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Well, soldiers, allow me to officially welcome you all to the OCC thread of the Reboot of the defunct RP formerly known as Exodus: Beyond Eden- Exodus: The Sons of Hope, set one full year after the events that would've transpired in it's predecessor RP, during the rebellion which was originally going to serve as Part Two of the story's plot line.

Now that you have a bit of context as to what this is all about, Cadets, we can get this briefing started...

The Basic Premise

((Explains the foundation of Esperanza, carried over from Exodus: Beyond Eden.​ While it may be helpful to know this information, it's not terribly necessary if you are a returning player since you already know most of this, but if you are new to this RP's universe, it is recommended you take the time and read it, since it more or less will provide background knowledge for the world and recent past events.))

The following is ancient, ANCIENT history dating back before the Exodus... it's not nessacary at all for anything participation wise here, but it does help to explain why some things are what they are in the settlement.

Exodus and it's history and backstory of it's verse is more or less based on modern day earth and one of the possible futures which I see as highly possible for humanity having to take eventually; having to flee earth because they fucked things up so badly there was no hope to repair the damage to the world. Now, of course this occured much later than people currently estimate it would (modern estimates say we'll run out of all resources within a century) but this is because of innovations early on that helped to ultimately greatly slow down, but not completely halt the damage being done, while at the same time giving the illusion that it had not only ended things but reversed them.

Of course, eventually this technology and it's faults were revealed to the people despite their governments keeping it under wraps, knowing the issue wasn't solved, but not wanting a complete panic breaking out while they worked to find an alternative to what they were doing. Know what this Technology which seemed so great was?

It was early prototypes of the utilization of Exo Fields. the strange electromagnetic energy fields that power your exo suits and star ships and even cars and other vehicles. Discovered in the 2070's during the Resource Wars from an unknown source, latter reverse engineered and developed by the US into a form usable with contemporary technology, though one that proved to be far primitive to the original which they devised it from. The US agreed to share it's findings with the rest of the world and overnight the United Nations (which had fallen under American Hegemony shortly before the discovery, BTW) managed to finally rebuild itself and it's former power as it convinced more and more former members to rejoin, all to work out a treaty between all participants of the Resource Wars to cease all conflict in their areas, in exchange for what the americans had; essentially ending twenty years of every nation having to either being self sufficient or do without whatever they couldn't produce due to embargoes left and right imposed by enemies onto one another disrupting global trade.

Things seemed to be going great for a while... for centuries after, in fact. but in truth the discovery was more harmful than it was good; the Americans weren't able to reverse engineer the most crucial component of it being safely used; Stabilization of the fields. Without they ran haywire unseen, releasing by-product energy that began building up in a layer just beneath the world's Electromagnetic fields as the centuries pressed on; The Exo-Cloud, as it is known as to historians today; a massive, then-undetectable pocket of energy waiting to burst outward and escape from the confines of earth's field... but no one noticed. the environment actually started recovering without oil of gasoline being utilized anymore (Of course, "Big Oil" just became "Big Exo-Field")

Ever see a baloon pop? that's what happened up in the Exo Cloud a few decades before the Exodus took place. Enough by-product energy had gathered that it simply exploded outward into the void of space in every direction, unable to contain any more... and do you know what was between it and the void of space? yeah... the Earth's natural shielding. With numerous holes adorning the planet's natural occuring force field, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that shit started going very wrong very fast. the climate took a 180 and became worse than it ever had as solar radiation poured in and leaked in certain areas of the world, weather patterns were utterly fucked and blown into huge severity. Entire Countries were destroyed, areas of the planet scorched and wrecked beyond recognition, or flooded from the melting of the ice caps. Humanity was obviously at the end of it's rope.

And of course it was only then that the US actually managed to get things right with their version of the technology they'd found, well... yeah, let's just say right, not necessarily complete. point is, they figured out the stabilization to end the emission of the runoff energy. and it was obviously too little too late. The damage was done and couldn't be fixed. But with the tech no being stabilized, there was ONE option they still had... use to build ships that were as large as they could muster and GTFO of there as fast they could. and thus, America, being the self proclaimed brightest kid in the whole class, raised her hand once more and said, oh, over here, we have the answer!

And thus the ISP began, the UN having commited it's last action and drafted a treaty which all nations still surviving signed; pool together whatever you have and contribute to the project; the reward being that you get a ship for your own populace to escape on. Some nations were barely hanging on though; so battered they weren't really worth much in terms of being able to lend actual resources. These nations, like britain and several in south america, piggy backed off of stronger ones like the US and canada and what was left of Russia and China.

All in all, seven Arks were built, one for each mother country , which provided all the resources for it's cut of the project, and it's "children" which were the term used to refer to piggy backers who while they didn't have sufficient resources, where still able to lend a crap ton of labor to get things done quicker:

Mother Nations:

America- "Children" were Britain, Canada, Mexico, several south american nations, as well as japan

Israel- managed to actually become pretty damn powerful and even had mercy enough to let nations like Palestine (who eventually got their asses handed to them by Israel's ruthlessness in the fight to survive a religious war) as well as many countries in western europe

Russia- Weakened but still had caches of materials stashed all over the place from the resource wars. Children were the "-Stan" nations... at least, what was left of them, as well as what was left of eastern europe

Australia- won their independence just before the resource wars long before all this mess started. Children were several nations in the south pacific

China- Children were several asian nations like north korea (lols, jk, North korea died in the resource wars, it's just one big Korea afterwards) and thailand.

India- Said fuck you to everyone who begged to be let piggy back and had no "children"... they were kinda justified though; their neighbors had been complete asses to their country for a long time.

African Union- Similar to the EU, just for africa (What was left of it's countries, that is...) had no "Children"

Exodus: Beyond Eden, is merely the story of what occurred to the Americans and the nations who were their "Children" in the ISP after they finally found a habitable planet, it is a story of betrayal and deceit, all coming from the government. Lies have been told and great mistakes made, and rather than own up, the ruling body of the settlement would prefer to use a certain new discovery to cover up what really occurred and how the outbreak really started...

and there's so much more that's been covered up... like things about the mountains that were discovered...

2500 years ago, Mankind embarked on a voyage. A voyage that was spurred by the deterioration of the Earth's climate. A deterioration thought nigh impossible thanks to certain technological advancements that had been made, namely the development of "Exo Energy", but was yet infact made possible thanks to man's own ignorrance of the effects of the power at his fingertips...

The planet's natural magnetic shielding was obliterated in an Event known today as the "Exo Burst". The suns radiation rained down like pure hell fire. the winds howled with blistering heat, The Seas boiled and the Ice Caps melted and the lands were flooded. And so it was that Man, knowing his folly and able to see the pale rider on the horizon, turned his desperate sights to the stars for salvation... he cast his fate up to the heavens, in hopes of being able to carve out a better future. And so it was that the Exodus occurred. The remaining nations of the world united for the first time in all of human history, and Seven Ships were built with Man's remaining resources. They were massive, able to hold many. They were equip for people to live on them for decades and centuries if needed. And these seven ships were boarded and sent into the heavens. And then Mankind, those who were left behind, accepted their fates. And then the Earth finally burned out. the Earth became a Dead World.

But the Memory of Earth lived on. The Seven seeds of Earth lived on. they were known as "The Generation Arks"

100 years ago, the last of these Generation Arks finally found a habitable world. The ship had traveled for over two millenia, only held together by the boons of Relativistic travel, bestowed by maintaining a speed near that of light itself. inside the Ark, only two generations had passed. some of those who were alive to watch as they left the Earth's atmosphere now stood on the soil of a Different world. A new Home. a new Earth...

A Second Chance.

And they took this second chance in stride. they left their ship behind, and began to scout their new domain, over the years setting up a small settlement not far from their original landing site. And he named this Settlement "Esperanza" and he named his new world "Reamica".

The World of Reamica was large and diverse, far larger than earth ever was, in fact. a band of thick forest ran across the middle of the globe, with cold, frigid Deserts and shifting sands to the far north, thick, humid jungles far to the south. An Ocean lies somewhere on the planets face, but as to wear, no one has any Idea.

Much land has been explored since the Esperanzans arrived a century ago. But the planet remains vast, it's greatest secrets still unknown. it has been 100 years, and yet there is still only one sizeable human settlement on the planet. Expeditions by Scientist are not uncommon in the era.

And it was during one of these Expeditions, far to the south, where the forest grows densest before becoming complete jungle, that the greatest discovery in the Settlement's history was made... or so the public was led to beleive by the Ministry Council, rulers of the city of Esperanza. They were ruins; Proof that someone or something had been there before them, some unknown sentient life.... little did anyone know, that this relic was just one of many that had been found over the decades... and nothing new to the top brass of society.

Regardless, the public's ignorance of it's mundane nature was maintained, and Teams are sent in, and what they find within the ruins are admirably astonishing.... A place of Beauty and pure majesty... a Massive Garden . along with a thriving Eco-system eerily similar to one that might have been found on earth long ago. The Garden is soon named...


And within Eden, Two heavy set metal Doors are found. Their faces bearing complex glyphs and symbols and runes. These doors are soon named "The Gates of Eden". they are huge, ten meters high and eight meters wide. and they are completely immobile. Several weeks pass since the Gates discovery. heavy research is conducted around the clock, trying to decipher the glyphs, and if possible, get the Gates open... and one day, they find the latter of their goals... because the language keys acquired from previous discoveries are authorized to be reviewed by investigators. They claim to "find" the opening mechanism, when in truth the only "Opening Mechanism is naught more than a certain phrase in the appropriate tongue.

The Area beyond the gates is a stark contrast to the Gardens of Eden. Cold, Grey, Seemingly lifeless. Countless pieces of machinery lie within, strange and alien... at least to those investigators derived from the general public, But their exact purpose is unknown. Teams of Exo-biologist and Engineers and soldiers are sent in...

And the unexpected occured. Soon individuals back in the Lower City of Esperanza began to fall ill following the return of a scientist, professor Matthew Glipsby, long time head of History and Archaeology at EU, who had examined the ruins. And then gradually, more and more began to fall ill. Deaths were confirmed at the Ruin site as well. The ailment was declared to be a virus, likely disturbed and transmitted from Eden, and a state of quarantine is declared in the Lower City, virtually establishing martial law complete with curfew. Attempts are made at trying to devise a vaccine, but efforts prove completely useless. Studies determine that the pathogen is most likely a biological weapon unwittingly unleashed by investigators, hence it's adaptability.

It is however, theorized that if this is the case and it originated from Beyond Eden, then surely there may be a cure or neutralizing formula there as well. Fourteen individuals are selected and assigned to an investigative team to recover the cure if possible.

and this, my friends, is where a lie begins to unravel, where the seam is first exposed, having been waiting for certain individuals to come along and pull it...

Little did anyone know that the circumstances surrounding the events that would follow as a result... would change Esperanza forever.


((Describes the events that transpired after Eden and is the official Prologue of the story of this RP. Whether you're a returning player or a new one, you need to read this regardless.))

Two accounts exists regarding what occurred during the search for a cure beyond Eden.

The following is what the official summarized historical record of the City at Esperanza read regarding the events in Eden, published by the Ministry of Demographic's itself and fully supported as being nothing but the absolute truth by the Federal Government:

14 Individuals were sent in. The commander of the team, Esperanza Special Forces Major General Jace Michael Bane. His second in Command, Leewald Stone. A prodigy exo-biologist with dreams of going into medicine, Gen Stone. And Bane's soldiers; Mauro Gomez, Sarah Answell, Garren Forest, Catrine Costanza, Kenshin Amano, Kyahnna ???, Jack Smithson, Katsumi Erdos, Whit Venerman. These individuals managed to find the cure for the pathogen unleashed and Esperanza was saved from destruction upon it's formula being communicated back to officials and put into production and supplied into the drinking water.

however... despite their mission being a success, time dragged on and there was no word from the team afterwards. They were thought to have possibly be killed in (or rather, after) action. However, on October 1st, the silence was broken momentarily...

Major Bane is recorded as having sent a treasonous threat to the Ministry council and the general public itself via a last commlink message... and declared that he was moving to begin war against the city. It is unknown what the man's motives are, however his actions will not stand.

This, however, is the second, and very different, account of what occurred, which has been dispersed widely around the nets by an individual operating only by the handle of "Archangel". This individual has been thought to be Bane, given the biblical significance of his middle name, however some are quick to point out that Bane, as intelligent as he is, never had any talent or real experience in writing arguments. The account goes above and beyond simply explaining what happened in Eden, and declares that recent events are merely the culmination of a ten year long series of conspiracies and dark government dealings...

"The Eden expedition was a complete sham and waste of government resources and funding that could've easily been better allotted to destroying the cause of the epidemic which threatened to destroy the lower city. Nothing more than a convenient cover-up designed to perpetuate an ongoing lie about the disease's origin and keep the public ignorant of the fact that it's own governing body was slowly killing it with it's own drinking water.

Yes, that's right. The government, that all knowing, benevolent organization of fucktards whom run each and everyone of your god-blessed lives like a rancher herding cattle for the slaughter. That organization which, in all their infinite wisdom, decided to release and experimental and unstable drug, named ISDRE-36, or Immune System Disease Resistance Enhancer- formula 36, against the vehement warnings of various scientist, beginning with that of Dr. Garret Geronimo Bane ten years ago... remember what happened to him? I'll assume you'll say "Shot for treason" and you'd be right... except about the treason part.

Gerret G. Bane was in truth not a traitor or a mad doctor or a genetic dabbler. He was a hero, a watcher on the wall, a sentinel for the public good. Ten years ago, The Ministry council (Which is still comprised of the same members from that time) commissioned for a drug to be developed in order to boost the immune systems of all Esperanzans against common pathogens and diseases present in the environment, such as red fever, Rygers fire, etc. Dr. Bane was tasked with heading such a noble and momentous project, and after several months of work, it was ready to be tested...

The results...were absolute failure. All test subjects suffered horrifying auto-immune responses which virtually tore their bodies apart from the inside out (sound familiar? It should...) Within an hour of it's start, the experiment was over. Dr. Bane proposed a motion that the project be called off immediately and the idea abandoned without hope of revisitation. The ministry council refused and ordered him to continue development and attempt again.

And that is where Bane's actions lie. He saw what a nightmare, what chaos and destruction, his work would cause the general populace of the city if continued. He saw the danger, sounded the alarm and hollered fire before anyone else had any inkling, and he was ignored by his superiors. And so Dr.Bane took the defense of the public into his own hands... and set fire to the laboratory and destroyed every bit of research and work he'd done. He was ratted out shortly afterwards for the arson by one of his underlings, a lab technician named Lucille S. Deston. Sound familiar? She is now the Deputy Minister of science.

And you know the rest. The Feds explained Bane's motive to commit arson as being to cover up evidence of illegal scientific experimentation. Which is, in a twisted way true- it was illegal scientific experimentation which THEY commisioned- but he wasn't trying to destroy evidence... he was trying to destroy all traces of how he did what he did, he was destroying his method, his work, to prevent any man from being able to replicate it and unleash the disaster he foresaw. and he would've succeeded... if not for that lying bitch named Lucille S. Deston. She had copied every note, plagiarized everything from the man, and created back-up upon back-up of it all. And needless to say, guess who got promoted and placed in charge of the project from that point forward?

And hence, we have Eden. Over the years, they'd managed to stabilize ISDRE a bit, though it took a good 35 different formulations and the deaths of countless test subjects before it was deemed even relatively safe. Finally, they had ISDRE-36, and tests began... and for the first time, the subjects weren't dead within a day. The council was delighted, tickled pink, they wanted to put the stuff into the water supply for the whole city. But Deston has to be given a bit of credit, over the decade or so she'd been working on the project, the fool had finally wised up enough after seeing over a hundred failed experiments that Bane might've been onto something when he said this would all end in disaster. She protested and said that they needed to conduct more test, see the long term effects...whether or not adverse effects would occur from a build up over time. and lo and behold, the feds told her to shut her damn mouth and went ahead and put it in the water. They humored her though, figured they'd toss their ever loyal yet now paranoid lapdog a bone and restrain themselves to only supplying it in the water supply of the Lower city (As is common knowledge, the three tiers of the city each have separate water treatment grids, so that if one fails, the other two wards are not damned with it.) for six months, then allow results to be collected and go from there.

And you know what? She was right. They did need to do more test and wait to see long term effects over periods of continuous exposure, because they would've found that they still had the exact same fucking issue as all the trials before; it just happened that this batch only caused the auto-immune response after months and months of drinking the water and the drug building up in one's body. and hence, you have what is called as "Eden Syndrome" or even more common, "Eden Virus".

Now I'm sure you're wondering, what does this have to do with Eden? I will tell you; nothing. In truth, the discovery of the Eden ruins and the outbreak of the syndrome sharing it's namesake has no relation to each other at all, besides the one fabricated by the Esperanza government. The first few cases of the Drug's victims started coming in around the time Eden was discovered, but because it was only a few individuals, the feds were able to sweep it under the rug for a time... but then things started picking up, and more and more people were falling prey to their own immune systems... and the Feds saw a golden opportunity to deflect blame before it could be thrown when Professor Glipsby returned from Eden. Glibpsby, you see, had partaken of a meal of Tainted Talker flesh while at the site of the ruins, and as many who have been out on assignment and forced to contemplate eating the same will testify, Talker meat that is not properly cooked will unleash a bacterium into the body which will cause the immune system to go absolutely crazy. Glipsby's meal was not cooked properly... and he died of the auto-immune response the same night he returned to the city. Do you realize how convenient this was to the council, how much of an absolute god-send? the signs, symptoms, they mimiced the effects of the Drug so heavily that it was easy to peg it off as that... This was the perfect scape-goat.

And there you have it. They sent in a rag-tag team of rookies, filling their public files with fluff suggesting long military careers and various accomplishments in order to make the people feel as though only the best of the best was going to be used to defend their lives from this "microscopic monstrosity"... the only individuals who had any real accomplishments or credentials though were Bane and Stone... and Jace M. Bane was only sent in because the government wanted him dead, has always wanted him dead ever since he enlisted in the training program of the ESF and proved to be a military prodigy who could run circles around their best commanders. The son of their enemy held gifts that could destroy them all, and they weren't going to sit by as he realized the truth of things, ten years after the fact, and rose up in revolution...

And bane and his team actually solved the issue, they got to the heart of the cause of the outbreak, the water treatment facility of the lower city, and you know what they did? They planted a bomb in the central mother board of the AI responsible for distributing the drug into the water, as well as detonated all areas that had been retrofitted to produce the batches. But this was not without sacrificed, people needed to stay and ensure that the device detonated without outside interference from automated security forces stopping it. Bane immediately volunteered, being the commander. His men staunchly refused, saying they could not, would not, stand by as someone like him wasted their life on a fight like this when there were so many bigger ones down the line. They detained him and threw him out of the room and locked the doors. and they held off the last waves of hostiles until the counter hit zero... and then it blew. And bane was officially the last survivor of his team.

They [the government] wanted to kill Bane and neutralize the threat he posed by sending him on this mission. What they accomplished was the exact opposite, bane had been awakened by the truth... he had become the threat they so feared him to be. a day after the destruction of the production center, he sent that infamous message to Esperanza's finest, telling them he wouldn't allow their actions to go unpunished.

Support Bane anyway you can. His father was a hero, and his son is a hero as well for continuing his fight to defend the people. To defend YOU. The ones who love you the most are those willing to fight for you. They risked their lives, they took up guns and started fighting, so that you possibly wouldn't have to, so that you could sit on your ass reading this message.

Support the Sons of Hope. Support the War for Hope. Support Hope.

For hope... is all we have. Esperanza... is all we have. it is our home, and it's about time we join the fight to defend it from the invaders within. The ministry council must die.

The old regime must finally fall.

It should be noted the Ministry Council denies any existence whatsoever of any drug named "ISDRE", or the retrofitting of any water treatment facilities to produce and infuse any substances into the drinking water of any part of the city. when numeorus media outlets asked for permission to possibly procure photographs to provide evidence and put the debate to rest, they were staunchly refused- the reason cited being that:

"The doors will not open due to a malfunction in the central computer. No one, not even ourselves, can possibly get inside or out without having to blow them down and run the risk of the resulting damage compromising the facility and endangering the safety of the public drinking water supply. This in and of itself only proves that the Archangel's accounts of what happened are entirely false and designed only to stir the public fear and incite chaos all across the city."

It should also be noted that the doors to the water treatment facility... are indeed sealed shut due to a malfunction in the system, and show no sign of blast marks, burns, etc, which one would associate with a explosive devise being used to gain entry. This truly does rule out the possibility of Bane and his team having waltzed inside through the front door, and to date, no explanation has been offered by Archangel as to how they would have gained entry within the facility...

Regardless of which account is true, however (Though many are beginning to lose faith in the council with each day...) one thing is absolutely certain...

14 individuals went into Eden to find this supposed "Cure"... and within two days afterwards, all communication between Major Jace Bane and Esperanza high command was lost- whether it was because of complications with equipment or something more final in nature, remains unknown. Two weeks passed, and then Finally on October 1st, 5021, one last transmission comes in over the com-link assigned to Bane. It goes as follows:

"MY men have ended your epidemic through the sacrifice of their lives. And at the same time, my men have also set into motion your destruction; they made their sacrifice in substitute of the one I myself was intending to. I know the truth. I know what really went on here. I know what you've done, what you've been doing, and what you are going to do in the future. I know of the lies, and I know of the false charges brought against my Father, Doctor Garret G. Bane, when he attempted to stop you from this madness a full decade ago. This is a declaration of war. My soldiers... no damn it, my friends, died so that I would be able to go on to spread the truth. And I will. And I am going to bring down the wrath of god against you all. There will be no mercy, for no mercy is deserved by men like yourselves. And Charles Eestarius Gibs, if you are listening to this, know that I will save you for last. I want you to see your whole fucking world coming down around you before I strangle you. These are the last words you'll hear from me until the day of reckoning arrives."

That night, the quarantine in the lower city was lifted, while at the same time a two million credit bounty was placed on the head of Major Bane for the charges of Terrorism and Treason for his verbal recorded threat- conditions being he must be captured Alive, not dead. All partakers were warned that the query was armed and extremely dangerous.

The cases of "Eden Virus" gradually died out over the next two or so months. Bane meanwhile had disappeared from the face of the world. No one, not even Esperanza's finest intelligence agents, could deduce his trail from where the last transmission was detected as being made from. But one thing is certain, he, or at the very least, someone acting in his name, is active. By the six month mark of Bane's "Declaration of War", all of the some 43 bounty hunters who had delved into the case had been found mysteriously murdered, many of them bearing injuries which could not have been made by any known weapon. Within another month, research settlements, small outpost established in the wilderness for scientific studies, usually consisting of two to three hundred individuals, began to fall to an organization calling itself only "The Sons of Hope"... but that is not the scariest thing to the council...

For soon after word of these captures spread, the leader of the sons reveals himself...

and he is none other than Jace M. Bane.

* * * * * * * *

The city has been placed on more less martial law for the past few months. ESFAs roam the streets alongside Public Peace Keepers, claiming to be there to defend civilians in the case of terrorist attacks or full scale assaults launched by Bane and his men; though to date, not a single act has been committed directly against the city itself. The Ministry of Defense has begun a gradual crackdown across the nets in order to attempt to locate sympathizers to Archangel and prosecute them. But it seems the rebellion still has a network alive and well within the city walls.. given that more and more people simply "Disappear" from the system every few days without explanation, go missing and often never being seen again.

And the day has come that you yourself have decided to join the numbers of those who have "Disappeared" mysteriously... to flee and become a new recruit.

And so our story begins.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


all will be strictly enforced. You got a problem with em, you don't have to join up, soldier.

1. Respect your fellow Players

I will say this once, and only once: This is intended to be an enjoyable and interesting experience for everyone involved. Do NOT bully other Players. Do NOT Harass them. Do NOT use Derogatory against any other player. I will have little mercy for this rule. You break it, and You will be asked to leave.

There will be a strike system for keeping track of infractions. After two incidents, the transgressor will be thrown out.

however, for anyone who is in Surge Story/ PSS as well as this RP, you will get only a one strike limit, and that's only because I understand full well that sometimes, we all have bad days and go off and say something stupid or take it out on someone who doesn't deserve it, and hence will provide some leniency. also, Being kicked out of this RP for breaking this rule will also result in a cascading ban from both PSS and Surge Story if you are a current participant. You all from those two have dealt with my hosting before, you know my expectations are, Ergo, you've no excuse whatsoever.

2. Respect me as the host

Look, this is pretty damn simple to be honest. I am the one who has sat down for hours and hours and done extensive work in order to create and develop this world and the plot and game mechanics. When I say something regarding this, I know what I'm talking about, so all players and participants will be expected to respect my decisions and judgement in all things regarding this RP.

I think that at this point, It's fair to say that I deserve the respect of every person here. I don't go disrespecting you all, and I expect the same courtesy to be shown to myself in return.

Infractions of this rule will be handled on a case by case basis.

3.Don't go over the top

Plain and simple. Look, Swearing is from time to time encouraged here in this story, especially when it would enhance the emotion of the situation. However, this does not constitute you going and dropping F-bombs and such every other word.

In addition, This is an RP, not a Horror or Soft Porn film. Excessive gore and graphic sexual scenes are not acceptable here. Break this rule by excessive swearing, and I will ask you to edit the post. if you refuse, then I will get Hukuna Sensai to step in. If you break this rule by excessive gore/ graphic sexuality, then you will get the freaking wrath of God from me.

4. No Bunnying

When you control another Person's characters or NPCs, without their prior consent to what you are doing, this is known as bunnying, and it's seen as highly disrespectful all over the RPing world. this rule applies especially to named NPCs which I generate in the story. Why? Named NPCs generated by the host are often there to serve some specific role in the plot or preform some specific action, and if you take control of them without permission, you will likely ruin the set-up of whatever is planned for that character role, which can in a sense throw a huge wrench in the works of the RP's overall plot movement if their role is significant. There is only one exception to this rule; when I specifically say in a post either on here or the IC that the NPCs in question may be controlled by the players.

This rule also applies to your fellow players, although controlling them probably won't cause as monstrous an issue as seizing host characters, it is still disrespectful and bad RP etiquette.

Bunny a host generated Character, and you and I will have a private talk, with Hukuna in attendance. Bunny another PC, and I will throw you out of this RP.

5.I see a Mary Sue, I kill a Mary Sue

self explanatory. If I see a Mary Sue, I will not accept your character signup. If your character begins to become Sueish during the course of the story, I will kill said character off.

6.Meta game, and I will end you.

another rather self explanatory rule. if you intentionally meta-game, then I will remove you. cases of it accidentally happening will be forgiven, but I'm not a moron. I am far more than intelligent enough to tell the difference between an innocent accident, and something that was fully intentional. don't test me, because you will be the one who fails.

7. Use your head and don't do anything stupid.

If I have to explain this to you, you don't need to be in this RP to begin with. break this rule, you get a warning, and then the second time around, I just kill ya off, and don't expect a good chance of being allowed back in afterwards, cause priority will be given to new signups in the case of someone being thrown out for rule breaking. This is going to be a game which heavily relies on stealth, so there are going to be times when you are faced with puzzles and such and be made to deduce a sound course of action to get away safely or reach the objective or dispatch the target. I will not punish people for failure, but I will punish for attempting something that was poorly thought out and doomed to failure from the beginning in a very obvious manner.

In other words, if you mess up or make a mistake here, you won't be damned, but if you decided you're not going to put any intelligent thought into your actions at all, then have fun dying.

Yeah, no, we're not doing that this time around, soldiers. you will all be the same class; Psyche Troopers.
Psyche Trooper

Soldiers who have become adept at wielding "Psyche Jewels", tiny implement devices which go into ones ear like a blue tooth piece almost and allow for the use of Psycho Kinetic abilities via reading and encrypting brain waves to alter matter, energy, etc.
Psyche Troopers can be divided into categories depending on the energy or matter they manipulate, as follows:
Pyro- wielders of Pyrokinetic Psyche Jewels. They control combustion and heat in various ways
Hydro- Wielders of Hydrokinetic Psyche Jewels. They control any and all forms of water, as well as the moisture in the air around them.
Cryo- Wielders of Cryokinetic Psyche Jewels. They are able to lower temperature of the air or objects at will, down to extreme points in some cases.
Aero- Wielders of Aerokinetic Psyche Jewels. They are able to control air currents and oxygen among other gases.
Electro- Wielders of Electrokinetic Psyche Jewels.They are able to control and generate electricity.
Bio- Wielders of Biokinetic Psyche Jewels. They are able to control the cells of living things and in some cases even generate life.
Geo- wielders of Geokinetic Psyche Jewels. They are able to control seismic activities and sense things via vibrations from the ground.
Magno- Wielders of Magnokinetic Psyche Jewels. They are able to control magnetism and pull and repulse metallic objects, as well as influence machinery, etc.
Sono- wielders of Sonokinetic Psyche Jewels. They are able to control and manipulate sound waves.
Photo- Wielders of Photokinetic Psyche Jewels. They are able to control light and photons in various ways.
Umbra- Wielders of Umbrakinetic Psyche Jewels. They are capable of banishing photons from an area in order to create darkness, but it's applications aren't much more than that... unless one counts the ability to manipulate fear in the minds of others.
We will be using a "Data key" system here to refer to the power of an individual Psyche Jewel. the basic premise is this, the more data keys encrypted into a jewel, the more powerful it becomes and the more it is capable of regarding it's affinity. Data keys will mainly be aqcuired through killing other PTs and hacking their units, or from ruins, relics, etc...
All Psyche Jewels for players will start at zero, and over the course of the story there will be many opportunities to find more. it is unknown how many Data Keys a single PJ can hold at maximum- the number hasn't been reached yet.

Major Characters

Major NPCs in the story. They will serve direct roles in the plot and directly assist/ guide and direct players from time to time, even going so far as entering onto the field of operations with them in some cases, or providing information that would otherwise not be obtained.

The Bane Clan

Jace M. Bane

Age: 21

Sex: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian (British and American Descent)


Telekinetic Psyche Trooper

Keys: approximately 19 (12 from quiet's previous possession of it)

Original Jewel Wielder: Lance Quiet

Personality: A strong willed and determined yet honestly cold young man, Jace wishes above all other things to make the minsitry council of esperanza pay for their lies over the years and to liberate the city. He once regarded his Comrade's safety above all else while in the field or during operations and missions, and as such tended to take more risk onto himself as the leader, but since has to come to realize that in reality, there will be times when sacrifices are necessary.

He thinks of cowardice as unforgivable, and is willing to turn a blind eye in certain situations where the means are simply justified by the end. His superior Talent,skill set, and mental acuity is by now the stuff of legends and gives the ministry council and Esperanza's finest commanders all cause to lose sleep at night.

As a leader, he once tried to take the teams input for certain decisions, preferring to give soldiers a voice in situations that may or may not end their lives. following the sacrifice his team made though, He trusts only his own judgement and will stand by it as law, never wanting to have to see good men die like that again.

Rumor has it there is something going on between himself and Gen Stone, whom followed him after Eden as he declared war. These rumors are supported by the fact of his protective nature towards her... and the fact that he is reported to have once razed an entire research outpost singlehandedly and with brutal efficiency upon hearing that the council had dispatched state assassins to kill the woman, and that they were preparing at the site to move further onward to objective. No evidence of this claim about a plot against the scientist being true was found, but regardless, there were no survivors when he was done. but then again, nowadays screwing with anyone named "Bane" isn't too bright an idea anyway...

He is a bit weary of his twin Scott, but has come to trust him enough over time to place him in command of the Rebellion's intelligence corps.... though, this may just be so that he can keep him close...

History: The son of Dr. Garret G. Bane, a criminal infamous for his illegal experimentation of various controversial scientific theories ten years ago, whose guilt is now honestly questionable at very best. following his father's arrest and conviction for crimes against humanity and high treason, the Bane family name was nothing but besmirched and stained. As a boy, Jace was often shunned by other children because of his father's supposed madness, leading him to having few close friends and even fewer people he was willing to trust, given that he received similar treatment from adults as well.

Angered at both his father for what he did, and the community for considering him just as supposedly horrible a human being as him just because he was Garret's offspring, and wanting to improve his family's reputation to what it once was, Jace channeled his disdain into enlisting in the ESF. or the Esperanza Special Forces, The true military of Esperanza, several cuts above the ERC and comprised of far fewer soldiers who are far better and more extensively conditioned and trained, at the age of 15, the minimum required to enter the training program. Driven by his anger, Jace soon proved to be an absolute military prodigy, far outshining all of his peers in both skill and natural ability to lead. Only 1 year after enlisting, less than half of the usual amount of time spent on the average ESF trainng, Jace was approved by the Esperanza Government to end his training and jump right to active service.

Since the Age of 16 years, Jace has lead and successfully completed over 134 ESF missions, more than anyone still alive, varying from armed escorting of Research and Expedition parties, to the tracking and destruction of large predators threatening national security, to Search and Rescue, to pure Reconnaissance and intel gathering.

He held the rank of Major General, being the youngest person in history to hold the rank. The government sent him into Eden in an effort to kill him and remove the threat he posed to their power, but all they ended up doing was poking a sleeping giant...

Appearance: Stands at approximately 5"7, Approximately 69 Kg. (153 Lbs.). Jace is often described a fit and strong young man, having been toned by extensively rigorous training. His complexion was said to be fair and His hair a light, near platinum blonde hue, often times worn longer than protocol allowed, though it seems he may have taken to keeping it cut short in recent times. His eyes were always said to be a deep set green. His Exo-suit that he wore beyond Eden signified him as an ESF agent by contrasting white and black coloration (ERs had either blue or grey). His clean shaven face takes after that of his father, with a strong and square jaw.

Character Theme:


Additional:The greatest military mind the human race has ever known. He does not forgive betrayal, and his enemies tremble whenever his name is spoken; for he is their bane. speaks multiple languages, some of which are spoken by no ethnic group in the city.

He speaks with an Accent similiar to that of J Gatsby as portrayed in the film "The Great Gatsby", though rumor has it he has displayed the ability to swap back and forth between accents as needed, but the brit is believed to be his true voice.

Scott Bane

Age: 20
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian (British and American descent)
Class: SoH Intelligence Director
Personality: A charming and seemingly good natured young man with an awe inspiring smile. He's a meticulous and thoughtful individual who displays a great deal of loyalty to his brother's cause and to his family, something which coupled with charisma and his relation to it's leader, has more or less made him into a celebrity within the rebellion and someone a great many warriors of SoH admire. He's close to his younger sister Tamira.
Don't be fooled for an instance, however. beneath that godly smile, charming persona, and that silver tongue, lies an extremely dangerous individual who knows how to use his natural talents of observation and recruitment to a full advantage. Aside from Jace himself, he's the next biggest threat on the Federal Government's radar...
History: Jace Michael Bane younger brother and the youngest son of Dr. Garret Bane. Scott and Jace had a bit of a strained relationship in recent years stemming from Jace's vehement disapproval of his younger twin's behavior of sneaking into bars on false IDs and from time to time being caught and escorted home by cops, to which their mother would be cause much grief over; though it should be noted... that as far as evidence and breathalyzer test can indicate, Scott has never drunk a drop of alcohol in his entire life... how strange. He has had numerous other minor run-ins with the law, though with his gifts, the vast majorities of these encounters have ended with nothing more than warnings and slaps on the wrists- with his criminal record surprisingly not being very long as a result.
During the Eden mission on which his brother led a team inside, he and his younger sister Tamira went missing following their mother falling prey to the syndrome, during which time they had been taken in by the Sons of Hope under orders from Lance Quiet in order to protect them from retaliation for what their brother may do while on assignment in the ruins...
Following the death of Quiet alongside Bane's other soldiers, however, Scott made efforts to improve the relationship between himself and his brother after the latter assumed command of SoH, eventually earning his way back into the soldier's good graces and even being promoted to become Director of the Rebel intelligence operations.
There is still very much which remains a mystery about him, however...
Character Theme:

Tamira Bane

-Info definitely coming soon

Gen Stone

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Ethnicity: Japanese mixed with either Caucasian or South American, as to which, one can not be entirely certain.



Personality: A kind hearted young and Idealistic woman, Gen Stone was said to be somewhat of an Altruist, often going out of her way to provide others around her with help. She was admired as an excellent scientist despite her quite young age, staunchly following Socrates' Philosophy "Question everything" when going about her work. Despite her good nature, however, her intellect (Coupled with her natural skill set) could at times come off as condescending and a little arrogant without her meaning it to, causing some of her colleagues to secretly dislike being in her company due to harbored feelings of Inadequacy and inferiority compared to her. When deep in thought on a subject, she would tend to sometimes tune out others in order to devote more attention to the issue at hand. Even despite her achievements, though, she preferred not be a braggart, unlike some in the scientific community...

Currently though, she fully supports Jace M. Bane in his rebellion, showing a devotion both to the cause and it's leader that makes fellow rebels feel inspired. Rumor has it their is something going on between the two...

History: Gifted with an advanced intellect and reasoning capability, and considered an absolute prodigy in the Field of Genetics and Exo-Biology.

taken in as an Infant by Shinjiro Stone, a prominent member of the ER known for his adherence to old Japanese tradition, and his wife, Kamaya. Following a tragic incident several years ago resulting the deaths of their parents, her adopted brother Leewald took over legal guardian ship of her and raised her himself.

From a young age, Gen showed herself to be a very bright mind, moving quickly through the academic world of Esperanza and by the age of only 14 years managing to secure a full scholarship to university, where she began her studies in Genetics and Biology. She graduated two years later at the top of her class, soon afterwards being scooped up to work for the Esperanza Government.

She was selected to serve as the acting Field Expert for this Venture beyond Eden due to her skill and advanced perception of Exo-Biology, two things that could prove crucial to finding the "cure". over the course of the journey though, she learned the truth of things alongside Jace and his team and soon renounced all loyalties to the state and joined Jace in rebelion.

She is now rumored to work as the head of research and development for the Sons of Hope.

Appearance: stands Approximately 5"5, approximately 53 Kg (117 Lbs.). Gen was described often as a slender young woman with medium, raven black hair and a relatively fair complexion. She was said to have a scar running across the bridge of her nose due to an accident in her early childhood and Central Heterochromic eyes, With dark brown irises ringed with a vibrant Violet for about an eighth of an inch around the pupils

visual inspiration

Additional: During the time she still served the state, she was often compared with Einstein himself in terms of intellect

Character Theme:

Minor NPCs and Characters
Characters whose roles are notably lesser than that of Major characters. For the most part they serve as mission support, giving the occasional peice of information or updated intelligence reports to help players better survive in the field of battle. The actual amount of roles they can play is quite large actually.
Marcus Steele

info coming

Leah Yavichok

info coming.


In the settlement of Esperanza, there is a somewhat diverse ethnic pool in the population. The Major Ethnicities existing in the city are listed below. They are organized by the Ethnicity first, then by the National Heritages available to it, in the order of left to right according to that heritages prominence. You aren't necessarily restricted to choosing from just these, but note that as of present day, they are the most common ethnicity that will be encountered on the street, but just because an ethnicity isn't listed doesn't mean there aren't people belonging to it somewhere in Esperanza... it just means they're very, very hard to find nowadays because they're fading into the population.

to be entirely honest, these really don't matter in the long run though. their just to help make ya feel a bit special.

1. Caucasian

National Heritages to choose from:

- American, Canadian, British, Brazilian

2. Black/ Afro-American

National Heritages to choose from:

- American, Canadian, British, Brazilian

3. Japanese

National Heritages to choose from:

- Japanese National, American

4. Central and South American ((For the sake of simplicity, I'm just going to include Mexico in with central american...since it really doesn't fit anywhere else))

National Heritages to choose from:

- Mexican, Costa Rican, Brazilian, Honduran, Nicaraguan, Guatemalan

The standard language in Esperanza is English, however the languages of Japanese and Spanish are also spoken (Though Japanese is only learned by...well, Japanese for the most part.)

Sign-up sheets ((There are Currently 4 players. 4 slots remain open for new sign-ups))


Age: (Must be between 18 and 25)


Ethnicity: you are free to mix and match any two available... or not listed.

Jewel Type: What kinetic ability is your Psyche Jewel geared to? ((Options above, choose one))

Personality: Give an in depth description of your character's persona and general mind set.

Backstory: Include a history of your Character's life before deciding to join the rebellion.

Appearance: Give an in depth description of what they look like. don't be lazy.

Additional: Anything else that should be known about this person? any skills worth noting? (Just remember rule 6...)

Additional information:

  • No characters will have received nor heard anything about "Psyche Jewels" prior to the start of the RP's plot. Characters may be related to or in some other fashion have known former PCs from Exodus: Beyond Eden, if their respective player wishes to do so. No characters are allowed to have any ties to the rebellion prior to the plot.
  • Stealth and hidden operations will play an important part in and in fact be the core of this RP as players carry out Black ops missions for the Sons of Hope against the Esperanzan Military and government. These will include things like demolition of certain targets, assassinations of high ranking officers, recon work, infiltration and retrieval, rescue missions for comrades who have become POWs, etc. There will be some assignments in which you are working alone, and some where you are working in partners or groups as large as 3-4 people...so if you like MGS or games like it, you've likely come to the right place...
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In this post, all information regarding the settlement of Esperanza will be put up.

The "Official" History of the City of Esperanza

((Note how certain events from the prologue are missing...))

January 22, 2421: On Earth,The International Star Project has reached full fruition, all seven of the agreed upon Generation Arks have been completed and are ready to be occupied and sent on their voyage.

February 20, 2421: The Arks have been occupied. "The Exodus" occurs as all members of ISP authorize the ships launch that very day. as per the ISP charter, no country has sent it's nation's constitution with the colonist, but have all sent copies of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the hope that Humanity will truly be able to begin anew, and without having to ever repeat some of the mistakes it made on earth.

August 27, 2428: The earth has reached it's calculated limit for how long it's resources can last. With the environment having been completely desecrated and the world thrown into complete shambles following the dissolution of ISP after the completion of it's goal. Humanity's last days on the planet are filled with violence and warfare over the scarce natural resources remaining. It is not long before the remaining populace on the planet begin to die off in swaths from war and starvation and natural disasters.

January 1, 2430: It is the Dawn of a new year. For the first time in many decades, it is snowing. No humans are left alive on Earth. Now, the Generation Arks launched nine years ago truly hold the keys to Mankind's future. For the next 2500 years, they will drift through space, slowly but surely speeding towards a new star system and planet to call home, Each generation passing down it's solemn mission to the next as the populace increases at a strictly monitored and regulated pace. there is no communication possible between those on-board the different Arks.

December 13, 4921: At 4:58 AM, Star Standard Time, a habital world is detected by the instruments onboard the US Generation Ark. It has been nearly two and a half millennia since The Exodus occured, yet only Fifty years have passed inside the ship due to the relativistic effects of near light speed travel. The Co-Captain, Clemont A. Johnson, immediately uses the ships scientific instruments to scan the Planet's atmosphere. When results return as being perfect for human habitation, he immediately wakes Captain Fedrick C. Johnson, his grand father. The ships course is immediately adjusted to enter just beyond the Planets gravity.

December 25, 4921: The Colonist onboard Generation Ark 07-US have received the best Christmas present anyone could ever hope for... a new world to call home. The Ship's engines are shut off as it draws closer to the planet, and gradually it begins to slow to a halt just above the atmosphere. Scout ships are sent out to take recon of the surface, and they report an abundance of forest on the globe, as well as deserts and jungles with an abundance of liquid fresh water and streams and rivers. One scout ship even reports having found a liquid ocean, but all communication with the crew is lost before the transmission can be completed. That aside, however, everyone is ecstatic about their fortune.

December 26, 4921: Captain Fedrick C. Johnson, age 87, disembarks from Generation Ark 07-US and descends with a foundation party to the planet's surface. They land atop a small plateau in the middle of the vast forest, and decide that it is here they will establish their colony. On the Captains orders, a team of architects and environmental experts begin to draft up construction plans for the settlement.

December 30, 4921: Construction of the settlement has began. the Drone that formerly were used for maintaining the exterior of the ship are now re-purposed for terrestrial construction work. Reconnaissance continues, and several Exo-Biologist have been sent into the surrounding forest area to observe the planet's ecosystem. It is found that, surprisingly, the planet's ecosystem has many species either identical to or similar to those found on earth prior to the environment's destruction.

May 23, 4922: The Settlement's construction is complete. The Colonist begin to transfer down from the ship, which has remained in the planets orbit, and down to the surface in scheduled shifts.

July 1, 4922: The transfer is complete. All colonist have been successfully implanted into the settlement. A constitution is drafted for the town, the name Ezperanza is bestowed after a much heated debate. The Ministry council is established, and the Ministers of Science, Commerce, Demographics, Defense, Exploration, and Environment are chosen from a pool of volunteers experienced in their relevant fields. The Planet is given an official name, an anagram of "America" it is called:


Esperanza... has risen.

December 2, 4922: Captain Fredrick C. Johnson dies of natural causes. as many held him as the founding figure of the colony, a public funeral is held in the Town Hall. a memorial is erected outside the capital building in his honor.

~ Over the next one hundred years, the Settlement of Esperanza grows from a small town of barely 23,456 inhabitants, to a small city of just over 69,878 inhabitants. Many lands are explored, and is discovered that there are more biomes on the world than just desert and forest and jungle. Far to the west, a large mountain range is discovered in the year 4967. beyond that, it is unknown, as the original exploration team was not equip to cross the range, and another one has yet to be approved to return for further recon, however it is theorized by the gradual loss of forest density as one moves towards the range that some type of grassland exists beyond... another key discovery comes long after it... one that will threaten Esperanza like it has never been before.~

April 14, 5021: At 5:38 PM, Reamica time, Ruins are discovered far to the south of Esperanza. Word is sent back, and authorization to enter is given. What Expeditionist find beyond... is amazing. A lush and beautiful garden, inhabited by countless non predatory species of animal found on earth, and some completely alien. Exo-Biologist have an absolute field day. The Garden is soon named "Eden".

April 30, 5021: Two huge doors are discovered in Eden. They are not operable, despite the attempts of engineers to find the mechanism to do so. The search begins.

June 2, 5021: The mechanism is finally found. the doors slowly grind open, revealing something unexpected beyond; an area made of metal with machinery silently humming. strange computer banks are scattered throughout the room, along with various, alien canisters on the floor. The Ministry of Exploration gives authorization to go within. Disaster soon strikes thereafter, though no one knows until several nights later...

June 5, 5021: Professor Matthew Glipsby has just returned from the site of the Ruins. And that night, he dies mysteriously in the Esperanza Medical ward, after having been admitted following his complaining of severe headache, nausea, and chest pain along with the development of a blood laced cough. An autopsy reveals that the blood vessels in his lungs had burst, resulting in massive internal bleeding; the man had literally drowned in his own blood. something else is also discovered... an unknown microbe... a Virus strain. a full report is filed immediately, and the other scientist who reutrned with Glipsby are detained and taken into medical custody. over the next two days, all six die identically to Glipsby. a full investigation is launched.

June 7, 5021: It is determined after several scientist still at the ruins site die that the pathogen originated from there. several individuals who had contact with the returning scientist two days prior begin to fall ill, as do several of those who had physical interaction with them. The Ministry Council establishes full quarantine in hopes of stopping the spread from getting any further, but they are too late.

Over the next two months, the Virus, designated as "The Scourge of Eden" tears through the settlement. It can be contained to a certain degree, but the city is in dire need of a cure. The spread can not be stopped. the number of those dead rises by the day. soon, over twenty thousand have perished, over a third of the population...

September 12, 5021: Enough...is enough. this can not continue. The Ministry council is left no choice. The best individuals in the Esperanza ranger core are chosen, along with several scientist, and are breifed on their mission; the enter beyond the doors of Eden, and uncover the cure to this plague if it exist. at 6:00 AM, they are loaded onto a Wayflier... and flown out to the objective location.

The fight has begun. your fight has begun. Onto you, the future is entrusted now. Do not fail.

The Ministry Council

Esperanza has been governed by the Ministry Council since it's founding, and it is responsible for all matters regarding the Cityand it's affairs. as well as all satellite settlements in the world

There are Six Ministries which make up the Government of Esperanza, each of them is responsible for a different field. Meetings of the council are held on a regularly scheduled basis, unless an emergency session needs to be called. The Council is lead by an elected official known as the Prime Minister. the different ministries tend to work together in order to achieve the highest possible efficiency... or so they commonly claim.

The Ministry of Defense

Current Minister: Charles E. Gilbs

The MoD is responsible for all security and defense matters in Esperanza. They operate and finance the Public Peace Keeping force, as well as the Esperanza Ranger Core, which serves as the closest thing the Settlement has to a military. They are also the Ministry tasked with Criminal Justice and the management of the Esperanza Prosecutive Court System, along with the operation and funding of Detainment centers (a nicer word for Jails, basically) in the city.

Organizations and Agencies:

The Esperanza Ranger Core (ERC)

- The Closest thing that Esperanza has to a Military force, the ERC is assembled on a volunteer basis, and serves as the Exterior security force of the City, guarding the perimeter and patrolling outlying areas, as well as being dispatched on missions beyond the settlements borders, such as to guard Expedition teams or investigate certain sites. Though it is technically named for the original Soldier type that it trained, it has since expanded it's training regiment to prepare a variety of combat specialties.

The Department of Public Peace Keeping (the DPPK)

- The Internal Security force of Esperanza, where areas the ERC is responsible for the perimeter and outside territories, the DPPK is responsible for keeping the streets safe and upholding the laws passed by the Ministry Council. They are the equivalent of Police.

The Department of Criminal Justice (the DCJ)

- This DCJ is responsible for the handling of Criminal Cases within the Esperanza Court systems, as well as the Funding and Operation of all of the Criminal Detainment Facilities in Esperanza. They are also responsible for the rehabilitation and parole of Convicts... along with handling Capitol Punishment or Exile if necessary

The Ministry of Commerce

Current Minister: Mark A. Goldberg

The MoC is responsible for all Financial and Economic matters in Esperanza. They operate and manage all of the banks within the city, as well as the Currency Mint and the Government Vaults. They are responsible for coordinating with the Department of Demographics in order to monitor the wealth gap and ensure it does not grow too large or small, but rather remains balanced enough to facilitate legitimate competition within the financial markets. It also handles the drafting and funding of the Government budget each year, with input from the other Ministries.

The Ministry of Science

coming soon

The Ministry of Exploration

coming soon

The Ministry of Environment

coming soon

The Ministry of Demographics

coming soon

The Upper and Lower City

Esperanza is split into two main sections, known as the Upper and Lower city. The Upper city consist of the original site of the settlement, atop the Forest Plateau on which Johnson and the Foundation team landed one hundred years ago. The Lower City consist of the rest of the settlement which expanded outward from the plateau in the century following the colony's establishment. Inbewteen these two wards, however, are the middle city, commonly known as the military district of the Esperanza, where as one might imagine, the majority of officers and their families reside. While there is no real wealth gap in between the two sectors worth mentioning since Cash flow of individuals is monitored very closely in Esperanza, it should be noted that the more elite of society tend to occupy the upper city, those with careers in government and scientific pursuit, as well as many of the civil servants of the city, and many crucial buildings and infrastructure is located here. The Lower City serves to house the rest of the populace and the majority of the businesses within the settlement, and is where the majority of the population density resides.

The Upper City

The Original site of Esperanza, Naturally fortified, the Upper city is positioned safely on the high reaches of the small plateau on which Captain Johnson and his men landed. Many key buildings, such as the Capital Building, along with several pieces of key infrastructure are located here. Here lives the Affluent and Social Elites of the Esperanzan people.

Notable Buildings located here:

The Capitol Building

- The First building erected during the Settlement's founding, The Capitol building is a sleek, marble and glass edifice which has towered above the city since Time immemorial. It is here that the Ministry Council Conducts it's meetings. While from it's appearance outwardly, it seems to be an office building reminiscent of thousands of years ago on Pre-Exodus Earth, The majority of the building is actually allotted to storage space for vital and emergency supplies for the city, including a host of stored crop seeds, frozen embryos of multiple livestock species, and many other items. On the top floor lies the Ministry meeting chambers. Do not let it's mostly glass construction fool you, if push comes to shove, this place has been engineered to withstand Armageddon itself with all it's stored contents intact and unharmed.

The Bureau of Defense

- The Headquarters of the Ministry of Defense. It's rather hard to miss given the fact that it's the jet black dome structure with countless windows and solar panel arrays ringing it's upper levels. Even though it's outward appearance does not exactly suggest as much, it is fully equip to withstand an attack of any type, including from the air and guerrilla styled warfare. It's outer Edifice is made of Classified, highly durable alloy, along with a base of structurally enhanced black marble, rendering the exterior walls impervious to gun and even mortar fire.

Beneath the building lies the majority of the Settlement's major weaponry and military equipment, as well as four fully functional Armories for both the ERC and the DPPK. Further in underneath these facilities, are two massive back-up generators which each could power the entire city on their own if needed. The building is powered entirely by the solar array on it's roof during times of peace, but transitions to a small, separate backup generator in the center of the building during times of crisis when these Panels could be destroyed or render inoperable. In addition, a number of Classified defense systems are rigged all throughout the exterior, each equip with an AI capable of detecting whether discharging the weapons are necessary.

Push come to shove, if all hell ever breaks lose in Esperanza, this is definitely where you would want to go. Because who ever is after you will most certainly die if they don't give up right then and there.

The Bureau of Commerce

- The Headquarters of the Ministry of Commerce. It is wrought of pure white marble, and is a large, octagonal building with several entrances along it's eight outer walls. The upper levels of the building house the actual MoC offices, while at the subterranean levels, the Esperanzan mint is located, far below the building, as well as the Settlements vaults, which are filled with currency along with precious metals such as gold and silver... and, rumor has it, even a hoard of Precious gems.

But don't even think about it... this place is located just across the street from the Bureau of Defense, and is actually within full range of the weapon systems installed on it's edifice. Try to rob it, and if you miraculously survive the extremely tight security beneath the building, you'll get to be arrested as soon as you make your get away and charged with High Treason! Yay, what fun! or if you aren't that lucky, then you'll just be blown to bits by the automated weapon systems on the BoD.

The Bureau of Science and Advancement

- The Headquarters of the Ministry of Science. Constructed completely of glass and steel, it's exterior is completely covered in Windows and glass panels and like the Capitol Building, resembles an Ancient Sky Scrapper, albeit one with a twisted build, reaching up towards the heavens like a braided rope of glass and metal. The spike, it is often called. The above ground levels house the actual offices of the Ministry, while beneath it expands a massive subterranean Laboratory complex deep into the earth, spreading out all underneath the city. It is here that all major Scientific Research commissioned by the Government is conducted. Not even the Prime Minister himself knows exactly what goes on down there.

The Bureau of Exploration

- The Headquarters of the Ministry of Exploration. Constructed of glass and steel, just as the Bureau of Science and Advancement, unlike them though, the building consists of two massive, twin towers connected by a ground floor level and several walkways spanning in between the heights. All data gathered from expeditions is stored on the computers housed in this building's systems. In addition there is an underground Garage housing all types of Exploration gear and equipment beneath the building, with entrances and exits leading out of the city and deep into the vast forest beyond.

The Environmental Bureau

- Headquarters for the Ministry of Environment. It's architecture is designed to use soft, natural shapes in the building's construction, mainly arches and domes, coupled with a few angles here and there. The building is multi tiered with twenty floors total, with several roof top gardens and atriums interspersed within. It is here that all data pertaining directly to the state of the environment is monitored and stored for future examination.

The Bureau of Demographics

-A building resembling a City Hall of sorts, Headquarters for the Ministry of Demographics. Unlike the other bureau buildings, however, this is not just one single building, but is rather a whole complex of them nestled in the corner of the Upper City. It is here that all public records are stored in massive databases, along with information pertaining to the public education system and much, much more to do with society. Also houses a complete record of the Settlement's history.

The Middle City

-Info Coming Soon-

The Lower City

~Info Coming Soon~

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Players and the Game

A list of whose participating and everything you need to know about the RP's workings


PC Name: James Gunn

Name: James Gunn

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian - British

Jewel Type: Electrokinetic

Personality: James loves talking with people. He can spend hours talking with people, even those he has recently met. He is extremely outgoing and likes trying different things. He is smart and often comes up with innovative ideas. However they are mostly on the crazy side due to his over active imagination. This often leads to him day dreaming and wasting time. He loves listening to music and always carries his headphones and music player with him. James is horrible at following plans and generally does things his own way. However after Christina's death, James has begun speaking out even more than usual. He often trails off mid conversation into deep thought only to be startled back to reality by the people around him. It's obvious to anyone who spends time with James, that he is completely lost.

Backstory: James had a privileged life and grew up in a military family. While he lived in the middle city, he would often be found in the lower city as he had many friends from those parts. He also fell in love with a girl from the lower city, Christina. They had been dating for a year or so before she fell ill and died. James had never been able to move on and had never loved another girl again. It was sometime after Christina died that James started reading the messages by the "Archangel". At first he had been sceptical about what "Archangel" claimed, but as time passed by, James started getting convinced about the truth behind it. He tried investigating it on his own, but was stopped by his father, a military man. This had been the final straw for him. James left his home and family behind and joined the rebellion in the hopes that he would get his answers.

Appearance: James is 6'2" tall and muscular, having played sports regularly while growing up. He has a thin almost wiry frame and as such is not very brawny. He has light skin, with dark brown hair and a short goatee. His eyes are light blue and he has a thin straight nose. Overall he is pretty good looking. He wears a brown, leather jacket with a white shirt and blue jeans, as well as brown boots. James has a tattoo along his left arm of a trident with sparks of electricity around it. He has a bracelet of brown beads on his wrist and a necklace of beads around his neck. The beads are made of a rough brown stone that is similar to a small walnut, but almost a dark chocolate brown in colour.

Additional: James is quick to make friends and can easily charm his way around. He has also learnt martial arts along with a variety of sports as a child and thus is adept at parkour or free running.


PC Name: Kaz Printstin

Name: Kaz Printstin

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian (American)

Jewel Type: Sonokinetic

Personality: He tends to keep to himself due to him being a bit socially awkward. He's not shy, more or less doesn't talk to people much. When he does talk to people he’s gives a calm composure, also he tends to be a little judgmental towards people. If he thinks of a person being lower then him or just dislike them he’ll ignore them outright or listen though will show a lack of respect towards them. Under the hard shell of his, he has a soft spot for children and animals.

Backstory: Kaz lived with his depressed mother ever since his father died when he was 13. He deiced to help her by doing many house hold chores, as she recovered from the shock. Just as she was starting to be back to her normal self she was fired from her job because she was setup by one of her fellow employees. She took it hard going back to her depressed self and Kaz had to get a part-time job to acquire the money for basic needs when turned 16. After four more years of some what stability his mother was killed during the outbreak leaving Kaz alone with only memories of his parents. A couple months later he read up about the governments involvement with all those deaths during the outbreak. Full of rage for the government and heads off to join the rebellion.

Appearance: 5’9 with black, medium length, straight hair that covers his left eye. Slightly muscular body, which is also a little tan as well. Hazel eyes with a plain, black, unzipped jacket and a crimson red T-shirt under. Blue jeans with black shoes with a Silver necklace around his neck.

Additional: He keeps a pair of headphones playing music that can barely be heard up close, and when he gets annoyed he uses his jewel to block out any noise entering and amplifying the volume music playing in his ears though only in his ears and blocks it from everyone else. (In ear headphones (Music player was a gift from his father before death))


PC Name: Lucas Morrison

Name: Lucas Morrison

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Canadian

Jewel Type: Pyro

Personality: a disciplined, stoic, collected young man who is very stiff, very rational and takes things way too seriously.(sarcasm and metaphors will pass over his head very often) Lucas is just your typical no fun guy. Despite his strict and professional demeanor, he is still approachable and very sympathetic, once you get to know him.

Background: Before the rebellion, Lucas was a junior military student in the middle city of the Esperanza corps, following in the footsteps of his deceased father in the army. upholding the tradition, hoping one day he will get drafted and bring honor to the Morrison family name. His only relative left during the outbreak was his big sister Debby(Deborah), who works at the back office of Esperanza and serves as a moral compass to Lucas. She is very supportive through his little brother's decision and wants nothing more than Lucas to succeed in life.

After the announcement that the government is somewhat involve in all of those deaths, Lucas and Debby decided to go on through their separate ways. His sister Debby decided to stay in the city and continues to work for the government office to avoid any suspicion about her brother's disappearance while Lucas decided to join the Archangels, hoping that things would change for the better for the both of them.

Appearance: Lucas is 6'1 ft tall, light skinned tone, has deep blue eyes and has a physically fit body with a clean cut hair with close-shaven beard to match. Lucas attire consists of a bullet proof vest, tacky black jeans and a pair of black combat boots.

Additional: Lucas has a fair share of military and survivability training.

Kenny (Trainer Red/ K_H)

PC Name: John Smithson Jr.

Name: John Smithson Jr.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Causcausian

Jewel Type: Magnetokinetic

Personality: Calm, reserved, and semi-extroverted, but has a semi-short temper. It's not that he'll go off easily, it's just that he's quick to anger, having lost his father and his brother. it's when someone mentions this touchy subject around him that he gets a lot more defensive, sometimes even to the point of verbally lashing out at the person talking about it. it's why he tends to try to avoid the subject altogether when in public.

Background: hailing from a lower-middle class background, He and Jack were both not short on supplies, but they weren't spoiled, and both brothers were close friends from their early years, with Jack being the more adventurous of the two. Since he was Jack's brother, he too was interested about his father's disappearance. However, when his brother also disappeared, he got a little suspicious about the Government, and things only snowballed from there when he came across Archangel's version of things. when he saw the article, he kind of... snapped, so to speak. Whereas before he read the article, he was nearly impossible to be made angry, he now had a much shorter temper than before. not only that, he became less extroverted than before, starting to Isolate himself from the rest of society. he also became more reserved than before when he read Archangel's words, and tried making himself calmer in order to compensate for his shorter temper after he accidentally yelled at a friend when they mentioned the... Incident.

Appearance: Both he and Jack were very similar, with both of them being tall for their ages and having short brown hair, blue-green eyes, fair-skin, athletic builds, and semi-bushy eyebrows. He's easily mistaken for Jack by those who know either of them, but those who know both of them well can spot small differences, such as how John has a slightly more relaxed stance than Jack, or Jack's one-inch long vertical red linear birthmark on the left side of his upper neck, whereas John has a small 5-shaped red birthmark on the upper left corner of his forehead. He also prefers lighter colors than his brother, which shows in his attire. he tends to wear slightly faded blue jeans and a cyan t-shirt with a segmented bracelet made of turquoise laced with limonite.

Additional: He's Jack Smithson's twin brother, so he's pretty upset at both his father and his brother's deaths.

Game Mechanics:

In this RP, the story will be conducted in a rather straightforward format using a variety of mechanics, such as...


For the most part, the story of this RP will be rather non-linear in nature. Instead of following a rigid, set plotline of pre-set missions that must be accomplished in a set order for things to be advanced, Players will be presented with the ability to choose which mission they wish to embark on. This choice will be made during Breifing scenes, in which players will be called in and given a breif synopsis of each of the available missions, and then given a more in depth breifing for which ever one they choose.

One thing that is worth noting however, is that once a mission has been chosen, it is set in stone and the player will be unable to change their mind and pick another. This is for the sake of security within the rebel organization, can you imagine the pure hell it would cause if someone played musical briefings, learned the specifications for each assignment and the mission outline, and was then captured by the opposition and tortured for information?

Jace can. And so he will not allow even the possibility of this disaster to occur.

Moving on, after the briefing and players have chosen their missions, there will often be Mission Load Out scenes...

Mission Load-Out

Throughout the story there will be many scenes interspersed after Briefing scenes in which players will have the opportunity to chose what weapons they will carry with them into combat/ on missions. These scenes will most often occur before missions or during intermission sequences on certain special missions.

These scenes will be indicated very clearly by two main traits- The narration will temporarily change to the second person (IE, the narrator refers to the reader themselves directly, using the word "you" Predominantly.) for the duration of the load out, and a special musical theme will begin to play for it's duration as well.

During these scenes, players will be free to choose the following gear: A primary weapon (and no, Psyche Jewels do not count as Primary Weapons), a Secondary, ie, back up weapon, and a set number of "Support Equipment", which includes things ranging from various grenades, mines, stealth gear, certain melee weapons, special tools, etc.

Stealth Index Grade

The Stealth index is a type of indicator that only exists while on missions or in combat or certain special situations. As it's name suggests overall, it is the indicator of how noticeable, and therefore likely to be spotted/ draw attention, an individual player is to hostiles. The Index functions on a graded letter scale, as follows:

S- Maximum Stealth, very, very low risk of enemies being able to detect you

A- High Stealth, very low risk of detection

B- Medium High Stealth, low risk of detection

C- Moderate Stealth, fair risk of detection, about 50/50 chance

D- Low Stealth, high risk of detection

E- You stick out like a sore thumb and everyone and everyone's mother is going to spot you. If you get this low, this is no risk of detection, because you've already BEEN detected. it's the equivalent of an alert phase.

The stealth index slides up and down along this above letter scale depending on player actions and a few external circumstances (for example, if you arrive on site for a mission and the hostiles are already on high alert, your index levels automatically drop to at least a C). Doing things such as hiding, eliminating and hiding guards silently, sneaking/ crouching instead of outright running, etc. all help to keep your Stealth Grade high in the field, but things such as opening fire when not equip with a silencer (Unless in special circumstances), Killing enemies in loud and blatant ways, shouting or making other loud noises, causing explosions (Though this one can either help or hurt your grade depending on how you use it), and using your Psyche Jewel in front of witnesses, etc. all decrease your overall stealth grade and make you more noticeable.

A low stealth grade can be increased by hiding and laying low in the field and letting a certain amount of time pass before getting moving again, killing the guard who spotted you before he can signal anyone else, killing all hostiles in the area and then immediately ducking into hiding, or by neutralizing the guards pursuing you.

I will keep players apprised of their initial mission stealth grades and any changes in them at the end of each relevant update.

Objective and Mission Methodology

Though a basic rough outline of the objective and how to proceed about getting to it will be provided during the briefing stage for a mission, players will, more or less, be responsible for finding their own way through challenges and missions and determining how they will go about completing the objective. Their actions, however, will either effect the area around them and the greater story itself for either better or worse.

For example: A player chooses a mission in which they must rescue a fellow rebel who has been captured before he could be extracted after an operation. Now, the player is deployed at the drop point a mile or two away from the settlement... and from there, they're more or less on their own in terms of how to handle things. They can either choose to sneak into the settlement quietly, cause a diversion at the front gates while they move around to infiltrate from the side/ back, assassinate the guards at the front gates and then waltz right in, etc. And from there, once they're in, there is then the matter of deciding how they'll go about finding the prisoner.

They could sneak up on a lone guard, take hold of them at gun point and cut off their means of communication with others and interrogate them before eliminating them, listen in to conversations going on and try to gather clues as to the objective's whereabouts, kill a guard bloodlessly and steal his or her uniform and attempt to pass themselves off as one... or they could just check every single building one by one, neutralizing guards as they go.

It's up to the player how to proceed at the end of the day, though at times, they will occasionally get mission updates via comm-link from other characters back at base advising them, but most of the time there will be no actual explicit right or wrong way to go about the mission's completion. Though even with that said, some methods, like those outlined in briefings or advised upon by NPCs, might work better than others.

Soldier Gene

Dominance, sometimes referred to as "The Soldier Gene" is a concept recently proven after years of speculation that certain individuals have a high natural disposition for combat and conflict resolution- Individuals possessed of the "Soldier Gene" simply have a natural instinct and intuition regardless of what form of combat they are engaged in, an instinct which allows them to outshine their peers on the battlefield and in many cases become quite formidable commanders.

Though most of the time Soldier Gene can only be passed via inheritance from parent to child, it occasionally can appear in individuals whose parents do not have the gene, but yet whose genomes have undergone certain mutations that cause the gene, case and point of an exmaple of said mutation occurring being with all three of the Bane Children, Jace, Scott, and Tamira, as well as individuals such as the late ESF Commander Leewald Stone or late SoH head Lance Quiet.

To summarize, those possessing of the Soldier Gene are known as "Dominants" by the rebellion, and due to this high instinct and intuition, they are natural soldiers and operatives who require little actual training compared to others in order to make their skills and talents effective in the field. Not all "Dominants" however, are created equal. Some people have a stronger variation of soldier gene than others. The following is a theorized scale in how the variants might organize, though it is still being researched:

Alpha Class (Alpha Variant) Dominants- Dominants falling into the Alpha Class category are the most strongly possible, and rarest, variant of the gene. They are often military prodigies among even military prodigies, with minds fully tuned for strategy and warfare, able to rival and surpass even the greatest commanders humanity has ever known. Currently the only known living Alpha Variant is Jace Bane himself, though two others are suspected to exist, they have yet to actually been examined fully...

Beta Class (Beta Variant) Dominants- Dominants falling into the Beta Class have a lesser variant of the Soldier gene than Alphas, yet that is still stronger than the Omega Variant. Not quite as naturally gifted as Alphas, they are still considerably talented and require less training than the common soldier before they are combat ready. They understand the battlefield easily and make superb high-ranking officers.

Omega Class (Omega Variant) Dominants- Dominants falling into the Omega class are the most common and the weakest variant of the Soldier Gene. not as talented and gifted in warfare as their upper classmen, they are still nevertheless better at home in conflict than the average person and have superior instincts compared to the average soldier. It is these traits which make them quite well suited for Elite Forces teams. A good number of individuals within the Esperanza Special Forces are actually Omega Class Dominants and aren't even aware of it themselves.

The Players in this RP will find that their PCs unknowingly hold the Omega Variant of the Soldier Gene... making them naturals for special operations...

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Here information regarding various peices of technology in the story will be posted

Laser Weaponry

Lasers are generated by stimulating a "gain medium"; this substance was charged with electricity, radiation or even by chemical reaction so as to release energy in the form of photons. The gain medium can come in the form of a solid (often a crystal), liquid or gas. The "gain medium," when charged, sees the rapid excitement of its constituent atoms. These atoms would experience increases in electron energy levels. Said electrons, seeking equilibrium, then released photons, or packets of electromagnetic radiation, so as to self-stabilize. The produced radiation, reflected and amplified by the Optical Cavity, could then be released as a high-powered and potentially destructive beam of coherent radiation. The output coupler was responsible for the release of the beam from the optical cavity.

^This above description is stolen straight from Wookiepedia... because I can't think of a better way to explain it myself.

So... basically here's how Laser Rifles work:

  1. The Trigger is depressed by the operator, sending a signal to the Component within the rifle responsible for electricity generation.
  2. This Component, which utilizes a powerful Magnetic Rotation system to generate power, then activates immediately after. The Electricity created by it is then channeled into the "Gain Medium" of the Rifle, which in Standard issue ones (Which is what everyone who is a ranger will have) are a Special type of Crystal mined from beneath Esperanza.
  3. The Gain Medium, having been stimulated by the Electricity, generates the Radiation (Photons in this case) that will be discharged for the shot. These Photons then project into the Optical Cavity.
  4. Inside the Optical Cavity, the photons are reflected and amplified to the point of destructive power.
  5. Once Amplified, this Beam of Coherent and destructive Radiation is released in the form of a "Laser" from the Output Coupler at the end of the Rifle's barrel.

There are two modes on ERC Standard Issue Laser Rifles; Burst and Sweep.

Burst mode, as it's name implies, fires a Single Laser bolt which burns through the target on contact, and can potentially explode if it collides with highly flammable material or substances. It Consumes little power and as such does not cause fast Overheating of the Power Unit in the Rifle.

Sweep mode, unlike Burst mode, fires one, continuous Laser Beam which as the name implies, can then be used to sweep targets and burn through them (Think of it as a very long range Laser Cutter basically). Sweep mode causes significantly more destruction to targets than Burst mode does for obvious reasons, but unlike Burst mode, it also takes up copious amounts of electricity in order to sustain it, and as such can easily cause the Power Unit of the Rifle to overheat after several seconds of using this mode.

How one cycles between Burst and Sweep on a Standard issue rifle is by flicking the switch just above the Trigger Guard between either "B" for Burst and "S" for Sweep. Switching this switch exchanges which lenses are used in the Output Coupler, which ultimately determines which form the beam generated will take.

Laser Rifles are single shot only while on Burst mode; they are not currently capable of full or even semi auto-automatic fire (though the government is working to try to change that...). They almost never overheat while in Burst Mode, but are guaranteed to on Sweep mode. when a LR's power unit overheats, it will require at least 5 minutes to cool, and is rendered completely unusable the entire cool down period. The reason they do not overheat during Burst mode is because the Power Unit generates the electricity and then shuts back down a moment afterwards; while in Sweep mode, the Power Unit must be keep active the entire time the beam is maintained.

Laser Rifles are far more accurate and have a far longer range than Guns do, as they are not affected by variables in the environment such as wind direction and speed and humidity. There shots travel in straight lines, and do not at all curve as bullet trajectories do. The only thing determining whether a shot hit's it's intended mark or not depends on how well the shooter can aim and whether or not the shot is reflected by something. (Yes, bullets actually curve, folks. Looks can be pretty deceiving, right?) The only reason Guns are even still around is because of the LRs lack of Semi and Full Auto Fire capabilities.

The processes taking place within a LR take less than half a second at the very most.

additionally, Lasers fired from LRs require a special type of mirror/ reflective surface in order to be deflected.



^Standard Issue Exo Suit of the ESF

Exo suits are powered by, as the name suggests, the energy known as Exo Fields. Worn in the void of space for maintenance work, when there are biological, radiological, or other such hazards, they are a piece of technology which has existed since the days of the Last Exodus and were crucial in the construction of the seven Generation Arks. They highly resemble their predecessors- Space Suits, though offer far more mobility and defense than them, with many having some form of physical body armoring incorporated into the suit's design

Modern day Exosuits have been improved even more from their early models with certain advancements made decades ago, most notably in their ability to create and maintain a constant, protective field around the body which is capable of blocking physical and most forms of pure energy damage, as well as purify contaminated air particles, and melt ice and snow on contact.

Known as Shield Models, modern suits are never the less rather expensive to produce on large scales compared to their earlier incarnations, and as such, their use is reserved for critical situations, such as, most notably, the "Epidemic" that struck Esperanza a year ago. It should be noted however, that the suit will not project a Shield unless the helmet is equip, thus creating a "Closed Environment". This is a standard safety precaution after several... unpleasant incidents early on in the use of Shields.


here, all information regarding the world and geography of Reamica as a whole will be posted, as well as maps, etc...

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While I'm not interested in joining (maybe when I was younger and had more freedom I would), this seems like a roleplay you have to be committed to. I'd pretty much just get lost and slow everybody down in the end. The one thing I feel I should mention is that you might want to really cut down on all that info in the beginning. You're trying to hook people in with that, not bombard them with info they may not need to know right away.

Then again, our writing styles really differ which is why I can't say too much. There's also the fact I really didn't follow the original RP which kind of makes me feel way behind for some reason. Just answer me this: if I were to start posting in the IC without reading the info above, how lost would I be?

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I have a feeling he is going to super overhaul the systems in the RP etc so I am going to say that while it might be a nice to know what occurred in the First Exodus, it probably isn't required. It is more or less kinda like an event that happened before the events of this RP and it will probably be eluded to etc...but I don't think you need to know it to join up here. About the only thing would be context on the characters that carried over ((Jace etc...)). that would be helpful to have.

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While I'm not interested in joining (maybe when I was younger and had more freedom I would), this seems like a roleplay you have to be committed to. I'd pretty much just get lost and slow everybody down in the end. The one thing I feel I should mention is that you might want to really cut down on all that info in the beginning. You're trying to hook people in with that, not bombard them with info they may not need to know right away.

Then again, our writing styles really differ which is why I can't say too much. There's also the fact I really didn't follow the original RP which kind of makes me feel way behind for some reason. Just answer me this: if I were to start posting in the IC without reading the info above, how lost would I be?

I have a feeling he is going to super overhaul the systems in the RP etc so I am going to say that while it might be a nice to know what occurred in the First Exodus, it probably isn't required. It is more or less kinda like an event that happened before the events of this RP and it will probably be eluded to etc...but I don't think you need to know it to join up here. About the only thing would be context on the characters that carried over ((Jace etc...)). that would be helpful to have.

It's like commander Hukuna said, this is basically E:BE given the massive overhaul and renewal it needed, and is in truth meant to give former players from that a new story to play through since the old one... crumbled a bit.

hence the massive prologue, I'm not trying to hook an audience, I know I've already got one because several players from the old RP expressed interest in wanting to continue in some way . The only reason it includes the old information about how the settlement was founded and everything is so that it's possible for new people to still come in as well. ((Though to be honest, I see how it can all be a bit much for one sitting, so maybe I'll divide it into two parts for soldiers...)) The parts coming after the initial prologue info ((About how Jace declared war and everything to honor the sacrifice of his men)) is there to serve to inform former players from the last RP what happened in between the year since their PCs sacrifice and the present day.

but anyways, soldier, it's like commander Hukuna said, all the stuff that happened in Eden is more or less just history and back-story for why the rebellion is taking place at all right now, and while it would be nicer for you and probably make a lot more click immediately if you knew what happened, it's not terribly necessary to actually participate; you can go into this story more or less blind and having no clue what happened in Eden, but instead only knowing that rumor on the street is, the whole "Virus" thing that was going around a year ago was really the Government poisoning everyone... but again, like Hukuna said, there will be some things from the old one elduded to in here, but nothing major.

Plus, there will at some point be a CW made describing in detail from Bane's perspective everything that happened in Eden, including his team's discovery of the truth, and their actions to shut down the facility responsible for the "Virus" as the feds called it.

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As I said on the other Thread, I'm joining this.

Name: John Smithson Jr.

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Causcausian

Jewel Type: Magnetokinetic

Personality: Calm, reserved, and semi-extroverted, but has a semi-short temper. It's not that he'll go off easily, it's just that he's quick to anger, having lost his father and his brother. it's when someone mentions this touchy subject around him that he gets a lot more defensive, sometimes even to the point of verbally lashing out at the person talking about it. it's why he tends to try to avoid the subject altogether when in public.

Background: hailing from a lower-middle class background, He and Jack were both not short on supplies, but they weren't spoiled, and both brothers were close friends from their early years, with Jack being the more adventurous of the two. Since he was Jack's brother, he too was interested about his father's disappearance. However, when his brother also disappeared, he got a little suspicious about the Government, and things only snowballed from there when he came across Archangel's version of things. when he saw the article, he kind of... snapped, so to speak. Whereas before he read the article, he was nearly impossible to be made angry, he now had a much shorter temper than before. not only that, he became less extroverted than before, starting to Isolate himself from the rest of society. he also became more reserved than before when he read Archangel's words, and tried making himself calmer in order to compensate for his shorter temper after he accidentally yelled at a friend when they mentioned the... Incident.

Appearance: Both he and Jack were very similar, with both of them being tall for their ages and having short brown hair, blue-green eyes, fair-skin, athletic builds, and semi-bushy eyebrows. He's easily mistaken for Jack by those who know either of them, but those who know both of them well can spot small differences, such as how John has a slightly more relaxed stance than Jack, or Jack's one-inch long vertical red linear birthmark on the left side of his upper neck, whereas John has a small 5-shaped red birthmark on the upper left corner of his forehead. He also prefers lighter colors than his brother, which shows in his attire. he tends to wear slightly faded blue jeans and a cyan t-shirt with a segmented bracelet made of turquoise laced with limonite.

Additional: He's Jack Smithson's twin brother, so he's pretty upset at both his father and his brother's deaths.

Edited by Trainer Red
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Name: James Gunn

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian - British (Why no Indian ethnicity?? I already had a character that I wanted to use, but had to change it since ethnicity not available)

Jewel Type: Electrokinetic Psyche Jewel

Personality: James loves talking with people. He can spend hours talking with people, even those he has recently met. He is extremely outgoing and likes trying different things. He is smart and often comes up with innovative ideas. However they are mostly on the crazy side due to his over active imagination. This often leads to him day dreaming and wasting time. He loves listening to music and always carries his headphones and music player with him. James is horrible at following plans and generally does things his own way. However after Christina's death, James has begun speaking out even more than usual. He often trails off mid conversation into deep thought only to be startled back to reality by the people around him. It's obvious to anyone who spends time with James, that he is completely lost.

Backstory: James had a privileged life and grew up in a military family. While he lived in the middle city, he would often be found in the lower city as he had many friends from those parts. He also fell in love with a girl from the lower city, Christina. They had been dating for a year or so before she fell ill and died. James had never been able to move on and had never loved another girl again. It was sometime after Christina died that James started reading the messages by the "Archangel". At first he had been sceptical about what "Archangel" claimed, but as time passed by, James started getting convinced about the truth behind it. He tried investigating it on his own, but was stopped by his father, a military man. This had been the final straw for him. James left his home and family behind and joined the rebellion in the hopes that he would get his answers.

Appearance: James is 6'2" tall and muscular, having played sports regularly while growing up. He has a thin almost wiry frame and as such is not very brawny. He has light skin, with dark brown hair and a short goatee. His eyes are light blue and he has a thin straight nose. Overall he is pretty good looking. He wears a brown, leather jacket with a white shirt and blue jeans, as well as brown boots. James has a tattoo along his left arm of a trident with sparks of electricity around it. He has a bracelet of brown beads on his wrist and a necklace of beads around his neck. The beads are made of a rough brown stone that is similar to a small walnut, but almost a dark chocolate brown in colour.

Additional: James is quick to make friends and can easily charm his way around. He has also learnt martial arts along with a variety of sports as a child and thus is adept at parkour or free running.

[This is a WIP. If possible let me know about the ethnicity. I'd like to change it. Also anything else that needs to be changed?]

Edited by Yash
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it's because they made their own Generation ark and allowed no one but themselves on it, soldier. (Because all the nations who asked had been complete assholes to India in the past). the other nations of the world who were a part of the pact long ago to pool resources and get off of earth decided to allow certain other smaller nations who didn't have resources but still had a bit of man power for labor piggy back off them... India is the only nation that solo'd their ship building entirely and so... they weren't obligated to let other nationalities onboard... which logically works out a whole lot better for a nation anyway, if resources don't have to be "Wasted" on allies.

This story is about those humans who are descendant from the American Generation Ark. America built it's ark and allowed the nations of Britain, several in south and central america, canada, and japan to supply man power and as such it was oligated to allow nationals hailing from those countries onboard.

No, that isn't to say that there are NO indians in Esperanza at all, after all, the US was a melting pot of different people and cultures, it's just that they're so few and far inbetween at this point that they're many times over dwarfed in group size by the listed ethnicities. There was a bit of every ethnicity in every generation ark, however mingled it might be at this point, but the ones listed in the OP are simply the major Ethnic Groups present which have managed to maintain their individual numbers and who now make up the vast majority of the populace and are therefore more likely to be encountered on the street. any ethnicity not listed is more or less just slowly fading into the rest of the population...

so if you want an Indian character, go ahead and do it, but if you reveal your ethnic background to people, you might get a few curious stares in the city and elsewhere since it's very rare to find an individual purely of that ethnicity these days. Hell, Leah Yavichok, one of the major NPCs, is russian descended, so...

Also, be careful with that personality on missions if that's what you're going to run. a heavy inclination for Improvision and being outgoing aren't always strengths in certain scenarios and might or might not cause issues depending on how you play it.

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So, a few changes that have been made in the first OP worthy of note

  • The Prologues have been seperated into a "Basic Premise" and a "Official Prologue" section. The basic premise holds information which gives background to the world of Reamica and eden, as well as some "Ancient History" (Which is located beneath another spoiler tab within the main spoiler tab at the very top, you'll see it if you look) which explains the basic Geo-political situation of earth during the days leading up to mankind fleeing, which more or less explains why some things in esperanza are the way they are, why some ethnicity aren't as strongly represented in the population as others/ aren't there at all, etc. ((Which to summarize, is this; the world did not just cram a bunch of people into a single ship and send it out into the stars, it was far more organized with certain, still decently-powered nations deciding to grant mercy and assistance to other nations such as historical allies or neighbors, and allowing populaces from said chosen nations to come aboard the ship with it's own people. this is the case seven times over, with seven different ships from the "Mother Nations" but even with this said, America was somewhat of a Melting pot for different cultures and ideas, and as such there is a bit more leniency on how strict the Ethnicity rules of selection are because of this, as explained above.. compare to say... if the mother nation of this post-death colony was Israel or Russia.)) Think of the Basic Premise as a "Primer" of sorts for new people, but that returning players can skip because they already know most of it from last time, and the "Prologue" as a backstory for recent events that is needed for everyone, whether they are a returning player or a new one.
  • For the sake of being a bit more politically correct, I have decided to simply abolish the entire "Hispanic" sub Section in the ethnicities section and relocate those choices to the new "Central and south american" sub section ((And yes, I know soldiers, Mexico is NOT a central/ south american country, but where the hell else can I put it where it would fit better?)) I don't know how much more PC this might be, but eh, it's better than just stereotypically lumping everyone together, isn't it? Also certain ethnicity, like Caucasian and Black, have had the Brazilian nationality added as an option for Nat. Heritage. Also, Puerto Rico and the Pacific islander options have been removed because... look at a map, they're both realtively smallish islands scaled against large ones like england and japan or new zealand or even cuba, and with rising water levels because of melting polar caps... well, their overall chance of survival is not exactly as high as those larger islands. however, several nat. choices have been added under Central and South American. And please don't bother asking me why cuba is not there despite what I mentioned about islands and whatnot up above; Honestly, if it hasn't been annexed by the US even within four hundred years of things beginning to show signs of possible improvement diplomacy and trade wise... well, I don't know what the hell else would happen to it, so I just pegged it as a state of the US by the 2400s and therefore it is not eligible for National heritage status as it's own sovereign land.
  • The text in Ethnicities section has been altered to better clarified that those ethnic choices listed are not the ONLY ones present in esperanza, simply the largest ones and therefore the ones with the highest possibility of running into a random joe on the street who belongs to one of them, etc etc...
  • I was contemplating dividing ethnicity along lines of nat. origin first and THEN available choices, however, it completely fell apart in my head when I tried to work it out and so... we have more or less the same system

A few more announcements, the information for the ministries and the city wards/districts/ whatever you soldiers want to call em personally will be put up as soon as I can get them drafted and up, etc, etc... also some information for the world of Reamica and certain locations which will play roles in the setting and story, etc... etc...etc...

And lastly, some info regarding what you the players will be doing in the story has also been added, under the "Additional Information" tab

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I'm going to take some time to read over everything in the OP, but you can expect a character from me at some point. Debating if I want it to be someone who knew Garen or not...

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It depends very much on what you want to do. It could be an interesting hook, but it isn't so good if new players join in. It becomes like cool for people who were in the original game, but it might be a bit alienating to newer ones. This is because it is just part of the lexicon and something they are just expected to know etc... Basically, just be careful with your discretion of whether it is worth it or not.

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It depends very much on what you want to do. It could be an interesting hook, but it isn't so good if new players join in. It becomes like cool for people who were in the original game, but it might be a bit alienating to newer ones. This is because it is just part of the lexicon and something they are just expected to know etc... Basically, just be careful with your discretion of whether it is worth it or not.

A solid point. I also don't want to see overly many PCs who are related to characters from the old RP. A few is fine, as it would actually make a lot of sense for them to join this rebellion, but at the same time I don't want to overload things. Plus I feel like it would be interesting to play a character who is new to the scene.

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The Eden Martyrs won't play a big role in this post mordem wise, they'll more or less only even mean anything to Bane and Gen since they're the only two living people who were out on that operation who knew them all personally and witnessed their sacrifice. They're their reason to fight, and in extension, Jace and Gen are the inspiration of soldiers of the cause to fight, they mimic the resolve of their leaders... so the old PCs matter very much, just in a indirect and inobvious way where it should be very hard for new people to feel alienated because of it with people having PCs realted, etc, etc...

But that said, I'm going to be prudent and make a judgement call here and place a cap, for those of you who are returning players, of three PCs who can have any relation, whether blood, friendship, what so ever to the old ones- first come first serve, because I'd rather just go ahead and nip this issue in the bud before it even possibly poses a threat later on.

And only three period, so if they die, those relation slots are still used up.

Currently Kenny holds one RS with his WIP character john. 2 remain.

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