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Hey Sarge, can I make second character for this RP?

hmm.... I don't know, we really don't have too many character slots to allow people to go dual running around here... what did you have in mind, exactly?

EDIT: @Kenny, don't think that if Surge ain't here, no ones keeping a competent hand on the wheel. I can see that crap about how you edited your first post, compadre. That's not gonna fly around here, I'm afraid, you can't just edit willy nilly after a hosts reaction to your characters action has already been posted, because that just completely breaks up the sensible flow of events if the host has a characters react a certain way to a certain thing you did and you edit it to have your PC having done something completely different entirely. in fact, that honestly counts as Meta-Gaming in a way.

Ergo, I must require that you edit thine first post back to the way it originally was

EDIT 2: Wait a minute... what the hell, are these edit dates even right? they can't be, I know because I checked after 9:22AM for the IC and that post was different from how it is now...

EDIT 3:Alright, alright, just forget about all of that, the forums seem to have decided to be a deceptive bastard when I was typing up that response. Don't know WHY it doesn't alert you when people freaking make edits while youre typing. looks like I'll have to edit that update.

EDIT 4: Alright, it's been fixed.I'll also update for everyone whose entered.

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We (as in, all of us in the RPing Forums) need to keep an eye out for more glitches of this kind...

I'd recommend you make a Thread noting this.

and besides, your editing of the Bouncer's Reaction made me need to alter my Post in order to preserve the continuity of the Thread.

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I'll make some type of PSA/ bring attention to it in a secret club if I notice the problem happening somewhere else again.

anyways, I'd like to point out that right now is our first instance of the game mechanics coming into play. Yay! Milestones! believe it or not, this is an unofficial mission- find the bartender named Jenny. That's your objective if your inside the club

so... how you guys gonna go about trying to locate her?

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Like I said, you and typhlosion are not bound by any turn order right now in your scene, so you can go ahead and post. The turn order only applies for once you go inside the club.

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Really sorry about the delay guys.. Damn time zones.. :P.. Plus was out for an early morning movie.. Will get right on it.. And sarge that second character thing is just incase there aren't others to fill the slots.. Haven't really done much with the character, just basics.. Though was thinking maybe have something with James' friends sister.. Christina's sister.. Maybe she followed James or something of the sort.. Just felt it would be a bit interesting is all..

EDIT: Also if you don't mind, I'll name one of the novice bartenders Kyle. Hope it's ok. If you want to change it that's fine.

Edited by Yash
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I don't really care about the names of the randoms npcs. though in the future, it would be wise not to go naming them yourself unless you're the one who made them, since that could easily lead to a situation where Rule 4 is infringed upon.

As for the second character, if we go on a good bit longer here and no new people have shown any interests in joining up, then I may consider it and contact you if you're still interested at that time. No promises though. But in the case that I might authorize it, just now that said character would have a higher risk of death compared to normal (Primary) PCs.

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Ya sorry, it just seemed like James would address the bartender by name.. I didn't want to do it without permission but not posting would have held up everybody else and that really isn't something I wanted to do..

As for the second character I expected the higher death probability.. I was going to suggest that if someone new joins then you can kill off the character..

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@Yash, I don't know whether that response is complete or not from what you put at the bottom, but for the sake of keeping up momentum, I'm just going to assume that it is when I update later.

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Updates coming soon... got some stuff to work on at the moment though.

And Typhlosion, I'm going to be jumping into that "Guy" Lucas saw at the bar... can't have you all seeing each other quite yet.

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Oh, yaw... one thing i forgot to tell you guys... there is another aspect of this verse which makes it a bit like MGS in terms of overall theme and genre- we have paranormal shit in this world too, yaw, not just AIs and ETs and laser weaponry and superdrugs, yaw...

In all seriousness though, yes, there are paranormal things that exist in this world. And there are people who actually study it as a field... *Glances over at certain scientist working for the rebellion...* but by this point in time, there's not as much myth surrounding the concept as there is in our own world because- well, genuine progress has been made in understanding certain... things.

Oh the fun I will have screwing with you guys from time to time...

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  • 2 weeks later...

so yeah, sorry bout the hold up folks... stuff came up, so it might be a bit longer still until I can update.

Though in all honesty, probably for the best... I have to figure out what to do exactly XD it's kinda like that weird feeling when you're doing something, and you just think to yourself...nah, this ain't right...

So yeah. give me a bit longer to collect myself and whatnot...

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Still waiting... how long does it take one to collect oneself? just wondering.

long enough to determine in what manner to kill a PC if a player wants to get uppity and sarcastic in his tone around me.

I have a life to tend to along with what I do on here, ya know? plus this is far from being my only creative work going on at the moment. I haven't forgotten about you guys though...

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Fun Fact: Specialized, unique Code Names Like Archangel and Angel of Death in the Rebel Intelligence sector are awarded based on Merit and are tailored to at least mildly reflect the things that agent did to obtain it. :ph34r:

Take the hint.

And Jenifer has one as well...

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