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Pokémon Rejuvenation


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  On 3/9/2015 at 11:47 AM, timbla said:
  On 3/9/2015 at 2:50 AM, Captivation said:

The Pokedex says there's woopers on route 3 and numels in behind the waterfall in Sheridan. It's been a couple of weeks since I played so I can't confirm they're there.

Edit: Found a quagsire by fishing by the route 3 pokemon center with a good r

  On 3/9/2015 at 7:01 AM, Alilatias said:

Oh wow. I found a Lv. 1 Budew in Corta Forest. I wasn't even aware they were obtainable. Seems like a really rare encounter, considering checking the Pokedex entry says they're available even in Gearen City.

Yeah numel are there. In the cave behind the waterfall where you follow keta and fight all those team xen.

And also, yeah there are budews there but i think you can only encounter them in day? Not rly sure.

I found my Budew at night actually.

Would consider having it replace my Jumpluff especially since it has a Sp. Att nature and really good IVs, but at this point, Jumpluff is this game's designated speed beast for status/leech seed.

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  On 3/9/2015 at 5:25 PM, Helia said:

Not sure if related, but just now my game crashed straight after my Patrat survived from poisoning.

Does the game crash often?

Yeah, that's fine. It happens once in a blue moon, but it can also happen in Reborn. Or could happen I had that happen once in E10 and once in E12, over the courses of like 7 playthroughs.

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So i did look back Version 1.1 of this game. Well gearen city only :P. It have some changes like:

-the garden with that girl was bigger and had water.

I like the new mansion better. So good job

-And it had a slowpoke billboard with"feeling lazy"

I like that one.

-The pokecenter was pretty different

I like the new one, since looks more colorful than the old one.

-You had a department store

Care to explain that please.

I didn't check everything like the sewers, etc. But i like the change in the newer version. Only Department store is questioning me.

P.S I accidently deleted my save file(don't ask why pls), so a new playthrough. Yay.

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Have no idea why it was broken, but converting it to a different file format, then converting it back worked. Just download the music, and put it in your BGM folder and let it overwrite the old one.

Edit: Oh hey, does anyone know where rock smash is?

Edited by grasssnake485
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  On 3/9/2015 at 10:47 PM, grasssnake485 said:



Have no idea why it was broken, but converting it to a different file format, then converting it back worked. Just download the music, and put it in your BGM folder and let it overwrite the old one.

Edit: Oh hey, does anyone know where rock smash is?


ps. Gearen City, girl with orange hair.

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This is a double post, but it's an update so I can get away with it.

I can confirm that the encounters list WILL be given with the download of Version 4. In addition to that, I'll have something secret to reveal on wednesday as well.

Nothing too huge, but still big enough to mention it.

Doing this list made me realize that there aren't actually a lot of Pokemon in the game, gonna work on that, fam.

Also click this spoiler box to show the locations of the newly-placed Ability Capsules

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  On 3/10/2015 at 2:08 AM, Jan said:

This is a double post, but it's an update so I can get away with it.

I can confirm that the encounters list WILL be given with the download of Version 4. In addition to that, I'll have something secret to reveal on wednesday as well.

Nothing too huge, but still big enough to mention it.

Doing this list made me realize that there aren't actually a lot of Pokemon in the game, gonna work on that, fam.

Also click this spoiler box to show the locations of the newly-placed Ability Capsules

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God damn it...

666th person to reply on this topic. YEAH!

Edited by ! HC ! PokeLuke
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  On 3/10/2015 at 2:08 AM, Jan said:

This is a double post, but it's an update so I can get away with it.

I can confirm that the encounters list WILL be given with the download of Version 4. In addition to that, I'll have something secret to reveal on wednesday as well.

Nothing too huge, but still big enough to mention it.

Doing this list made me realize that there aren't actually a lot of Pokemon in the game, gonna work on that, fam.

Also click this spoiler box to show the locations of the newly-placed Ability Capsules

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Goddammit Jan.

  On 3/10/2015 at 2:15 AM, ! HC ! PokeLuke said:

God damn it...

666th person to reply on this topic. YEAH!

Darnit, i want to be the one lol

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  On 3/10/2015 at 2:08 AM, Jan said:

This is a double post, but it's an update so I can get away with it.

I can confirm that the encounters list WILL be given with the download of Version 4. In addition to that, I'll have something secret to reveal on wednesday as well.

Nothing too huge, but still big enough to mention it.

Doing this list made me realize that there aren't actually a lot of Pokemon in the game, gonna work on that, fam.

Also click this spoiler box to show the locations of the newly-placed Ability Capsules

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So, Reached the second town now, haven't had any crashes, and damn this game is so cool! So much content! But I have some questions:

Are we being teased with a Galvantula in advance but we won't be able to get a Galvantula till mid-game? (like Reborn)

Where can I find a Cottonee?

Those Shadow moves, they seem to be super effective against Poison, but my other Pokemon seem pretty okay by it, although it should be super effective against all non-shadow Pokemon, right?

What is the effectiveness between types with Shadow?

That girl with the Mareep on the first floor of the hotel, even after getting the first badge she tells me "You don't even have a badge yet" first of all that's very condescending second of all that's a fucking LIE.

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I'd like to ask, are there any other Electric types available right now besides Mareep? I never found any others, and if Mareep is the only one, then having your first electric type after the 3rd gym seems very, very late.

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  On 3/10/2015 at 11:56 PM, Alilatias said:

I'd like to ask, are there any other Electric types available right now besides Mareep? I never found any others, and if Mareep is the only one, then having your first electric type after the 3rd gym seems very, very late.

Well, there arent any good electric types, but I plan to fix that. You can find Emolga on the top of a roof on certain days, and you can win a Helioptile at the Casino

Tbh, I thought I had a ton more Pokemon in the game, but making the encounter list has made me rethink that. Will fix. Don't hate me :c...

Although Emolga has nuzzle, which if fucking broken imo

Edit: Also, that fairy resistance thingy isn't something I just said "hey why not". It actually has something to do with the concept of Fairy types etc.

The game will explain itself.

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I'm going to work on a theory to beat Narcissa.

Grab a good special attacking Pokemon that can learn Nature Power. Profit from Nature Power turning into Shadow Ball. Gain damage boost from field effect and inflict super effective damage.


(I haven't actually fought Narcissa yet. Probably won't be anywhere near that simple going off of the other impressions in this thread so far.)

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can anyone help me find that Fennekin PLZ!

I can't find it anywhere and I can't get that thing out of my mind.

Edit:found it

Edit 2:hooray it run away again WTF!


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love the game jan. oh and for those trying to beat narcissa. do a lot of training against wild pokemon or trainers and make sure the pokemon your training are dark types. already beat version three in three days. just waiting for version 4.

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  On 3/11/2015 at 12:32 PM, crusher8890 said:

love the game jan. oh and for those trying to beat narcissa. do a lot of training against wild pokemon or trainers and make sure the pokemon your training are dark types. already beat version three in three days. just waiting for version 4.

Let's say maybe normal too, or poison cuz of that gengar.

You should have trained with that red guy you can rebattle(and have much exp) in sheridan village in VERSION 2, but the download doesn't exist anymoe.

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Looks like it's that time again. Version 4 is now out and ready to roll.

Not only does this version bring approximately 1 hour of gameplay, but it's also a game changer. Literally.

So what do I mean by that? Well.... in this update brings something that was present for literally 1 generation.

......And that is difficulty modes.

Yes, for all those who (won't stfu about the difficulty) are interested in playing a "casual" version of the game, you can.

However, there's 2 sides to a coin. With the addition of an easy mode, there is also a Challenge mode.

Anyone crazy brave enough to take on an even more challenging version of the game can do so.

So what does this really entail?

Casual mode is for people who simply want to play for the story, but still have a slight challenge in the process. It's also for scrubs.

All levels from trainers are rounded down about 0.92%. So about 1-3 levels depending on what's out.

Money is also multiplied a bit more.

Gym leaders have less Pokemon, and their levels are rounded down.

Challenge mode is for people who are masochists, no really, you must be. Why would you ever choose this option. Regardless, it's there.

All levels from trainers are rounded up by 1.1x which is about the same amount of levels.

Money is LESSENED. Have fun being a hobo.

Gym leaders (In the future) will have altered teams. For now, their levels are just rounded up.

And for this version, and this version only, will EVERYONE be able to change their game difficulty from any Pokemon Center.

You'll see the details there, later.

Later versions will set the difficulty during the intro.

That's another thing I wanted to speak about. Pokemon Centers! They've changed! A lot! No, really. A lot. They keep the interior structural design, but they look completely different color-scheme wise.


Each Pokemon Center now holds an event panel (For whenever I want to do stupid stuff) and an information panel. Convenient!

Also, if you've completed the " Rare Pokemon " event before and couldn't get the quest to finish, try going inside the help center and see if anything changes.

If not, I'll cry.

And last but not least, a location guide for each and every Pokemon in Rejuvenation! Not going to lie, the list isn't perfect. There may be some mistakes, but it should

act as a general outline for wild Pokemon. If you find any errors, or corrections for the list, do not hesitate to tell me. If we can all come up with a more accurate list together, then I can do regional dexs; which is really what I wanted to do in the beginning. I blame my organization skillz.

As I usually do, I'll only put the game on the reborn forums for a few days, and then put it up everywhere else. Why? Because I trust you guys. Think of it like the Ace member beta testers, except you are all beta testers and ilu.

Although I will ask, if you can, to keep errors on ONE post. This way the thread isn't spammed, and it isn't friggin' impossible to organize these errors + fix them.

If it comes to it, I will do a Version 4.1, 4.2, 4.335545645645647456477, and so on-.

But that's about it guys, enjoy, and don't kill me for things :c.

Bad news is that I'll be gone for most of the day, but I didn't want to delay this any longer than I already have.

It should be fine, right?

still not sure about the gym leader difficulty on this one, but we'll roll with it.

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  On 3/11/2015 at 1:18 PM, Jan said:

Challenge mode is for people who are masochists, no really, you must be. Why would you ever choose this option. Regardless, it's there.

All levels from trainers are rounded up by 1.1x which is about the same amount of levels.

Money is LESSENED. Have fun being a hobo.

Gym leaders (In the future) will have altered teams. For now, their levels are just rounded up.

sigh looks like i'm about to lose a couple years off my life, because you already know I'm compelled to choose challenge mode. Thanks for the death sentence Jan :]

Edited by SexyMilotic
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  On 3/11/2015 at 1:18 PM, Jan said:

Looks like it's that time again. Version 4 is now out and ready to roll.

Not only does this version bring approximately 1 hour of gameplay, but it's also a game changer. Literally.

So what do I mean by that? Well.... in this update brings something that was present for literally 1 generation.

......And that is difficulty modes.

Yes, for all those who (won't stfu about the difficulty) are interested in playing a "casual" version of the game, you can.

However, there's 2 sides to a coin. With the addition of an easy mode, there is also a Challenge mode.

Anyone crazy brave enough to take on an even more challenging version of the game can do so.

So what does this really entail?

Casual mode is for people who simply want to play for the story, but still have a slight challenge in the process. It's also for scrubs.

All levels from trainers are rounded down about 0.92%. So about 1-3 levels depending on what's out.

Money is also multiplied a bit more.

Gym leaders have less Pokemon, and their levels are rounded down.

Challenge mode is for people who are masochists, no really, you must be. Why would you ever choose this option. Regardless, it's there.

All levels from trainers are rounded up by 1.1x which is about the same amount of levels.

Money is LESSENED. Have fun being a hobo.

Gym leaders (In the future) will have altered teams. For now, their levels are just rounded up.

And for this version, and this version only, will EVERYONE be able to change their game difficulty from any Pokemon Center.

You'll see the details there, later.

Later versions will set the difficulty during the intro.

That's another thing I wanted to speak about. Pokemon Centers! They've changed! A lot! No, really. A lot. They keep the interior structural design, but they look completely different color-scheme wise.


Each Pokemon Center now holds an event panel (For whenever I want to do stupid stuff) and an information panel. Convenient!

Also, if you've completed the " Rare Pokemon " event before and couldn't get the quest to finish, try going inside the help center and see if anything changes.

If not, I'll cry.

And last but not least, a location guide for each and every Pokemon in Rejuvenation! Not going to lie, the list isn't perfect. There may be some mistakes, but it should

act as a general outline for wild Pokemon. If you find any errors, or corrections for the list, do not hesitate to tell me. If we can all come up with a more accurate list together, then I can do regional dexs; which is really what I wanted to do in the beginning. I blame my organization skillz.

As I usually do, I'll only put the game on the reborn forums for a few days, and then put it up everywhere else. Why? Because I trust you guys. Think of it like the Ace member beta testers, except you are all beta testers and ilu.

Although I will ask, if you can, to keep errors on ONE post. This way the thread isn't spammed, and it isn't friggin' impossible to organize these errors + fix them.

If it comes to it, I will do a Version 4.1, 4.2, 4.335545645645647456477, and so on-.

But that's about it guys, enjoy, and don't kill me for things :c.

Bad news is that I'll be gone for most of the day, but I didn't want to delay this any longer than I already have.

It should be fine, right?

still not sure about the gym leader difficulty on this one, but we'll roll with it.

Yes, hell yeah. Let's go.

And the challenge mode... If i can play reborn, and defeat narcissa in pre nerf, then this will be ok.

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  On 3/11/2015 at 1:48 PM, BBD said:

Is that Fennekin available already?

I've been hunting that thing for hour now

You'll have to chase it around some more, but it is available for capture by the end of this version.

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