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Unconventional Water :D

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So, with *certain* people complaining that Swift Swim is horribly uber, etc. and that it should be banned, I decided to try and design a strategy to accelerate the speed of a water team.

Granted, it only works optimally for doubles/triples, so it's limited - but it's a start, nonetheless :D

Below is my opening line-up for the triples and doubles variants:




Gyarados (Intimidate)

Ice Fang
Dragon Dance


Mantine (Any ability - irrelevant)

Aerial Ace
Bullet Seed


Seaking (LightningRod)

HP Electric




Mantine (see above)


Seaking (see above)


So, you might be wondering, just what the hell has this dude been smoking? :D

The key is [i]Tailwind on Mantine, and LightningRod on seaking[/i]. EV the rest for speed, and you ought to be set.

Now, most people out there immediately assume that I'm using mantine to set up Rain Dance for a Swift Swim on seaking (with the banned Drizzle, lol). So they try to zap mantine, which seaking sucks up as the Tailwind goes up. To make it more annoying, I tend to Sash my mantine.

Best part is that you could Tailwind even before it fades out.

Backup Tailwind piece for me is a pelipper - non-monotype players might opt for non-water types :D

As I might have mentioned earlier - gimmicky, but IMHO a concept worthy of exploration beyond its present application using whimsicott and/or flying teams.

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@ Slut - This was a sort of 'in your face' thing for the folks at Smogon, since some of them seem to think water types are doomed to be slow thanks to the Drizzle ban XD

@ Winter - I use water/ghost monotype teams, so for water these are the other three:


Rotom-W (Levitate)

Shadow Ball
Pain Split


Pelipper (Keen Eye)

HP Grass


Gastrodon (Storm Drain)

Earth Power
Ice Beam


Other water-types I've used before instead of the non-Tailwind pieces are as follows:

- Empoleon (physical attacker)
- Sharpedo (physical, duh)
- Swampert (also physical)
- Cloyster (got to love being physical!)
- Octillery (special)
- Jellicent (special)
- Kingdra (special)
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  • 2 weeks later...
HP on a physical attacker like Seaking is rather wtf. It will do some damage, but not much. Try something else.

Also, bullet seed is kind of a terrible move. Again, try something else.

Also, Storm Drain or Dry skin + that bulb thing might be something to look into.
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Those abilities will null Bulb's effect. The pokemon needs to take damage for Bulb or Battery to activate.
Also if anything, HP's type should be changed, probably to something that does better against other electrics. And the other moves ought to be special to make better use of Lighting Rod. Megahorn is strong enough you might be able to get away with it, especially since it'll help against grass types, but isn't there a better choice than Waterfall?
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  • 3 weeks later...
[quote name='Amethyst' timestamp='1308381171' post='16284']
Also if anything, HP's type should be changed, probably to something that does better against other electrics. And the other moves ought to be special to make better use of Lighting Rod. Megahorn is strong enough you might be able to get away with it, especially since it'll help against grass types, but isn't there a better choice than Waterfall?

It was just an experimental team that hasn't actually been used in a while - will need to play with it a little more before I can determine a good set for seaking :D
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