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Best Electric type?


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Well, later on it's really slow and stuff which is a big issue

With it's bulk, you can set up an Agility and fix that easily. And compared to other Electric types (barring Eelektross and Heliolisk), it's movepool is also godly. Agility, Power Gem, DIscharge and HP Something/Dragon Pulse are all you need.

Also, Luxray is bad. Really bad. You could give it Facade from the Game Corner, Guts as it's Ability and a Toxic Orb to make it a bit better, but it's still way too slow and frail IMO.

As soon as more TMs are available, Eelektross would be amazing as has a great attack stats (both of them) and learns great attacking moves from 15 different types. And having no weaknesses is always awesome.

But for now, Heliolisk is the best Electric type by far (maybe Magnezone is as good, but I generally dislike slow stuff). A glass cannon physically, though it actually can take a special hit or two. Though it more than makes up for sucky physical bulk with great Speed, Special Attack and coverage.

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I used to be able to say Lanturn, but then it got moved to EP XIV (sad day). Emolga is one that surprised me. Yes, I know it sucks, but when a mon is able to sweep two different gym leaders, it deserves some recognition. I'd have to go with Heliolisk seeing as you can use Ninetales to easily activate its ability making it a powerhouse.

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I have mentioned my love for Galvantula on numerous occasions.

Why? It has amazing speed and special attack, and even the possibility to run as a physical attacker. Using compound eyes on it can also help you with moves such as Thunder and Bounce to have a higher chance of hitting your desired target. Electroball without paralyzing, 1hko'ing tough enemies like Malamar, Weavile, Jinx and Exeggutor, among other strong psychic types with just a Bug Buzz or Signal Beam, I'll take Galvantula over the others above.

galvantula.gif for President.

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manectric is actually pretty amazing too, if you get it with the right moves (volt switch, tbolt, flamethrower, hp ice). for the former three you need to breed it with a smeargle that has these moves, on a version earlier than episode 13, i think. hp ice... very tedious, but definitely worth it.

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I have mentioned my love for Galvantula on numerous occasions.

Why? It has amazing speed and special attack, and even the possibility to run as a physical attacker. Using compound eyes on it can also help you with moves such as Thunder and Bounce to have a higher chance of hitting your desired target. Electroball without paralyzing, 1hko'ing tough enemies like Malamar, Weavile, Jinx and Exeggutor, among other strong psychic types with just a Bug Buzz or Signal Beam, I'll take Galvantula over the others above.

galvantula.gif for President.

I second the use of Galvantula. It is my go to for an Electric Type in any game. My preferred set up is usually: Bug Buzz, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt/Volt Switch.

Galvantula is one hell of a power house. My little Tesla has yet to fail me.

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I second the use of Galvantula. It is my go to for an Electric Type in any game. My preferred set up is usually: Bug Buzz, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt/Volt Switch.

Galvantula is one hell of a power house. My little Tesla has yet to fail me.

*high five!*

Same with my Raja, It litterally SLAYED Terra, surprisingly. Garchomp never saw what hit him.

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I tend to stick with Manectric, but that's 25% personal preference and about 75% because it's great. It learns Discharge vis level-up, which is only slightly less potent than Tbolt and it also triples the para chance (one hell of a trade off if you ask me). You've got Flamethrower post-Charolette and Hidden Power Ice is always an awe choice. You can always slap a combo of Lightning rod on there for doubles abuse and Charge Beam for becoming a God.

I have not personally not used Emolga nor Helioisk, but I've heard good things about both so I'll make note of that here. Also, Ampharos is pretty nice although I haven't used it much.

The other two electrics I'll rotate through are Magnezone and Galvantula, both of which bring their own powers to the table. Galvantula also has nice typing.

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Hmm... for me, I actually no longer have a Electric type on my team, however Pachirisu was actually pretty decent for quite a while (had it in my party up until I got to Agate Circus I think). It didn't sweep or anything but it put in a lot of work as a supporter thanks to Nuzzle and paralyzing the gym leaders Pokemon. Best electric type though? Probably won't go wrong choosing between Eelektross or Magnezone. Galvantula and Jolteon would also be good choices though they are pretty frail.

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