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What's your favorite Pokemon Shiny from Reborn?


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On one hand, there's shiny Absol. You must necesarily have regular and shiny ones, and call them Yin and Yang respectively.

On the other hand, there's shiny Beedrill. It has the drill that will pierce the heavens!!!

Aside from those two (and shiny Gourgeist to an extent), the rest are pretty much the same to me. Is not that I care too much about shinies on the first place.

Edited by zimvader42
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Well, the only ones I've actively seen are the Squirtle - Wartortle - Blastoise shinies which look pretty rad as TMNT.

I hate the crimson Houndour - Houndoom one. Bred one by accident with quite good IV's but NOT gonna use it lol.

Rainbow Rapidash, Black Stantler and Black meowth are pretty rad tho :)

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Is there a place with all of these? I liked shiny Magnemite/ton a lot but Magnezone's is just his boring old regular one which looks bad. In fact Magnezone's sprites are kind of disappointing in general, like why is his back sprite only showing the top of his antennae? Is that ever going to be fixed?

Gen 4-5 are not update sprites yet.

Edited by dragon-in-night
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