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Railnet puzzle help?


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I've watched two different videos and read one post about this, but I still can't get the dang gate to open. I could have sworn I had the tracks lined up correctly (I followed the suggestion from the previous post and lined up the tracks where there are no rocks or anything in the way) but the gate still isn't open so obviously I've done something wrong and I can't figure out what it is. x_x

Can anyone offer some suggestions or possibly a good video that shows how it should be done? Or is there something else I need to do to get the gate to open besides just lining up the tracks correctly? Thank you in advance!

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You can work it out if you want, but I'll just give the walkthrough straight as it is, starting from the train engine.

Here's the directions that the tracks need to go at each junction, starting straight up from the engine (this includes junctions where you don't have any other choice):
















Hope that helps.

Edited by Spineblade
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You can work it out of you want, but I'll just give the walkthrough straight as it is, starting from the train engine.

Here's the directions that the tracks need to go at each junction, starting straight up from the engine (this includes junctions where you don't have any other choice):

Apparently I was just off by one because right after switching one around I heard the gate unlock. Thank you so much for your help! c:

Edited by TrainerWren
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