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Monorun or dualrun?


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I decided to do mono run while ago. (I chosen Ground, just 4 fun) But... With Turtwig as starter, I had very big problems with Julia, and now next gyms will be even harder. (Only Trapinch and Onix pre Florina?). And now I have a question!

Do You think if it will be better for a newbie player to make a dual type run? It will make life much more easier.

But then...

Which 2 types should I use? Give me Your examples, what do You think is fun? Maybe Ground - Rock? (Fossils + fire/rock pokes will make it muuuuch easier.)

Thanks for help and ideas!

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for a newbie id advise avoiding the mono/dual type/gen chalanges thease types of chalanges are very dificult for a beginer to the game. ive noticed most players do that with their second or thirdrd play through so just play wiht what you want the first go round after you have seen whats there then try a mono/dual type/gen chalange.

i have two play throughs myself but i havent doen a type/ gen challange because i simply havent got around to it and im having a hard time deciding what type(s0 or gen(s) to do

also if you are pritty adamant about doing it and since you alredy have a turtwig why not grass/ground? or grass/ground/rock in the case of what you have avalible

Edited by sandy
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Well, if you wanna go with a dual type, definitely don't make it Ground and Rock, they share some weaknesses and both have really bad special defense. Go with something that covers your main type's weaknesses somewhat, like Fire or Grass, or something conpletely unrelated type-wise like Ground and Normal or Psychic for example.

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Sandy, I am not as newbie. I got to Charlotte pretty much at ez mode, so I want little bit of challenge. ^.^

Etesian, good point, I would have died at water gym...

Nickcrash, that can be interesting. Numel & Trapinch, give also Emolga, Magnemite + Rotom form (Wash maybe? Or frost? It will be hard to decide). I will give it a try!

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