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Underrated games


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Hence topic, I start. Last story, it's an amazing rpg for the wii story-wise but punishing for people that don't do side quests and make the right choices. Good ost. Custom Robo(Gamecube) good both story and gameplay. Last story final boss theme,

Edited by OmegaRa1der
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Chronicles: Samurai Warriors is a great hack and slash based off of the historical warring era in Japan. It's quite accurate, and I learned a lot from it. The best way I could describe it is Dynasty Warriors for 3ds, and given the chance I recommend picking it up. (Last I checked it goes for about $12.00)

Ill probably be editing this from time to time when I think of more.

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The first underrated game that comes to mind is Xenosaga Ep II. Literally, the amount of hate that this game gets is unbelievable especially when people say you should just skip it. While I do think the 75 score is fair, the amount of hate certainly isn't. Sure the voice acting is...cringeworthy at points (sub-par but some actors are still on top...thank you Crispin Freeman). The combat is a bit different, but it can be fun once you get the hang of it and ignore the people who say to stock spam. When I first played the game, I had zero expectations for it to be good. A couple of scenes even wowed me like a certain sword fight near the end of the game.

I'll agree with the Last Story. Short, but beautiful game. Seriously, if you have a wii, buy the game off amazon. It was $30 new when I bought it. There's probably a couple other gems in my collection, but I'd have to look for them.

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  On 2/25/2015 at 8:25 PM, Generalguy64 said:

Sonic Heroes gets more hate than it deserves. It was a really fun game with cool level design.

I also think NiGHTS Into Dreams is an amazing game that should be more popular.

Also the GC Pokemon Colosseum games are heavily underrated.

Agreed on both sonic heroes and gc pokemon games. I have nights into drems but it make me paranoid.

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Freelancer, a space sim shooter from 2003. I probably spend more than 400 full days on playing this game and still play it on occasion to this date. Microsoft dropped support for the game enirely so you can even freely pirate it without legal issues.

Red Faction Guerrilla is also an amazing. The freedom of being able to destroy every object you come across with rad as hell weaponry, while playing in a fully free roam environment, is a great feeling.

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Some of my favorite games are less underrated, more lesser known or under appreciated. I love the breath of fire series. 1 is a good start to a series, 2 is an amazing storyline with enough replay value to play 3 times, 3 is by far my favorite, watching your character age and the introduction of the "learn" and "master" systems, not to mention the dragon play style, 4 is good, nice storyline and good artwork, like the combo system even if it's not fully reliable. I didn't really like dragon quarter though. they could've done a lot better on that one.

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  On 2/25/2015 at 9:43 PM, Tomas Elliot said:

The Ar Tonelico series! Not very famous, but they are amazing games!

I've seen them around. The art looked great but the games themselves didn't seem spectacular or deep in any way.

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The "Tales of..." series is one I don't ever see talked about or hear I guess. It's my favorite rpg and the core gameplay allows for a lot of interesting things especially joining up with friends in a nutty frenzy of attacks. The stories are always fun and the skits. The skits are the funniest things ever done. The best in my opinion is probably Abyss just because of character growth with Symphonia and Xillia 1 tying for second. Don't play grandia.... just don't. They should all be pretty cheap at this point and Abyss even got a remake on the ds if that's your thing. Another game that was great that at least got good ratings but I never hear about is "The world ends with you" greatest game on the NDS by far from characters to gameplay to an awesome soundtrack.

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  On 3/3/2015 at 9:09 PM, Gentleman's Hat said:

Dust an Elysian Tail was an excellent game. Amazing when you realized that the art and programming was designed by one man. And not to mention a satisfying hack and slash combat system.

You're kidding. And over how many years? Because it's taken me this long to make Reborn which is like 16-bit graphics, but that's way more involved for both art and programming...

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  On 3/4/2015 at 6:43 AM, Amethyst said:

You're kidding. And over how many years? Because it's taken me this long to make Reborn which is like 16-bit graphics, but that's way more involved for both art and programming...

After checking, three and a half years I believe. Oh but do not fret, Lady Amethyst. Your game is much longer and more complex compared to it.

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I'm not really that concerned about comparing games, especially given that this is a fan-game, firstly, and secondly that it's not really a comparable genre. I just remember being very impressed by that game's production quality and thinking a good deal as I played it about what kind of team was behind it. I didn't actually look it up, so I'm just, surprised. And impressed.

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Well, speaking of one-man games, Intrusion 2 was made over 3 years by one dude, the only thing he didn't do in it himself was the music. The game's bosses (except for the first one) are as fun as they are hard, and it took me two days each for the last 2 :P Shame this game got almost NO attention.

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is also pretty rad. I'm really not into FPS games and CoJ is not known for being anything more than a decent series, but Gunslinger was amazing, especially with how they mixed the narrative into the gameplay, and it also has some mechanics you don't quite see everyday. Add to that that it was only 15$ at release, and what more could you ask for except for some publicity for it.

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  On 3/4/2015 at 1:24 PM, Amethyst said:

I'm not really that concerned about comparing games, especially given that this is a fan-game, firstly, and secondly that it's not really a comparable genre. I just remember being very impressed by that game's production quality and thinking a good deal as I played it about what kind of team was behind it. I didn't actually look it up, so I'm just, surprised. And impressed.

I apologize for jumping into conclusions. That is a fair thought. Not to mention you are doing this for free and for that I and, if I so dare to say, everyone are thankful for it.

Edited by Gentleman's Hat
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