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Reborn Monotype Tournament


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It looks like that closes the second Bracket!

Just some ground rules; Any player inactive or unresponsive to their match will be removed from the tournament. Excused absences will be taken case-by-case. In the case that anyone doesn't show up for whatever reason, we will allow anyone else outside the tournament to fill in for that player's spot (using the same Type, of course.)

Edited by Bazaro
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Just found out I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled the day before... not sure if I am going to be responsive, but I'll try.

Surgery went smooth, no discomfort at all ^_^

Edited by VoxelHeart
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^I´m in the same situation. What´s the best time for you Umbreown?

i was on the entire day today, i left two hours ago to watch a movie and im back now.

i should be available tomorrow the entire day if nothing weird happens.

during weekdays, im only available past 6 PM GMT

edit: just won vs notus, are logs necessary?

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I beat Wendy~ Take that Wendel you little shit


Baton Pass Clause: Limit one Pokémon knowing Baton Pass
Swagger Clause: Swagger is banned
Same Type Clause: Pokémon in a team must share a type
Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon
OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
Moody Clause: Moody is banned
Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned
HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages
ChronoExplo's team:Weavile / Umbreon / Bisharp / Houndoom / Scrafty / Spiritomb
WendelM's team:Forretress / Jirachi / Ferrothorn / Bisharp / Metagross / Scizor
★ChronoExplo: If i stop for any period
★ChronoExplo: Cause my laptop is lagging to fuck
★WendelM: kk
Battle between WendelM and ChronoExplo started!
WendelM sent out Fort Fort (Forretress)!
Go! Arumba (Houndoom)!
Turn 1
Houndoom has Mega Evolved into Mega Houndoom!
Arumba used Flamethrower!
It's super effective! The opposing Fort Fort held on thanks to Sturdy!
The opposing Fort Fort lost 99% of its health!
The opposing Fort Fort used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around your team!
The opposing Fort Fort restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 2
Arumba used Flamethrower!
It's super effective! The opposing Fort Fort lost 7.0% of its health!
The opposing Fort Fort fainted!
WendelM sent out GoldPen (Metagross)!
Turn 3
Metagross has Mega Evolved into Mega Metagross!
Arumba used Flamethrower!
It's super effective! The opposing GoldPen lost 98% of its health!
The opposing GoldPen used Earthquake!
It's super effective! Arumba lost 100% of its health!
Arumba fainted!
Go! RockLeeSmile (Weavile)!
Pointed stones dug into RockLeeSmile!
RockLeeSmile is exerting its pressure!
Turn 4
WendelM withdrew GoldPen (Metagross-Mega)!
WendelM sent out Bischop (Bisharp)!
RockLeeSmile used Ice Shard!
A critical hit! It's not very effective... The opposing Bischop lost 17% of its health!
The opposing Bischop restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 5
RockLeeSmile used Low Sweep!
It's super effective! The opposing Bischop lost 89% of its health!
The opposing Bischop fainted!
WendelM sent out Schaar (Scizor)!
Turn 6
The opposing Schaar used Bullet Punch!
It's super effective! RockLeeSmile lost 75.1% of its health!
The opposing Schaar lost some of its HP!
RockLeeSmile fainted!
Go! Mathas (Spiritomb)!
Pointed stones dug into Mathas!
Turn 7
The opposing Schaar used Bug Bite!
Mathas lost 70.4% of its health!
The opposing Schaar lost some of its HP!
Mathas used Will-O-Wisp!
The opposing Schaar avoided the attack!
Mathas restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 8
Mathas used Sucker Punch!
The opposing Schaar lost 38% of its health!
The opposing Schaar used Bug Bite!
Mathas lost 23.5% of its health!
The opposing Schaar lost some of its HP!
Mathas fainted!
Go! NerdCubed (Scrafty)!
Pointed stones dug into NerdCubed!
Turn 9
NerdCubed used Drain Punch!
The opposing Schaar lost 32% of its health!
The opposing Schaar had its energy drained!
The opposing Schaar used Roost!
The opposing Schaar regained health!
Turn 10
NerdCubed used Dragon Dance!
NerdCubed's Attack rose!
NerdCubed's Speed rose!
The opposing Schaar used Bug Bite!
NerdCubed lost 69.4% of its health!
The opposing Schaar lost some of its HP!
NerdCubed restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 11
The opposing Schaar used Bullet Punch!
NerdCubed lost 36.5% of its health!
The opposing Schaar lost some of its HP!
NerdCubed fainted!
Go! NorthernLion (Bisharp)!
Pointed stones dug into NorthernLion!
Turn 12
NorthernLion used Sucker Punch!
But it failed!
The opposing Schaar used Roost!
The opposing Schaar regained health!
Turn 13
NorthernLion used Knock Off!
The opposing Schaar lost 50% of its health!
NorthernLion knocked off the opposing Schaar's Life Orb!
The opposing Schaar used Bug Bite!
NorthernLion lost 51.7% of its health!
Turn 14
NorthernLion used Knock Off!
The opposing Schaar lost 32% of its health!
The opposing Schaar fainted!
WendelM sent out Thor (Ferrothorn)!
Turn 15
NorthernLion used Brick Break!
It's super effective! The opposing Thor lost 39% of its health!
NorthernLion is hurt by the opposing Thor's Iron Barbs!
NorthernLion is hurt by the opposing Thor's Rocky Helmet!
The opposing Thor used Leech Seed!
NorthernLion was seeded!
NorthernLion's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 16
NorthernLion used Knock Off!
The opposing Thor lost 37% of its health!
NorthernLion is hurt by the opposing Thor's Iron Barbs!
NorthernLion fainted!
The opposing Thor used Knock Off!
But there was no target...
Go! Quill18 (Umbreon)!
Pointed stones dug into Quill18!
Turn 17
Quill18 used Curse!
Quill18's Attack rose!
Quill18's Defense rose!
Quill18's Speed fell!
The opposing Thor used Leech Seed!
Quill18 was seeded!
Quill18 restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Quill18's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 18
Quill18 used Wish!
The opposing Thor used Knock Off!
It's not very effective... Quill18 lost 5.7% of its health!
The opposing Thor knocked off Quill18's Leftovers!
Quill18's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 19
Quill18 used Curse!
Quill18's Attack rose!
Quill18's Defense rose!
Quill18's Speed fell!
The opposing Thor used Gyro Ball!
Quill18 lost 6.6% of its health!
Quill18's wish came true!
Quill18's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 20
Quill18 used Curse!
Quill18's Attack rose!
Quill18's Defense rose!
Quill18's Speed fell!
The opposing Thor used Power Whip!
Quill18 lost 13.0% of its health!
Quill18's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 21
Quill18 used Wish!
The opposing Thor used Power Whip!
Quill18 lost 13.0% of its health!
Quill18's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 22
Quill18 used Curse!
Quill18's Attack rose!
Quill18's Defense rose!
Quill18's Speed fell!
The opposing Thor used Power Whip!
Quill18 avoided the attack!
Quill18's wish came true!
Quill18's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 23
Quill18 used Wish!
The opposing Thor used Power Whip!
Quill18 lost 10.9% of its health!
Quill18's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 24
Quill18 used Curse!
Quill18's Attack rose!
Quill18's Defense rose!
Quill18's Speed fell!
The opposing Thor used Power Whip!
Quill18 lost 9.1% of its health!
Quill18's wish came true!
Quill18's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 25
Quill18 used Wish!
The opposing Thor used Power Whip!
Quill18 lost 9.4% of its health!
Quill18's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 26
Quill18 used Curse!
Quill18's Attack rose!
Quill18's Defense rose!
Quill18's Speed fell!
The opposing Thor used Power Whip!
Quill18 lost 8.5% of its health!
Quill18's wish came true!
Quill18's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 27
The opposing Thor used Power Whip!
Quill18 lost 8.2% of its health!
Quill18 used Wish!
Quill18's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 28
The opposing Thor used Power Whip!
Quill18 lost 7.6% of its health!
Quill18 used Payback!
The opposing Thor lost 64% of its health!
Quill18 is hurt by the opposing Thor's Iron Barbs!
Quill18 is hurt by the opposing Thor's Rocky Helmet!
Quill18's wish came true!
Quill18's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 29
The opposing Thor used Power Whip!
Quill18 lost 7.3% of its health!
Quill18 used Wish!
Quill18's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 30
The opposing Thor used Power Whip!
Quill18 lost 7.3% of its health!
Quill18 used Payback!
The opposing Thor lost 60% of its health!
Quill18 is hurt by the opposing Thor's Iron Barbs!
Quill18 is hurt by the opposing Thor's Rocky Helmet!
The opposing Thor fainted!
Quill18's wish came true!
WendelM sent out Jichi (Jirachi)!
Turn 31
The opposing Jichi used Body Slam!
Quill18 lost 4.2% of its health!
Quill18 is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
The opposing Jichi is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Quill18 is paralyzed! It can't move!
Quill18's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 32
The opposing Jichi used Iron Head!
Quill18 lost 5.4% of its health!
Quill18 used Payback!
A critical hit! It's super effective! The opposing Jichi lost 100% of its health!
The opposing Jichi fainted!
★WendelM: wow
★WendelM: okay
WendelM sent out GoldPen (Metagross-Mega)!
Turn 33
The opposing GoldPen used Meteor Mash!
Quill18 lost 13.6% of its health!
Quill18 used Payback!
It's super effective! The opposing GoldPen lost 2% of its health!
The opposing GoldPen fainted!
ChronoExplo won the battle!
★WendelM: gg
★ChronoExplo: gg
WendelM left.
Cipher Azery joined.
Cipher Azery left.
ChronoExplo left.

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About half of the first round matches have finished, but we still have a lot of matches to go, usually due to people being MIA. While the original purpose of extending the tournament was to give people more time, some people have become more impatient. If it's not too much trouble, please keep in communications with your opponent as soon as you can to arrange your match. Thank you.

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