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Newbie says "Hello!"


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Hello everybody my name is CongitiveCapricorn and I am a new member to the reborn community!

I found this place out via tumblr post and it look very interesting and when I got my new laptop I jumped at the chance to download the game and Im excited to see how it goes.

About me:

Well like me screen name I am a Capricorn(jan 3rd)

I do love to rp and write fanfiction (I already have an oc in mind for reborn)

I am very very very shy...

What are my interest?



-Creative writing


-Psychology(Cognitive if ya couldnt tell)

-Pokemon(of course)


But ummm, that's all I got for now I look forward to being around and stuff :lol:

My signature:

"There's a craft to be mastered in losing your mind."

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Welcome! Just a quick tip:

In the 'Edit My Profile' Page, on the sub nav bar to the left, you will see 'Signature', click on that and an edit as you with a post.

Credit to Jericho. Check out his FAQ here. That will allow you to set your signature so that you don't need to keep manually typing it out.

Anyway, your shyness reminds me of that delicious cow another member who was shy when he first joined. He's quite into the following genre of music. Enjoy your time here!


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Hello CognitiveCapricorn and welcome to the Reborn Forums!

If you have any questions, be sure to ask myself, an Ace Member, or a moderator. If you are interested in competitive battling, or just wanting a place to chat, check out the Showdown Server. There's also a FAQ page, which is pretty self explanatory, so be sure to read that if you have any simple questions. Finally, be sure to read the rules as well.

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Hey another Capricorn! Hi5! *raises open palm* Anyways, don't be shy, we don't bite.. Though people are known to crunch, lick and tickle Since you like RPs I hope to see you there.. You can talk with Hukuna sensei and King Murdoc for any help you may need.. Also now that you have joined, we demand an entrance fee.. Your sanity.. Please deposit it in the box kept outside the door.. Dinner time folks!!! I guess that is pretty much it for now.. :)

Cya around!!

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