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Pokemon considered too low level to be used.


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Mmmk, I've been playing the game again recently and I asked Ame about the pokemon you find later in the game that are incredibly low leveled after finding the Heracross in adventurine that should be the same level as when you fought it. This is a list of pokemon i've found so far that I think are too low in level to be very viable without a lot of extra work, such as grinding for a minimum of 15 levels. I will count exceptions to this such as the Beldum, which obviously should be worked for as it is a pseudo.

If there's any pokemon you think I've missed, please post them along with the estimated amount of levels you have to grind them and the usefulness that they have overall as I do below

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I know i've missed off a lot so far, but i'd rather give actual reasons as to why to certain pokemon should be leveled up more than just say "LITWICK IZ 2 WEAK TO USEE" and be able to give estimated level ranges to make this list helpful. This is just a few that I have found and actually know what levels they start at

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So wait, is this just to point out the low-level mons or are you calling for change so that their levels can be raised?

Either way, I never truly had a issue grinding my mons up, but I can see your standpoint that other people could find this tedious. A mon I guess you can also add to the list would be Solosis.

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  On 2/20/2015 at 8:31 PM, ~Derpy Simon said:

So wait, is this just to point out the low-level mons or are you calling for change so that their levels can be raised?

Either way, I never truly had a issue grinding my mons up, but I can see your standpoint that other people could find this tedious. A mon I guess you can also add to the list would be Solosis.

Just to point out mons that should be brought up. Grinding may not be tedious for you, but it really is unnecessary to bring something up more than 15 levels for one situation I.e galvantuala if you want to fight Radomus

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Most of those you listed I'm okay with (especially Ditto since HP is the only important stat anyways). Here's a couple that are often forgotten:


This little guy is a pain in the arse to grind up just to be useful when there's already a very, very big handful of bigger bug mons who start at a higher level. I can't remember the exact level, but I prefer if it being a couple levels away from evolving (is Lv 33-35 really too much to ask?).


Before I get any hate, this thing isn't too bad of a Pokemon. The level it comes at pretty much makes it absolutely worthless though because no one wants to train a Stunfisk up 28 levels (I think it comes up at lv 5) just to be able to use it. I'd prefer if it wasn't ranked on the same level as Dunsparce because it can be useful especially when Aya is coming around the corner. I'd be happy with a level 20 one, but I'd rather it be 25.

Carvanha (Good Rod)

I forget the level, but it definitely should be higher for the pain in the ass roundabout you have to go through just to get it if you choose team Magma. You have to not only get the Good Rod, but walk all the way back to Reborn City and start fishing for it (and Skrelp), but unlike Skrelp you're required to beat team Aqua and fish for it in a tiny spot you might not even realize is fishable. Lv 40 like Zangoose at least. Did I mention that it takes forever to grind up anyways?

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By using the exp share, you can grind them up to lvl 40 or 50 easily, by EV training something at the Tauros/Bouffalant or in the Citae Ark d'Astrae. Heracross could be higher if Radomus was the only one to fight afterwards, but it can decimate Luna on its own.

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let's get down with harsh critic...no not really, even if i personally have no problems at all with grinding my (favorite) Pokemon but other people may think otherwise, anyway your list is pretty much correct (more or less) apart from Gastly (Gengar is strong so for the same motive as Beldum? I think yes) but remember that even in the official games the "extra" Pokemon you receive (either as eggs or not) are often (not always but often) low level.

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  On 2/20/2015 at 9:07 PM, nickcrash said:

By using the exp share, you can grind them up to lvl 40 or 50 easily, by EV training something at the Tauros/Bouffalant or in the Citae Ark d'Astrae. Heracross could be higher if Radomus was the only one to fight afterwards, but it can decimate Luna on its own.

Thing is,The exp share relies on either A:Luck or B:Is past Radomus so it'll take Quite a while to grind otherwise:c

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Generally, I don't think grinding is that big of an issue as I've been able to use Pokemon found in the first two episodes to make it all the way past some of the hardest gym leaders before their nerfs (cough*Serra and Aya*cough). Heck, I found Noel ridiculously easy, but Sigmund nearly kicked my behind. In reality, each of those mons needs to be tested for the time it takes to grind and compare it to how useful they are.

For example, Ghastly comes at a very low level, but Gengar is able to one shot quite a few mons when it evolves. Fossil Pokemon come in at level 20, but only a couple of them are really good so it's likely a wasted effort compared to trying another Pokemon (Aerodactyl tho).

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Best Fossil by far is Archen for me,damn thing is fast and Stab Acrobatics coming from that attack stat?

Not much'll be taking more than one of those :P(It goes through Samson like a Hot knive through Butter)

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I should have really clarified another point: This is also for mons that some would otherwise be dissuaded to use just because of the low level. For example, there is a fair few fighting types to use in game, especially if you picked one of the 3 fire starters, so why pick up a level 15(?) Timburr unless you really like the pokemon itself when just in the prior area you can pick up a level 50 mankey/primeape in aventurine woods that's ready to go? As I was exploring aventrine, I entered one of the mountains with ice/water pokemon. I found a level 43 buizel. 13 levels above the event pinsir. It doesn't make sense to me to have these pokemon be so low leveled when just nearby there's an unevolved pokemon 10+ levels above.

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  On 2/20/2015 at 9:44 PM, DobbyTheTrueElf said:

I should have really clarified another point: This is also for mons that some would otherwise be dissuaded to use just because of the low level. For example, there is a fair few fighting types to use in game, especially if you picked one of the 3 fire starters, so why pick up a level 15(?) Timburr unless you really like the pokemon itself when just in the prior area you can pick up a level 50 mankey/primeape in aventurine woods that's ready to go? As I was exploring aventrine, I entered one of the mountains with ice/water pokemon. I found a level 43 buizel. 13 levels above the event pinsir. It doesn't make sense to me to have these pokemon be so low leveled when just nearby there's an unevolved pokemon 10+ levels above.

Including this

There are Pure Power Meditite around level 48+ on the route right next to the Circus so Timburr is kinda outmatched in this case...

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I kind of agree. I wanted to add a Piplup to my Team since Crawdaunt is not bulky enough and too slow to go first but then I realized change will not happen because Amethyst probably wants you to work for the useable pokemon. Now I have a ridiculously large party of 70s(which I doubt will be used) and I doubt you are as crazy as I am to grind for that long.

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While true that most people will not take the time to grind them, unless it is between the episode release (like me), pokemon like Conkeldurr outclass all others in their category, so they are worthy of the grind. Others like Rotom are worth it to spend time in the daycare to breed one with decent IVs before you throw it in the battle. Getting a low level Pinsir is not worth it. The same goes for Joltix and Sableye. A potential raise of ~10 levels is enough.

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Nick, look at things from the perspective of the game being pretty much done. People won't have that inbetween episode wait time, they'l be buzzing to move on with the story, not sit and grind a conkeldurr when there's an easier alternative like meditite

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  On 2/20/2015 at 10:17 PM, derekwst3 said:

my thoughts about this is if you thing its tedious to raise them don't, just use others less tedious pokemans. a lot of people do breed pokemon to create "perfect pokemon" so levels don't really matter,

That's what i'd like to prevent here. Every pokemon should be viable for use. Granted some have to be underleveled so that the players aren't handed Incredibly strong pokemon, each pokemon should be viable. The point was to point out pokemon that you have to put in an excess of work to be able to use that seems to be too much.

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When I saw this thread my thoughts went straight to Joltik.

But that's mostly because aventurine is filled with SPIDER webs, not Tick webs. Ticks don't make webs. So that's weird, finding Galvantula would simply make more sense.

BUT. Galvantula is EASY to grind up in Vanhanen Labyrinth. Just run from the Ponyta and Furfrou, Signal beam all Giraffarig and Deerling, which even underleveled it easily outspeeds.

Plus, I've taken a heavily underleveld Galvantula (like level 40) into the battle with Radomus once, it one shot both Malamar and Exeggutor.

On Houndour I agree, but on most level 1 Pokemon, such as Beldum and the eggs, easily trainable. they're level 20 after 3 Tauros/Bouffelant.

All the others are pretty much still in my pc unused.

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I don´t mind it too much considering you can easily level them up at the Grand Hall trainers (and even get money.) Only thing is, as soon as you hit Agate Circus you have to rely on a few trainers who are there and wild Pokemon, So grinding can get really tedious. Atleast the wild Pokemons are at a high level so they are mostly ready to fight as soon as you catch them

Edited by Yazmat
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I disagree on one.

If you have used Carvahna it actually is NOT hard to train, if you train it during the Orphanage raid. It's dark typing and Assurance stab completely destroys 70% of the Pokémon in there, and I had an easy time with it.

Lack of movepool is the only issue.

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I think it might make sense for Pokemon that are beginners or fossils to be low leveled. Fossils have always been revived at level 20 and beginners are usually low level if they're given to you by someone. Otherwise, I think a valid point can be made for them to be received at a higher level.

Edited by Swerve Nation
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How much do people care about dex data for Pokemon? One of the reasons I have things like, Joltik, for example, at the level they are is because I felt it was awkward to be giving players evolved Pokemon in events when they don't have any way to obtain the un-evolved form sans breeding that specific Pokemon? I had been trying to avoid that awkwardness, but in retrospect I suspect most players would rather have ready-to-go levels and be forced to breed if they want the data anyway.

Another consideration in the 7th st Pokemon is the puzzle itself. Abra needs to be Abra (not Kadabra) for the puzzle to make sense, and it's weird to be getting a level 40 whatever Abra at that stage. Like why ain't you evolvin' bro?

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