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Just another update, soldiers, I've done some editing for the Premise and the Prologue to make them flow better into one another, as well as changed a few things and put a few details as to what is currently going on in the city in the Prologue.

Also, I've decided to drop just having one common motivation in the form of damning articles and simply allow every PC to be driven entirely by their own reasons, though if one wishes they can still have their PC be motivated because of Archangel's writings.

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Name: Lucas Morrison

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Canadian

Jewel Type: Pyro

Personality: a disciplined, stoic, collected young man who is very stiff, very rational and takes things way too seriously.(sarcasm and metaphors will pass over his head very often) Lucas is just your typical no fun guy. Despite his strict and professional demeanour, he is still approachable and very sympathetic, once you get to know him.

Background: Before the rebellion, Lucas was a junior military student in the middle city of the Esperanza corps, following in the footsteps of his deceased father in the army. upholding the tradition, hoping one day he will get drafted and bring honor to the Morrison family name. His only relative left during the outbreak was his big sister Debby(Deborah), who works at the back office of Esperanza and serves as a moral compass to Lucas. She is very supportive through his little brother's decision and wants nothing more than Lucas to succeed in life.

After the announcement that the government is somewhat involve in all of those deaths, Lucas and Debby decided to go on through their separate ways. His sister Debby decided to stay in the city and continues to work for the government office to avoid any suspicion about her brother's disappearance while Lucas decided to join the Archangels, hoping that things would change for the better for the both of them.

Appearance: Lucas is 6'1 ft tall, light skinned tone, has deep blue eyes and has a physically fit body with a clean cut hair with close-shaven beard to match. Lucas attire consists of a bullet proof vest, tacky black jeans and a pair of black combat boots.

Additional: Lucas has a fair share of military and survivability training.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Name: Kaz Printstin

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian (American)

Jewel Type: Sonokinetic Psyche Jewels

Personality: He tends to keep to himself due to him being a bit socially awkward. He's not shy, more or less doesn't talk to people much. When he does talk to people he’s gives a calm composure, also he tends to be a little judgmental towards people. If he thinks of a person being lower then him or just dislike them he’ll ignore them outright or listen though will show a lack of respect towards them. Under the hard shell of his, he has a soft spot for children and animals.

Backstory: Kaz lived with his depressed mother ever since his father died when he was 13. He deiced to help her by doing many house hold chores, as she recovered from the shock. Just as she was starting to be back to her normal self she was fired from her job because she was setup by one of her fellow employees. She took it hard going back to her depressed self and Kaz had to get a part-time job to acquire the money for basic needs when turned 16. After four more years of some what stability his mother was killed during the outbreak leaving Kaz alone with only memories of his parents. A couple months later he read up about the governments involvement with all those deaths during the outbreak. Full of rage for the government and heads off to join the rebellion.

Appearance: 5’9 with black, medium length, straight hair that covers his left eye. Slightly muscular body, which is also a little tan as well. Hazel eyes with a plain, black, unzipped jacket and a crimson red T-shirt under. Blue jeans with black shoes with a Silver necklace around his neck.

Additional: He keeps a pair of headphones playing music that can barely be heard up close, and when he gets annoyed he uses his jewel to block out any noise entering and amplifying the volume music playing in his ears though only in his ears and blocks it from everyone else. (In ear headphones (Music player was a gift from his father before death))

Edited by EXLink32
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Name: Lucas Morrison

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Canadian

Jewel Type: Magno

Personality: a disciplined military dog. a collected young man who is very stiff, very rational and takes things way too seriously.(sarcasm and metaphors will pass over his head very often) Lucas is just your typical no fun guy. Despite his strict and professional demeanor, he is still approachable and is very sympathetic, once you get to know him.

Background: A former hurt locker .a retired bomb disposal unit. (more details to come)

Appearance: Lucas is 6'3 ft tall, light skinned tone, has a strongman physique with a clean cut hair with a manly beard to match.

Additional: disarming/dismantling weapons and bombs is his specialty, whether the use of his manly fist or his jewel ability.

PM me about this supposed bomb disposal unit, soldier. And if he's gonna be retired at anything, than his age should appropriately reflect that (Which may or may not cause complications on certain missions) There is no facebook in Esperanza, and 23 year olds do not just up and get rich enough to retire in this city.

Reserving spot (If I can)

slots are still open. You making a relative, soldier?

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yeah, now that you mention it, my char accomplishments is pretty farfetch due to his age, maybe an ranking amateur? he is knowledgable enough to know how explosive devices and weapons works and he is in the learning curve of these things. just ignore Lucas's backstory for now.

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slots are still open. You making a relative, soldier?

No, I kinda wanna forget Zero ever existed. I failed with him on many parts and he was just a bad character (In creation wise) in general. For that I have to say sorry to you and everyone who I affected by those mistakes. Lucky, I'm a fan of MGS or stealth games in general, so maybe I can redeem myself! ^_^

Edit: I edited in my character sheet

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Name: James Gunn

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian - British (Why no Indian ethnicity?? I already had a character that I wanted to use, but had to change it since ethnicity not available)

Jewel Type: Electrokinetic Psyche Jewel

Personality: James loves talking with people. He can spend hours talking with people, even those he has recently met. He is extremely outgoing and likes trying different things. He is smart and often comes up with innovative ideas. However they are mostly on the crazy side due to his over active imagination. This often leads to him day dreaming and wasting time. He loves listening to music and always carries his headphones and music player with him. James is horrible at following plans and generally does things his own way. However after Christina's death, James has begun speaking out even more than usual. He often trails off mid conversation into deep thought only to be startled back to reality by the people around him. It's obvious to anyone who spends time with James, that he is completely lost.

Backstory: James had a privileged life and grew up in a military family. While he lived in the middle city, he would often be found in the lower city as he had many friends from those parts. He also fell in love with a girl from the lower city, Christina. They had been dating for a year or so before she fell ill and died. James had never been able to move on and had never loved another girl again. It was sometime after Christina died that James started reading the messages by the "Archangel". At first he had been sceptical about what "Archangel" claimed, but as time passed by, James started getting convinced about the truth behind it. He tried investigating it on his own, but was stopped by his father, a military man. This had been the final straw for him. James left his home and family behind and joined the rebellion in the hopes that he would get his answers.

Appearance: James is 6'2" tall and muscular, having played sports regularly while growing up. He has a thin almost wiry frame and as such is not very brawny. He has light skin, with dark brown hair and a short goatee. His eyes are light blue and he has a thin straight nose. Overall he is pretty good looking. He wears a brown, leather jacket with a white shirt and blue jeans, as well as brown boots. James has a tattoo along his left arm of a trident with sparks of electricity around it. He has a bracelet of brown beads on his wrist and a necklace of beads around his neck. The beads are made of a rough brown stone that is similar to a small walnut, but almost a dark chocolate brown in colour.

Additional: James is quick to make friends and can easily charm his way around. He has also learnt martial arts along with a variety of sports as a child and thus is adept at parkour or free running.

[This is a WIP. If possible let me know about the ethnicity. I'd like to change it. Also anything else that needs to be changed?]

Bam! you're approved, soldier.

@Exlink, that back story is gonna need a bit of work... it's not exactly sueish in and of itself particularly, but it's still a bit ridiculous that a parent would merely sit around on their ass and force their child to go out and take on a job just so the family can make ends meet, while they themselves do nothing.

soldier, my suggestion would be to do something such as possibly remove the overall animostic tone of the backstory and instead of having his mother be "Lazy", have her having become so distraught over her husband's death that she honestly had a bit of trouble functioning from day to day and so Kaz had to take on a few responsibilities in order to help her out and make things easier, such as perhaps cooking dinner/meals, helping to clean around the home, basically reducing the amount of stuff she'd have to stress out over, etc.((because CPS does exists within Esperanza- the department falls under the Ministry of Demographics, and if he had to do everything you described him as having to, there would've eventually come a point when they'd look over and say "Nope, get him outta there, and get him out now" and he'd become a ward of the state and be part of the system until the age of 18)).

You could then do something like say... that she died during the "Outbreak" and when Kaz started reading up about allegations that it was all caused by the government... well... you see where this is headed.

Or... you could just keep the backstory and your PC would've been swept up into the custody of the government and Esperanza Child Protective Services rather than stay in that home environment- he'd become a ward of the state until age 18, and well... i personally just think something more like the above suggestion would result in a richer character and overall personal motivation than just this one right here or the one you currently have.

Also, Exosuits will not be standard equipment here unless you take on certain missions/ you choose to suit up in one for a mission while in Mission load-out scenes ((Which I will explain later on along with how this is all going to play out))

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Make it a part-time job and you're in soldier. cause. remember, he would've still had to finish high school and everything until age 18

And just a word of warning... not being able to hear your surroundings on missions can end very, very badly for you. But do as thou wilt, just be prepared for the consequences...

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Make it a part-time job and you're in soldier. cause. remember, he would've still had to finish high school and everything until age 18

And just a word of warning... not being able to hear your surroundings on missions can end very, very badly for you. But do as thou wilt, just be prepared for the consequences...

Done and not he won;t be listening to music during missions. It's mainly for back at barracks things, for when there is character interaction. (Or lack of interaction in his case)

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Done and not he won;t be listening to music during missions. It's mainly for back at barracks things, for when there is character interaction. (Or lack of interaction in his case)

So it's basically what I had planned with James.. I think James and Kaz are gonna get along quite well..

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As I said on the other Thread, I'm joining this.

Name: John Smithson Jr.

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Causcausian

Jewel Type: Magnetokinetic

Personality: Calm, reserved, semi-extroverted.

Background: Jack's brother, he too was interested about his father's disappearance. However, when his brother also disappeared, he got a little suspicious about the Government. Things only snowballed from there when he came across Archangel's version of things, and the final event for him was the Reveal of Archangel as being his brother's old CO.

Appearance: Tall, short brown hair, blue-green eyes, fair-skinned, athletically built, and semi-bushy eyebrows. He's easily mistaken for Jack by those who knew both of them.

Additional: he's Jack Smithson's twin brother, so he's pretty upset at both his father and his brother's deaths.

Sorry Soldier, but I'ma afraid I'll have have to ask you to go a bit deeper here in pretty much every category after "Jewel Type"

A well thought and fleshed out character will provide a much better experience in general than one that doesn't have all that many details to it, trust me... if a PC is well faceted and well described and designed, it gives a player a hell of a lot more to work with and by extension expands what they can possibly do with their writing of them and their development. The more effort put in, the more satisfied one feels to be able to hop behind the wheel and finally take the PC for a drive.

Starting with Personality- That's far too short to be accepted soldier. All I know is that he's "Calm and reserved, semi-introverted" I don't know any hobbies, habits, fears, aspirations, any in-depth details about how he handles himself in society or social situation, what his values or morals or vices are, nor overall what his view of the world as an individual even is. I know nothing of his persona but a few words

Come on soldier, I know you can go deeper than that. Think, who is John Smithson as a person? How does he think, act, what does he believe in, why does he believe in it, what does he fear, why does he fear it? what does he aspire for, why? All this and more soldier. Answer these questions and the points I made above, and that should get you well on your way to better fleshing out your PC personality wise

Now then, the Personality, leads us directly into the next category to be address- Backstory. The backstory and the personality are closely intertwined for every character that has ever been made in the history of ever; for the back story serves as the explanation to the character's life prior to the plot, the things they went through, the things they did and were done to and for them, the people they met (Or didn't meet, etc.), the things they saw... Everything. Ergo, Because people are shaped by their experiences, the Back story must have some way of leading to the character being the person who they are today.

Now, for John, there's a number of things you can do to flesh out and expand his rather bare backstory- in Exodus: Beyond Eden, Jack's backstory was pretty short, only explaining his reason to fight but not how life was like at home, how his life was, etc... You can take that bareness from jack and use it to flesh out John here- you can take this opportunity to explain the brother's relationship and home life. For example, you can touch upon how similiar or disimiliar they were to one another, how they veiwed one another, and then you cna go on from there and focus more on fleshing out john's history specifically from that point.

Lastly, Appearance. I don't really see as big an issue with the shortness of it compared to how I did with Personality and backstory, but still, you can go deeper. Give us more detail, what's his facial features look like, how does he carry himself in terms of body language, what's his typical attire?

Anyway, soldier, wish I could give a bit better or more in-depth suggestions, but the short length is kinda... preventing me from accurately being able to do that. So... these are more or less just things to help get you started. At the very least you should have a full paragraph for the Backstory and Personality each, at the very least. If you get into a flow and feel like writing more, than by all means, go ahead, no one's stopping you.

But yeah, as it is now soldier, your profile still needs a bit of work...

Also, the true identity of Archangel remains unknown at the time of the plots exposition. It is only speculated that Jace is on the other side of the screen, but many people shoot down this theory because he never exhibited any talent or interest in persuasive argumentative writting.

So yeah, Archangel= Mystery Author basically

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We can get things started once we have a minimum of four players, soldiers. So once Kenny and Typhlosion finish their sheets, we can get the IC started.

The maximum number of player slots at any given time is eight for the sake of manageability. And even after we begin the IC, if there's an empty slot, then someone will still be able to join. some things have come up lately though, so It'll be a bit before I can get around to finishing the OPs, but for the most part everything needed is already provided information wise

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sorry it took so long, anyways I updated my profile.. I made a few tweaks about Lucas's jewel type and background and hope it is suitable enough.

Accepted, soldier. now all we need to start is for Kenny to get his in.

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I've tweaked my Character a bit; What do you think of it now?

Accepted. We've got enough to start now. I'll add you and Typhlosions sheets to the OPs and explain how this all going to work with procedure and all. After that I'll get the IC up, maybe sometime later today or this week/weekend.

I'd also like to reiterate- even after the IC begins, new people will still be able to join so long as there's an empty slot. So until/ if we get eight people, registrations will more or less always be open.

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information regarding the game mechanics of "Briefing" and "Mission Load out" have been added to the Third OP. information regarding stealth and mission fulfillment methodology (How you go about conducting a mission and reaching the objective) as well as a few other things will be added very soon.

EDIT: information on Stealth Grade index added

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Information regarding mission methodology and the dominance gene have been added to the Third OP

The soldier gene exists to explain how individuals such as bane can possibly surpass so many of their peers, as well as to explain how the pcs are going to be able to hold their own even when it's their first time in actual armed combat... because honestly, ya'll ain't gonna have time for a lot of training, soldiers, given circumstances. As of this moment, all PCs are now Omega Variant Dominants.

anyways, we have all the mechanics explained that need explaining for the time being. others will be added as they come up and are introduced in the story. I will start the IC sometime very soon.

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