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Best water type in reborn


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Well, there is no 'best one', it kinda depends on your playstyle, what you want from a pokemon...and of course you have to deal with reborn ;)
Maybe some good choices are AZUMARRIL, Rotom-W, Floatzel, Clawitzer, Ludicolo, Empoleon, (Kingdra?,) Lanturn, Carracosta, Kabutops, Omastar (hail helix), Walrein, Swampert, Octillery, Sharpedo or Crawdawnt (but you already have a dark type), and I probably missed some others...

Edited by laggless01
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Rotom Wash? How do you get the items for Rotom's other forms?

I personally have a Crawdaunt and a Clawitzer. I'd say Swampert,Kingdra and Empoleon are cool and powerful water types. But I don't like them....

How can you say they're cool and not like them lol

Edited by Helia
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I personally have a Crawdaunt and a Clawitzer. I'd say Swampert,Kingdra and Empoleon are cool and powerful water types. But I don't like them....

well i am thinking about kingdra but i am currently at celestine cascade so i cant get out and get any good water types.

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Why are you guys not mentioning Huntail and Gorebyss??, set up a Shell Smash and start wrecking everything. But there are also some D-Dance users like whiscash, crawdaunt and feraligatr. Kingdra can also have a D-dance set with Waterfall, Outrage and Bounce. Anyways, in my opinion Greninja is the best water type, just because protean can give it 0 weaknesses, it has acess to ice beam through breeding, and hidden power fire + spikes covers every weakness.

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I'd say azumarill, but since your team is mostly physical I'd go for rotom-w or ludicolo, since both of these have a ground immunity/resistance, which would be pretty useful to your team.

otherwise, I can also suggest kingdra, vaporeon and lord greninja for having overall superior stats and being good special attackers (if you're wondering, you can get a greninja by trading with other members here).

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I'd say azumarill, but since your team is mostly physical I'd go for rotom-w or ludicolo, since both of these have a ground immunity/resistance, which would be pretty useful to your team.

otherwise, I can also suggest kingdra, vaporeon and lord greninja for having overall superior stats and being good special attackers (if you're wondering, you can get a greninja by trading with other members here).

Well many people say that Lord greninja is a powerful poke but I decided to choose ludicolo.

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gyarad...oh wait it cant be caught yet.definitely the best water pokemon in reborn is gyarados.i would suggest you kingdra because i think it is the one that comes more closer to gyarados in terms of sheer power(only dragon and fairy weakness)

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Lemme rephrase that. They are cool but not cool enough to make it to my super exclusive Team.

:o Hater.

I bet there's some tragic backstory there, amirite?

You don't exactly need to have items. When you are on ametrine city,In a house there is a pc there you can change rotom forms.

Oh really? Sweeeeeeet.

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Well, considering the Pokedex thing, Milotc will probably be available next episode, so...

I sense someone being really excited for the next episode... :P

I didn't even have a water type in my first two runs :P I only trained a greninja after using the trading system in my original file, but I don't really need it (for now). It is monstrous with ice beam, though.

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A solid substitution is Crawdaunt. Adaptability coupled with Swords Dance canset up sweeps. It's Water/Dark typing provides great coverage as well, and it naturally learns Knock Off.

The only issue being it's speed, though if you breed Aqua Jet onto it, it can wreak havoc on just about anybody after you set up.

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Quagsire has earned his spot as my water type, not the absolute best move pool, but it serves it's purpose as an hp wall that eats special attacks for breakfast. The one i caught on that island ended up having 31 IV hp, and 28 IV sp.def, and he managed to pull me through Aya after I got wrecked by her like 20 times and had to go train up some new mons to sub in.

Edit: But still waiting for a rainy day to go grab a mudkip and give swampert a run on my team.

Edited by deadpool848
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