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Net Neutrality


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Back again for a little bit guys. Not sure if you heard about it this time or last time but last year there was this ongoing battle as well for net neutrality. The basics of this is that the cable companies want domain over the internet so that they can throttle sites to pay more creating internet slow lanes and fast lanes. We managed to stop them last year but apparently they're back again. You can go to this website to show support for team internet and spread the word that you want to keep your internet free and without slow and fast lanes.


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Dobbs, if any one nation starts to repeal Net Neutrality, it is going to effect everywhere. Not just in that other places might follow suit, but websites based places will have even slower lanes to other nations. ((stuff like Youtube or other Streaming services based in the U.S., say goodbye to all of those because they are going to run like molasses )).

If this goes through the message is sent that Net Neutrality period is okay, and it is definitely not okay. So Everyone should care if you want the internet to be what it is now, or for it to possibly grow in the future. Because if this is repealed, it will be chopping it off at the knees, and while the internet won't be fully dead, it might as well be.

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Dobbs, if any one nation starts to repeal Net Neutrality, it is going to effect everywhere. Not just in that other places might follow suit, but websites based places will have even slower lanes to other nations. ((stuff like Youtube or other Streaming services based in the U.S., say goodbye to all of those because they are going to run like molasses )).

If this goes through the message is sent that Net Neutrality period is okay, and it is definitely not okay. So Everyone should care if you want the internet to be what it is now, or for it to possibly grow in the future. Because if this is repealed, it will be chopping it off at the knees, and while the internet won't be fully dead, it might as well be.

This. This right here is what's so important about the issue. Back when I (and probably a lot of you) was young, we had dial-up and never really used the internet. That's how this is going to feel.

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I don't think it's okay to say that this isn't happening soon. It's on the verge of happening already. The countdown on our main site is for the vote that decides this. It is a matter of days, and this matters.

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I don't think it will happen: some big guys (Youtube and Netflix, for example) will suffer big losses if net neutrality is forfeited. That bill will, again, be shred to pieces by such companies. Nevertheless, it is important to protest such proposed laws.

P.S. Dat title...very...accurate...

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  • Administrators

I don't think it will happen: some big guys (Youtube and Netflix, for example) will suffer big losses if net neutrality is forfeited. That bill will, again, be shred to pieces by such companies. Nevertheless, it is important to protest such proposed laws.

P.S. Dat title...very...accurate...

This STARTED with Netflix. As I recall, an ISP started charging Netflix extra or else they would filter their customers' speeds to reduce the total bandwidth expended on Netflix. Reluctantly Netflix agreed to pay the extra price, and now it threatens to go further.

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There should be some law protecting the websites from such actions. It's basically blackmailing. Do this, or you won't see your high bandwidth ever again.

That's exactly what's up for vote. The FCC has a proposed regulation to prevent this sort of thing, but if it fails it's opening the door for it.

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If Net Neutrality is changed, multiple industries will be disrupted and systematically annihilated, or at least disrupted irreparably. Any semblance of the creative essence of the internet will be decimated. We need to stand up for this guys. If not, well, it's been nice knowing you, because if net neutrality changes, this site will go from bustling hub to tumbleweed central extremely quickly.

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That's exactly what's up for vote. The FCC has a proposed regulation to prevent this sort of thing, but if it fails it's opening the door for it.

Excuse my ignorance on the matter. A few days ago, I wasn't even aware of the fact that there will be a vote, although the phenomenon was known since last year. I assumed the vote was to allow such behavior, not condemn it.

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I thought the American government was going to treat the internet as an utility (like water or electricity) frome somewhere around now, if I'm correct. So there's going to be quite the battle for it.

This STARTED with Netflix. As I recall, an ISP started charging Netflix extra or else they would filter their customers' speeds to reduce the total bandwidth expended on Netflix. Reluctantly Netflix agreed to pay the extra price, and now it threatens to go further.

Of course, should've thought about that. My mistake.
Also, on which side does Google stand? 'Cause if they don't have the ability to control internet speed (like the company that charged Netflix extra), they will lose quite some money (slowing access to Google, even by a bit, think about it...)
There's just a huge amount of companies, and pretty much all universities, that will suffer from such laws, so expect some big commotion frankly everywhere when they somehow try that out for a law. The LA riots might get a contendor, then.

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Google is currently on the side of Net Neutrality, as are most big companies that draw their business from the internet. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose if Net Neutrality goes down the drain.

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Google is currently on the side of Net Neutrality, as are most big companies that draw their business from the internet. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose if Net Neutrality goes down the drain.

So expect them to tear this thing apart if someone tries to do anything funny with it. I don't really expect it to happen because of that.

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Okay.... but Google doesn't make the laws.

But they, and the other companies, have a lot of money and are used widely by many people. Google and bing has to be a couple of if not the most commonly used ways to find information about just about anything including information about businesses and the media. That info draw a lot of interest and helps advertise the businesses and such, meaning many, many more organisations will be impacted if the search engines like bing and google take a hit because of this, More people being impacted, more people not wanting this, more chance it won't go through. Google and bings (Granted i'm assuming bing is for NN) parent company Microsoft have the capability to be very influential and reasons to be so. Of course that doesn't mean people should leave it all to them and other such big supporters of NN.

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You can expect that if this is to fail, it won't be long before some other variation of this is going to return. The SOPAs and the PIPAs are going to keep coming in full force in the name of benevolent intentions, but that isn't what these bills are for. There's always going to be a bill that's going to try and go through congress, and it's everyone's job to not only be aware of this, but to stand up and defend the internet as we know it.

It'll be a battle of attrition, because they won't give up on this.

The internet, by far, is the most remarkable invention human beings have invented. Ever. The ability to reach out and gather information at the tips of your fingers is far more valuable to you than most people realize. Censorship of the internet, in any capacity, is unnecessary and unfounded bottlenecking of information, and that should outrage you.

There are a myriad of very powerful people that want to eviscerate the internet. Don't let them.

Edited by Antilegend
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  • 1 month later...

Slight nerco, but an important one I feel is justified. For those who haven't seen my status update, the very businesses Net Neutrality is supposed to protect against is sueing the American FCC over the Net Neutrality Laws to get them overturned. This is battle is not over yet.

Here's a relevancy question: Say you don't live in America, as most of you don't. Why the hell should you care what happens in America? Around the time this nation was colonized by Europeans, a man named John Winthrop gave a famous speech which contained the lines,"For we must consider that we shall be as a City upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause him to withdraw his present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword throughout the world." In this case, America very much is the city upon the hill. Other nations watch it to understand how the flow of the world is going. If America allows Net Neutrality to fail, other nations of influence will likely follow in tow. It is a domino effect of sorts. If one falls, the rest shall tumble shortly. We must first establish our bastion in the laws of America and then distribute and administer it like a cure to an ail to all who lack their protection against such viruses. When one area is cured, the doctors can then move on and help another. But firstly, and chiefly, we must administer a swift and just strike into the heart of the beast and protect our values and all future generations. We must protect the city upon the hill, for if its exalted post is to fall, all cities in the valley below shall fall as well. Let us bolster our defense and our ranks and strike back accordingly.

The time is now. The day of the battle has arrived. Take up your arms and let us stand together in our immortal combat. It will never end, but this is our burden to bear for the continuation of our world.

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google really does piss me off with all that money they have and probably are waving around! they already turned youtube to shit and google plus seriously needs to die! what else did they buy.... oh well... this sort of reminds me about sopa and all that crap... i am not surprised they are trying to return to force more pay for those who want the BETTER LANE.... comcast is sort of like that already! i have them as my provider... i should know... they anger me yet they are the only good thing i have right now for a good connection however it is funny on why they are unsure why they are losing so many costumers. they do not need to be like sopa and start up all this nonsense again over and over till they learn the HARD way.... anyway i may not be revisiting this topic.... i am sort of on and off on being down is why. i am just throwing in how i feel about this and nothing more

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