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Another person brought here by the Tumblr post? You bet


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Yep yep. I am Roqi, and I saw the post reblogged by one of the people I check up on on Tumblr sometimes. I think I have tried nearly every Pokemon hack worth the time, as well as a few fangames... but clearly I haven't been paying enough attention to the latter, because somehow I missed the gem that is Reborn.


I'm 23 (ooold), female, hail from Poland, I'm fond of nature, art, books, exercise, comedy and vidya gaems. You can see my art at roqi.deviantart.com if you're so inclined, I also drew the picture in my avvie. I can't draw much nowadays due to a hand injury, though. :unsure: ...Still made some sprites to use in Reborn and Godra, but that's beside the point. Um, what else? My favorite Pokemon types are Grass, Normal and Dark, can't choose one fave there. I get really attached to my Pokemon and tend to give them personalities in my mind, and hence I rarely breed or replace team members... I only swapped out once in Reborn, Persian for Scrafty when the former just wasn't cutting it anymore. Still use her for Pay Daying, though. Delicious monies.

I think that'll be all~

Nice to meet ya!

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..There's a tumblr post?

Anyways take a look a tthe rules yada yada yada showdown server yada yada CW/RP section yadayada you get the drift Welcome and i hope you stay for a LOOONG while :]

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There is a topic on Reborn City section about this guys!

First of all WELCOME to Pokemon Reborn forums. Also u are not that old in age, there are some older than you here and there :P

One question have you play Pokemon Brown? If not try it

Welcome again :D

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Nice to meet you, Roqi.

I'm 23 (ooold), female, hail from Poland, I'm fond of nature, art, books, exercise, comedy and vidya gaems. You can see my art at roqi.deviantart.com if you're so inclined, I also drew the picture in my avvie. I can't draw much nowadays due to a hand injury, though. :unsure:

I also had to stop drawing when I was younger due to a hand injury - Carpal tunnel - and I haven't been able to do much drawing since. It's... Something you learn to deal with, in a sad way. So I'm sorry to hear that.

...Also 23 isn't old at all

I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay.

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Loves grass AND normal times. We're keeping her.

Don't forget Dark. and you misspelled "types"

A DeviantArt person, eh? I've lost count of how many artists we've been having walk through our Grand Hall in the past week. I love seeing my people coming here ;u; Have you, by any chance, checked out the Fanart and Art! threads in Reborn City and The Radio tower sections respectively? We've got lots of nice visual art there. And if you're into writing, drop by our Creative Writing section c:

Welcome to Reborn!

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