who are you? Lin: ...your end. *eliminates a level 75 mountain-sized Steelix in 1 blow*

Anna: actuallly, I can very well see Anna being the champion, and the main hint for that is the scene in Sigmund's ''orphanage'' when Anna's telling the player about Charlotte and Noel being gym leaders, and before Noel can say anything about what she is, she cuts him off. Why is that? Because she doesn't want us to know she's the champion? Maybe she's embarassed that Sigmund was able to take her pokemon. It would explain why the champion hasn't interfered in TM's business as well, as she's locked in the orphanage. There's one issue I have with this, though, and that is the fact that Anna seems waaay too young to be the champion. But then again, Noel and Shelly are both pretty powerful gym leaders, so I guess nothing's impossible.

Solaris: following laggless01's theory, this might not even be that far-fetched

The champion works for team Meteor. Even if undercover (but why would you if you can obliterate everyone on your path?), this would make a great deal, for some even perfect, sense. But the thing is: if you're such a big threat, why didn't he/she/xe annihilate you when you had the chance? Choice: the champion works undercover, or he already tried, but failed. In the latter case, it's very likely it is Solaris, and he is now subjugated by Lin, which would explain his discomfort with the current path the Meteors follow.

This would also explain why the champion hasn't done anything, and would explain why he's the second-in-command of Team Meteor, just under Lin. Sirius says: ''even Solaris answers to her!'' which makes it clear that it's very special that someone as powerful as Solaris answers to someone, maybe that is because he's the champion. Bun then a question would arise: is he working for her because of his own ideals, or because he was forced to? Although it'd make sense Lin is powerful enough to beat the champion.

???: maybe the most reliable option. The champion could be someone we haven't met yet. I mean, this isn't even unlikely. There are 5 more episodes coming out, another 3rd of the whole map we haven't even been to yet, and (I'm sure) lots of characters we still have to meet. It could very well be the case the champion will only reveal himself when we've beaten the E4, but the possibility of that being one of the characters introduced in episode 15-19 is certainly there. Or it could be someone we won't meet the whole game, but is just there at the end of the league. If the latter's the case, I do hope that it ties in with the story, and isn't one of those out-of-nowhere final bosses. But I'm sure Ame will find a way to not let that happen :D

Either way, I don't think that characters like the Gym guide or the Ringmaster's dad are going to be the champion. They just don't have enough relevance to the story at all. But I'm sure that whoever it may be, Ame will make sure it's going to be an awesome finale!

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currently, the only thing im (almost) certain of is that lin is the champion OR she's at least connected to the league. why? because on the reborn city map (the drawn one that is on the pr page) there are giant dragon statues on the victory road entrance. and... IDK, lin... dragons... and dragons are cool K.

and so is lin.

Where is this drawn map thou speaks of?

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I would like to throw in my own interesting theory. Something that several other people have suggested now is that we may have not encountered the champion. However, of course we don't know who the heck that would be because we haven't met them. Well... mostly. Ame being Ame, she tends to leave little gifts for those who are thorough enough to obtain them (Beldum, anyone?). I'd like to draw you attentions to a small post which has been over looked so far in this discussion. The "Favorite Character" thread on this very forum. Ame wrote, and I quote, "However my hands-down favorite character is Fer-- oops, that game's not a thing yet, nevermind~" (my apologies for not doing an actual quote. I'm on mobile in the middle of class atm). She also later wrote on the same thread, "oh dear god i wasnt even thinking about that, i promise it is not fern or anyone remotely like him." This leads me to believe that the mysterious Fer- character is honest, straightforward, unwavering, and gentle as those traits are the inverses of Fern's own.For a character to become the game creator's favorite and be that developed, this mysterious Fer- simply must have a decently large role and has also been yet to be unveiled. Based on what we know of the game, there are only a few of these roles remaining. The most prominent and obvious one is, of course, the champion.

Of course, I could just be connecting the dots of two different drawings, but hey, a little speculation never hurt anything, right (well except McCarthyism, but that's another story)? I do realize that she wrote "that game's not a thing yet, nevermind~" but she still wrote it on the forum thread relating to listing one's favorite characters in the Reborn game itself. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my speculation. Feel free to pump it full of lead, if you so choose. It's all up to you, but regardless, I would personally investigate Ame's posts around the site to see if there are any potential dark secrets to bring to light.

Or just watch as Ame reads this then edits out all potential spoilers out of her posts.

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I'd like to draw you attentions to a small post which has been over looked so far in this discussion. The "Favorite Character" thread on this very forum. Ame wrote, and I quote, "However my hands-down favorite character is Fer-- oops, that game's not a thing yet, nevermind~"

That (probably) is a character that we'll see in her future game

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My guess is that the champion is one of the remaining online Reborn league leaders that haven't been used as in game gym leaders or for the E4. This leaves: Cain, Fern, Victoria, Anna, Lin, Heather, Sigmund, Gossip Gardevoir and Arclight (please tell me, if I missed a leader!). If we eliminate the possible candidates for the E4 (Anna and Heather), and the rivals (Cain, Fern and Victoria), we are left with 4 possibilities. In my opinion Sigmund and Arclight are less likely due to already having prominent roles in the story (orphanage and club). So it's either Lin or Gossip Gardevoir (please let it be the latter!!!).

However, the champion might also be a new character, which we haven't seen yet.

EDIT: Forgot about Blake... He just doesn't seem likely as the champion imo

Edited by Farnsworth
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My guess is that the champion is one of the remaining online Reborn league leaders that haven't been used as in game gym leaders or for the E4. This leaves: Cain, Fern, Victoria, Anna, Lin, Heather, Sigmund, Gossip Gardevoir and Arclight (please tell me, if I missed a leader!). If we eliminate the possible candidates for the E4 (Anna and Heather), and the rivals (Cain, Fern and Victoria), we are left with 4 possibilities. In my opinion Sigmund and Arclight are less likely due to already having prominent roles in the story (orphanage and club). So it's either Lin or Gossip Gardevoir (please let it be the latter!!!).

However, the champion might also be a new character, which we haven't seen yet.

EDIT: Forgot about Blake... He just doesn't seem likely as the champion imo

Well we already beat Blake, it would be kind of weird to have beaten the Champion before, right? Using your deduction system that would make it Arclight, Anna, Lin, Heather and Gossip Gardevoir.

GG seems wierd, as well, she's a Pokemon and we've already beaten her.

Arclight has a story line? I've only met him once at the club, never seen him after that, still waiting for him in 7th Street.

Heather, being raised very restricted by Corey seems like a weird plothole to me (sure, she has a Salamence and ability to Fly, yet she officially wasn't able to beat Corey's Crobat(Champ level Salamence should be able to 1hko a level 30 Crobat. Actually any Salamence should, since it evolves at level 50, c'mon). When, between being constantly watched by Corey, getting stuck in the Orphanage, and getting "adopted"(locked up) by Blake would she have time to become the Champion?

Anna and Lin still make the most popular options, but I'm honestly hoping for a complete plottwist later on that no one sees coming.

Btw How's Laura doing? Where'd she go? And I think her ass just got done replaced by Bennett, but also just speculating...

Thanks!! That is one awesome map.

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Lin: also, I think Lin's quite unlikely to be the champion, because it'd make a little too much sense with her (supposedly) being the main antagonist and all.. Although I'd love to see her as the champion, just because she's basically one of the most badass characters we have up until this point. ----Saphira: who are you? Lin: ...your end. *eliminates a level 75 mountain-sized Steelix in 1 blow*

Lin's unbridled power is paralelled by none, that much I can agree with. The only thing that I can say is that she's recognized. When you're in the Abra PULSE room, where you first meet Lin, Dr. Connoly is certain he's seen her somewhere before, though Lin dismisses the thought of them meeting before that very moment. This can mean a variety of things: Lin's being subjugated by some power-that-be, and her raw power as the Champion is seen as a means to an end. We've seen her Hydreigon, so we don't know if she has any particular typing for her team. This could also mean Lin was subject to Dr. Connoly's experiments prior to her mind being purged of weakness, and experiments that were performed on her were wiped from her memory.

Since it was Saphira that saw Lin, and not Laura, this theory can only be supported whether or not the Elite Four (and the Champion) have a limited correspondence with Gym leaders, which is unlikely. It's no secret who the Elite Four are, but the Champion hasn't played any crucial role in the story to date.

Btw How's Laura doing? Where'd she go? And I think her ass just got done replaced by Bennett, but also just speculating...

It's likely that Bennett was inducted into the Elite Four thanks to the help of Elias, yes.

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It would be kind of weird to have beaten the Champion before, right?

Ahem! Gary Oak! Steven Stone!

The champion could be weakened, attacked or abducted by the meteors, corrupted and joined them, losing their memory, or blacked out by an attack from wild pokemon, as they were trying to grind up new pokemon to use. They could even be fighting and destroying PULSE we never interracted with, like that Magneton, and working solo. They might even be on a quest to repopulate the area or interrogate meteors to find out more about their plans.

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Lin's unbridled power is paralelled by none, that much I can agree with. The only thing that I can say is that she's recognized. When you're in the Abra PULSE room, where you first meet Lin, Dr. Connoly is certain he's seen her somewhere before, though Lin dismisses the thought of them meeting before that very moment. This can mean a variety of things: Lin's being subjugated by some power-that-be, and her raw power as the Champion is seen as a means to an end. We've seen her Hydreigon, so we don't know if she has any particular typing for her team. This could also mean Lin was subject to Dr. Connoly's experiments prior to her mind being purged of weakness, and experiments that were performed on her were wiped from her memory.

Since it was Saphira that saw Lin, and not Laura, this theory can only be supported whether or not the Elite Four (and the Champion) have a limited correspondence with Gym leaders, which is unlikely. It's no secret who the Elite Four are, but the Champion hasn't played any crucial role in the story to date.

On the subject of Dr. Connal recognizing Lin, there are two possibilities that came into my head when I saw that scene.

1: Lin was/is some important or known figure in the Reborn region, hence why Sigmund thinks he's seen her before. This could be a hint about her being the champion, or I could be totally wrong and it means something else or even nothing.

2: Lin was in his care when she was younger. This was the first thing I thought of, but idk, it'd seem a bit weird if she was under his supervision until her 18th, but now not being remembered fully by the doctor.

And yeah, I kinda didn't think about that, but it'd be odd as well if Saphira didn't recognize the champion of the region, but maybe it's indeed only the E4 who know who the champion is.

Looking back on the whole thing, does anyone know if it's a fact that the gym leaders haven't got a clue as to the identity of the champ?

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Ahem! Gary Oak! Steven Stone!

The champion could be weakened, attacked or abducted by the meteors, corrupted and joined them, losing their memory, or blacked out by an attack from wild pokemon, as they were trying to grind up new pokemon to use. They could even be fighting and destroying PULSE we never interracted with, like that Magneton, and working solo. They might even be on a quest to repopulate the area or interrogate meteors to find out more about their plans.

You make a valid point, sir, one cookie for you.

Althought I hereby revoke your cookie as the first Pulse Eve built back in Ametrine was only meant to heal her sister, no evil deeds, and I'm pretty sure almost no one knew about it. Why would the Champ stop that?

Looking back on the whole thing, does anyone know if it's a fact that the gym leaders haven't got a clue as to the identity of the champ?

I do believe there has been absolutely zero mention of there being a champion in the story except for the Gym Guide.

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I'm going to be pissed if Ame decides to throw a curveball with Fern being the champion, and revealing that he only annoyed the crap out of you so you would become an ally strong enough to fight the meteors, making him a kind friendly character à la reverse Andrew Ryan. I probably still would want to beat him to pulp if that happens to be the case. Don't you dare, Ame.

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I'm going to be pissed if Ame decides to throw a curveball with Fern being the champion, and revealing that he only annoyed the crap out of you so you would become an ally strong enough to fight the meteors, making him a kind friendly character à la reverse Andrew Ryan. I probably still would want to beat him to pulp if that happens to be the case. Don't you dare, Ame.

I was thinking he was an asshole by default, but that Florinia forced his ass to infiltrate team Meteor. No one would suspect a dick like him to be a spy.

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I was thinking he was an asshole by default, but that Florinia forced his ass to infiltrate team Meteor. No one would suspect a dick like him to be a spy.

Also a nice twist :) don't know if she has that much influence on him, though. But I'm looking forward to Florinia's reaction. Shouldn't she be informed ASAP?

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I was thinking he was an asshole by default, but that Florinia forced his ass to infiltrate team Meteor. No one would suspect a dick like him to be a spy.

I had actually asked Ame about Fern and found out he was based on a real person. I doubt she will make that grasshole have that kind of power in the game.

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2: Lin was in his care when she was younger. This was the first thing I thought of, but idk, it'd seem a bit weird if she was under his supervision until her 18th, but now not being remembered fully by the doctor.

The only thing that couldn't be supported by this, as you've already mentioned, is that Sigmund seemingly keeps tabs on all his subjects with a very meticulous approach. He catalogs their psyche in great detail, and even taunted Saphira with medical jargon from her past. It's unlikely that he wouldn't recognize her years down the road. However, he may have been involved with something that heralded the coming of Lin. Remember: she rose in the ranks of Team Meteor, and even claimed leadership over Solaris, in seemingly effortless fashion. Based on what we've seen of Solaris thus far, he doesn't seem to be the kind of man that would relinquish leadership without due cause.

This leads me to believe there's something bigger at stake in the ranks of Meteor. A deity of some sort, manipulating Team Meteor's decision making process? Perhaps even...Deoxys? It'd fit well into the lore, considering Deoxys crash landed on Earth via meteor and holds powerful psychic attributes.

I'm just spitballing. That'd be rad as fuck if that were the case.

I'm going to be pissed if Ame decides to throw a curveball with Fern being the champion, and revealing that he only annoyed the crap out of you so you would become an ally strong enough to fight the meteors, making him a kind friendly character à la reverse Andrew Ryan. I probably still would want to beat him to pulp if that happens to be the case. Don't you dare, Ame.

Just going to use your post to address this whole Fern thing. Fern's not going to be the Champion, folks. Though he's the backup to Florinia, he's been competing for badges along side you. This is made clear when you're making your way to Vanhanen Castle, where he clearly bullshits you by saying he rolled Radomus over for his eighth badge. In the very unlikely outcome that he is the final encounter, he would only have been champion for a short while. This wouldn't make him the current champion.

Again, that's the unlikely turn of events. What's more likely to happen is that the enmity you feel towards him will be addressed in one capacity or another. There's nothing better than seeing scum of the earth get their comeuppance.

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Again, that's the unlikely turn of events. What's more likely to happen is that the enmity you feel towards him will be addressed in one capacity or another. There's nothing better than seeing scum of the earth get their comeuppance.

And that's why I think Ame will not give us that gratification, but will add a twist to his character. Corey had some big twists too, you know...so why not Fern? He's much more involved in the story, so it would affect us way more than Corey did (he doesn't have to jump off a building, but I can see some people smiling by the very thought...)

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Man, al these theories made me reaaaaly tired. I dont want any of that crap. Too much plot-twist is obvious. No plot-twist can be boring, but doesnt have to be.
I agree that Fern is a good character and since he has a very good character development it wouldnt be that bad if he was the champ, but I'm sure there are better ideas.
We all know why Laura isnt a E4 member anymore - Bennet. AND I DONT EVEN CARE! Bennet is so awesome, I really like him as a character, he has a cool type too, that was never used before in a E4 and every Gym Leader with bug pokemon was pretty weak compared to the rest. I hope Bennett gets even stronger and will look more mature, be calmer and wont get frustrated that often. It would be a nice plot too if he would actually become a very frustrated and sadistic guy because other people look down on him (at least thats what he thinks they do) and got rejected so many times, so he will use his new power (not Pokemons, but having authority as a E4 member) to harm other people.
Hell I can already see how El makes his own E4 team, but eventually Bennett gets even stronger than him.

The champ shouldnt be a kid so Anna and most other kids dont deserve that place. Ame would be boring because thats what everybody expected at the beginning and thats what ruined the Tobi-Obito twist at the end. First everyone thought it was Obito, then people started to believe in some crazy things because Obito was toooo obvious, but suddenly Kishimoto was like "BAAM chapter 599, S*CK THAT NARUTO FANS!"
and everyone else was like "Are u f*kin kiddin me? -.-"
Team Meteor wasnt that frightening lately. If they really corupted the champ, then Ame should srs think about making team meteor more frightening again, because lately they just felt... weak, getting countered by the good guys on every second step they make.
I want team meteor again to be that brutal, dark group, that corrupts citys, destroys hope and devastates the nature. They even have an explanation for their action that isnt some non-overthought bullshit, like in many other games. Destroying everything for a new start and a new beginning seems pretty cool even if its not the right thing to do :D

And if not, then the champ should just be some REALLY strong elder, that had enough of fighting for the right thing. He knows that his team is so strong it could obliterate the whole Region and change the fate dramatically, but thats why he doesnt want to interfere. He/She/Xe just wants to see where the world will end eventually and what humans are capable of - almost like a God from Christian Culture. Strong and powerful, but he doesnt interfere in the fate of things and nobody knows if he really exists (except maybe for the E4 members, but it would be cool if they didnt know as well where to find him).
Maybe nobody talks about him because nobody knows if he actually exists.

...and just a minute ago I said that I'm sick and tired of theories, but now look at that...

PS: Please dont kill that guy, that is at every gym. He is very useful with his tips. At least give him some honorable death. I dont want him to die by falling in some hole or something like that. If he would protect us from an attack, like a bidoofs tackle that would be amazing :)

Edited by Kemotatnew
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Man, al these theories made me reaaaaly tired. I dont want any of that crap. Too much plot-twist is obvious. No plot-twist can be boring, but doesnt have to be.

I agree that Fern is a good character and since he has a very good character development it wouldnt be that bad if he was the champ, but I'm sure there are better ideas.

We all know why Laura isnt a E4 member anymore - Bennet. AND I DONT EVEN CARE! Bennet is so awesome, I really like him as a character, he has a cool type too, that was never used before in a E4 and every Gym Leader with bug pokemon was pretty weak compared to the rest. I hope Bennett gets even stronger and will look more mature, be calmer and wont get frustrated that often. It would be a nice plot too if he would actually become a very frustrated and sadistic guy because other people look down on him (at least thats what he thinks they do) and got rejected so many times, so he will use his new power (not Pokemons, but having authority as a E4 member) to harm other people.

Hell I can already see how El makes his own E4 team, but eventually Bennett gets even stronger than him.

The champ shouldnt be a kid so Anna and most other kids dont deserve that place. Ame would be boring because thats what everybody expected at the beginning and thats what ruined the Tobi-Obito twist at the end. First everyone thought it was Obito, then people started to believe in some crazy things because Obito was toooo obvious, but suddenly Kishimoto was like "BAAM chapter 599, S*CK THAT NARUTO FANS!"

and everyone else was like "Are u f*kin kiddin me? -.-"


Team Meteor wasnt that frightening lately. If they really corupted the champ, then Ame should srs think about making team meteor more frightening again, because lately they just felt... weak, getting countered by the good guys on every second step they make.

I want team meteor again to be that brutal, dark group, that corrupts citys, destroys hope and devastates the nature. They even have an explanation for their action that isnt some non-overthought bullshit, like in many other games. Destroying everything for a new start and a new beginning seems pretty cool even if its not the right thing to do :D

And if not, then the champ should just be some REALLY strong elder, that had enough of fighting for the right thing. He knows that his team is so strong it could obliterate the whole Region and change the fate dramatically, but thats why he doesnt want to interfere. He/She/Xe just wants to see where the world will end eventually and what humans are capable of - almost like a God from Christian Culture. Strong and powerful, but he doesnt interfere in the fate of things and nobody knows if he really exists (except maybe for the E4 members, but it would be cool if they didnt know as well where to find him).

Maybe nobody talks about him because nobody knows if he actually exists.

...and just a minute ago I said that I'm sick and tired of theories, but now look at that...

PS: Please dont kill that guy, that is at every gym. He is very useful with his tips. At least give him some honorable death. I dont want him to die by falling in some hole or something like that. If he would protect us from an attack, like a bidoofs tackle that would be amazing :)

The Sinnoh Elite Four has a member who uses Bug Types, so that's that

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The Sinnoh Elite Four has a member who uses Bug Types, so that's that

Koga in the Johto Elite Four specialized in Poison typing, but used several bugs on his team as well.

Though there's never been an Elite Four member to specialize in the Flying, Grass, Electric (excluding Zeta/Omi), or the Fairy type.

Team Meteor wasnt that frightening lately. If they really corupted the champ, then Ame should srs think about making team meteor more frightening again, because lately they just felt... weak, getting countered by the good guys on every second step they make.

I want team meteor again to be that brutal, dark group, that corrupts citys, destroys hope and devastates the nature. They even have an explanation for their action that isnt some non-overthought bullshit, like in many other games. Destroying everything for a new start and a new beginning seems pretty cool even if its not the right thing to do :D

Well, spoilers ahead. Reader beware:

1. They were beseiging a city with a PULSE Clawitzer, where casualties were heavily suggested by Eclipse. They were destroying a city before the PULSE was shut down.

2. Eclipse's soul was burned alive by Sirius' Chandelure for insubordination.

3. Meteor hasn't played a huge role in the past couple episodes in favour of advancing the story. Lack of a presence doesn't necessarily mean they're any less threatening, but it's building up to a pretty big confrontation.

And if not, then the champ should just be some REALLY strong elder, that had enough of fighting for the right thing. He knows that his team is so strong it could obliterate the whole Region and change the fate dramatically, but thats why he doesnt want to interfere. He/She/Xe just wants to see where the world will end eventually and what humans are capable of - almost like a God from Christian Culture. Strong and powerful, but he doesnt interfere in the fate of things and nobody knows if he really exists (except maybe for the E4 members, but it would be cool if they didnt know as well where to find him).

This is interesting. Tell me more about this, I'm curious. Considering the lore that Arceus is the god of creation, do you think he would be possessed by Arceus? Or in a lesser sense, being used to meet Arceus' goals?

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The three points you mentioned earlier are the ones I dont think were that frightening. MAIN SPOILERS:

Eclipse got a fast and clean death, you couldnt see a single attack of the pulse clawitzer striking the city (yeah i know they were blocked. At least a few should have hit the city, but that just shows how insanely powerful Sabrina is :D) and I don't even care if its a team meteor leader or someone else - I just want to see them crushing the protagonists like they did when they used the pulse tangrowth or pulse muk. When they stroke Kiki down, kidnapped the kids or when Lins Hydreigon destroyed that Steelix.

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