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Could use some help with EV/IV department.


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So, I'm not big when it comes to Breeding, but since there's still a while before episode 15 I want my team to have some good EV's.

So, I was wondering if all of you could take a look at my team here, and tell me if the IV's are good and how I could improve their EV's.

Please tell me which Pokemon have Good IV's/EV's and which have bad ones, and tips for breeding good ones :)

Thanks in advance!

Edited by Helia
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About IVs

The best option is to have 31 (the limit) on the specific stat that you want for boosting it out

You can either have a Pokemon with 6 iv (very difficult) or at last 4-5, you can also have some like speed to be 0 b/c that will help you with Trick Room

Also you can work on some specific iv spread so you can have some Hidden Power Type that you want to use

In Reborn all of those are very difficult b/c of the luck of Ditto(s) most of 31 so you mostly have to do it with just random breeding and make some tributes/sacrifises to Goddess Luck

TL;DR In Reborn something like the 28 IV speed of your Hoondoom is very good. I consider the 26-31 acceptable for Reborn

As for the EV's it's more or less the same thing but this time you can manipulate/change them while training.

For example I have 252 Attack EV's and 252 Speed EV's on my own Metagross.

Every Pokemon can have 510 EV in total spread on EV's but only 508 of them can boost the Stats (mathematics stuff)

Every stat can have 255 but only 252 can boost them so that's the limit. The rest of them can used on some other stat to be slighty boosted

You can also divide them more on 3-4 stats, based on what Pokemon and what use. You can google search the stats/ev's or use sites like Smogon to see some sets that you can use

You can use the EV guide thread to see what Pokemon gives the desired EV you want to give on your pokemon. Also you can use the EV Berries to reset the wrong ones of your pokemons (Dept. Store)

Also check this. It's quite good guide http://nuggetbridge.com/breeding/breeding-perfect-pokemon-x-y/

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Bianca and Detox seem solid enough in terms of IV's, however Detox has a large EV investment in attack which for most situations is a waste, I would recommend purchasing and growing Kelpsy berries to clean that up then look for a mon that gives SPA EVs.

As for the rest of your team, they each seem to have one or two decent IVs which is great for breeding as you have a workable base. Now none of them are necessarily awful in terms of IVs but I personally would rebreed the other four to have at least 20 in the stats that matter (Like 20ish SPA/SPE on Raja or 20 ATK/DEF on Alaska).

Now for tips on breeding (And EV training for that matter) you're going to want all of the "power" items, these are usually referred to as "Power Weight" or "Power Band" and can all be bought at the dept. store granted you have the appropriate stickers. The use of these power items is that if you make a parent hold one it will guaranteed pass down the appropriate IV (So if you gave Raven a Power Weight and bred him, the offspring would always have 30 HP...which is sweet). Another decent thing to have would be a good IV ditto as it guarantees at least one parent with good stats to pass down, so if you have yet to get it I would be sure to soft reset for a good one (Unlike my foolish self ;-;). Now there is a lot more I could say but that should be a good starting point, I would mention the destiny knot but that is currently broken so...yeah. Anyways best of luck with the baby makin'!

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Thanks for the help!

I just bred myself a mudkip with the following IV's:

att 19

def 18

sp att 0

sp def 21

spd 12.

That's already a lot better than my Swampert lol.

And I can work with that Docile nature for now :)

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Helia, there are in this episode some bugs with IV breeding which can work in your favour. Here's a link to the thread about it: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11472

It comes down to this: 5 IV's are inherited naturally instead of 3 (which is the main bug), and since giving a power item to a parent assures the IV of the stat which the item would raise to also be inherited, you can give one a power item to inherit every stat from a parent, and give the other parent an everstone to inherit its nature. Also, the sixth (which is normally randomized) might be automatically be set to 0.
(Destiny knot doesn't work or makes things also crash just like giving 2 power items, I don't know if the former got changed to the latter.)
Whatever you do, never give both parents a power item, it causes the game to crash when you try to pick up the egg.

The rest you can find in the breeding thread which is already mentioned in previous posts.

Edited by laggless01
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Well, breeding like a mofo in this joint.

Apart from that Mudkip I've had a slight success on Houndour and that's about it...

Can't seem to get good iv's on Cottonnee, and only had 1 Joltik as of now which also wasn't a success... But keep on trying! I have two decent Houndour together now so Let's hope for a good one so I can carry on.

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If you have a pokemon I don't have, I can trade to you a pokemon with perfect IV (at least 5 out of 6). Check the member trading thread for that if you want to ;) (It's probably a nidoran, though, and you'll have to wait until weekend)

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Well, Just got myself a Houndour with:

Att 6

def 18

spatt 30

spdef 21

speed 28.

Since Sp. Att and Speed are what I like my Houndoom with, I'll take it. Shame it's Adamant with early bird but that can be resolved quite fast :)

On to Whimsicott! After some searching I found out I have a Nuzleaf with 30 Sp. Att, so he's gonna be daddy to two of my Pokemon, maybe even more.

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  • 7 months later...

What number is considered a good IV? and what is the max IV I could get? and regarding with the nature what nature best suit for attack based and special based attack?

Since perfect IV is 31, 20-ish is considered good Ivs, in other words, translate into level 50, 31 IVs equals extra 15+the base stat+ 5 in that stat(2 IV equals +1 to the stat in level 50), if 0 Iv, it is just the base stat +5, so thats why IVs are so important, modest nature is beneficial to sp attk, while hindering attk, adamant is the opposite, the nature preferred by most trainers are those, plus jolly and timid(beneficial to speed while diminishing sp attk and attk respectively)~All those for sweepers, for tanks preferable nature are careful or bold~ Bulbapedia has more detailed explanation~Also IV is not alterable, it is a genetic marker of pokemon, EV is the one to invest(EV is effort value, taken out a particular mon which excels in particular stat will give you EV of that stat)

Edited by TimTim
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I don't really know how EV's work, I have two of the same pokemon with the same nature and did the EV training on route 1 and farmed all the tauros for it gives 1 attack and 1 speed and the other one I just farmed everywhere and they have the same EV so I don't really know how it works. :(

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Use, items they are a lifesaver. And I know that breeding a perfect pokemon with all six IVs at 31 is a pain in the ass, but the biggest problem is the first one. After that, it's fairly easy with power items. You'll probably have to breed some mons that you don't want, because of the egg groups (so i suggest that the first one you try to breed is field/some other group, since field group is the biggest egg group). After you get practiced and with one perfect parent, it usually takes, 4 breedings tops to get a pokemon with 5 perfect IV (disregard pokemons like starters who come overwhelmingly as males).

I don't really know how EV's work, I have two of the same pokemon with the same nature and did the EV training on route 1 and farmed all the tauros for it gives 1 attack and 1 speed and the other one I just farmed everywhere and they have the same EV so I don't really know how it works.

You get EVs by battling. Every pokemon gives a certain number of different evs. This is reborn's ev training guide: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/?showtopic=7866

You can rise the number of EVs a pokemon gets, by giving it one of the power items. For example, power weight gives you 4 HP EVs, on top of the HP Evs won in battle, while the pokemon holds it. They also stack up with pokerus.

If you battled just Tauros with one pokemon, then that pokemon would have to have EVs only under Attack and Speed stats, while other one should have spread out EVs among all stats.

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