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League of Legends Noob


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My personal advice, as a relatively new player myself, is for you to try and get some meta-game knowledge overall, search about the usual terms used by the players and their meaning, search about how the lane positions work and etc. In short: Master your knowledge before mastering your mechanics, since the mechanics you learn by actualy playing and stuff.

In actual gameplay, don't try to jump imediatly into intermediate bots, start with the beginner ones, and try not to die alot and you'll do fine at the start. Try to get kills once you feel like you've mastered enough mechanics and then refine your own skills from there.

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To delve deeper into some terms you might need to know, I'll give you a list.

Top: Both a Lane and a Role. Refers to the uppermost lane of Summoner's Rift and also the solo laner who resides there.

Mid: Both a Lane and a Role. Refers to the middle lane of Summoner's Rift and also the solo laner who resides there.

Jungle: Both an area and a Role. Refers to the areas in between lanes that contain neutral monsters as well as the player who's job is to farm there and assist the laners.

Bot: Both a Lane and a Duo. Refers to the bottommost lane of Summoner's Rift and also the two players who reside there.

ADC: Stands for "Attack Damage Carry." These champions reside in the bottom lane and are most often ranged champions that scale off of attack damage.

Support: A champion that resides in the bottom lane to help the ADC survive and thrive in the laning phase.

MIA: Refers to when a champion is missing from their usual lane or area.

Dragon: A useful objective in Summoner's Rift that gives various boosts to the team that slays it depending on how many times a team has killed it.

Baron: An often game-deciding objective that gives major boosts to the team that slays it.

Turret: Defensive structures assigned to each team that both give vision for a team and hit enemies that enter their area.

Inhibitor: A very useful objective to destroy. There are three for each team. Upon destroying one, super minions will spawn in the lane coordinating with the destroyed inhibitor. If all three of an enemy's inhibitors are destroyed, two super minions will spawn per wave.

Nexus: The objective that you are trying to destroy. Kill the enemy team's nexus and you win the game.

Minion: Small units that spawn frequently. Can attack other minions, champions, turrets, inhibitors, and nexuses. These minions are also very useful for gaining gold and experience upon killing them.

Monsters: Units found within the jungle that give experience and gold to the champion who slays them.

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My personal advice is just play around. Go into blind pick and play around with any champions that catch your eye. Get comfortable with the controls and camera first than you can worry about everything else. As you level up you'll get introduced to more and more of the game. Take your time and just have fun getting to level 30.

If you have any questions message me, my summoner name is the same as my username ShatteredSkys

P.S. Remeber Teemo is secretly satan.

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Use the champions on free as much as you can and minimize purchases until you're certain you want something. One of my larger mistakes early on was buying anyone and anything that looked interesting without actually trying them first (it's not a big deal with the 450s obvs, but above that you should be careful)

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@Telos, Psssssssssh you didn't know my friends huh? They threw me under the bus right away with Intermediates lol. I actually did fine though.

A few tips.

-most times getting creep kills is more important than Champion Kills. I don't know the exact math, but it is definitely more lucrative to aim for good CS than it is for a lot of kills.

- Keep moving and don't sit about in lane. It makes it easy fro enemies to line up their skill shots on you for harass and to possibly kill you.

-DON'T AA THE CREEP WAVE!!! I can't stress this enough, and that isn't yelling, I am emphasizing it so you know it is important. ;) Anyway, we don't want to because it will make you miss Last-Hitting the minions, or worse push the lane. So, only Auto-Attack to kill a creep to get the Money you get from last hitting it.

- Read the Patch Notes, Now don't go back and read old ones, but every time new patch notes release for an upcoming patch, read them!!! Even if early on it makes little sense. it is a good habit to get into, and you stay on top of news.

Few more useful Terms. These are a tad more advanced than the ones Tacos put, but are important. You don;t need these right away, but be sure to learn them in due time.

AA: Shorthand for Auto-Attack

AD: Shorthand for Attack Damage. It Increases the Damage of your Auto-Attacks. It sometimes increases the Damage of Champion Abilities as well.

AP: Shorthand for Ability Power. In most cases this will increase the damage of your abilities. However it isn't always a 1 for 1 ratio, and for some abilities it doesn't affect them at all.

Armor: Reduces the Damage from Physical Damage Sources such as Auto-Attacks.

MR: short for Magic Resist. It reduces the incoming damage from Magic Damage Sources Attacks.

Armor Penetration: Reduces the effectiveness of a target's armor by ignoring a portion of it. ((the exact ratio you don't need to know for now. Just know the more Pen you have, the more armour it ignores.)) Typically called Armor Pen, or A Pen for short.

Magic Penetration: Same as Armor Pen, but it reduces the effectiveness of the Target's Magic Resistance by ignoring a portion of it. Usually called Magic Pen, or M Pen for short.

Movement Speed: How quickly your champion moves. MS is the shorthand.

Abilities: Every Champion has 4 moves unique to them. These are their skills and are 4 things they can do in a match. They are typically bound to Q, W, E, and R. I will explain a bit more below.

Basic Ability: These are your bread and butter abilities. You will use these most of the time. They are bound to Q, W and E. Players will refer to Champion's Abilities by the key they are bound to rather than the abilities' name most times.

Ulti/Ultimate: Your ability bound to R. It is usually massively powerful and has some effect to strong for a normal ability to grant. However this means it can't be used as often.

Cooldown: The time before you can use an ability again. Abilities go on Cooldown right after you use them in most cases. Each Ability has it's own Cooldown. Ultimate Abilities tend to have Longer Cooldowns than Regular Abilities. It is called CD fro short.

Passive: Every Champion has at least 1 Unique Passive Ability. This is an ability that isn't activated, but gives a persistent Bonus of some sort whether that be bonus stats, or things like special champion based mini-games for rewards.

Targeted Ability: An ability that you click the target and it activates. This can apply to friendly units or enemies. It can sometimes even be used on both!

Skillshot: An ability that is a projectile of some sort. When activating it, you will get a target indicator. This will show you which direction you will fire it in. It will go the length of that indicator. If it collides with a valid target on the way it will do whatever it does on that collision. These can miss, make sure you aim well!!!

Resource Bar: Most Champions have some sort of Resource bar, most common being Mana. This is the thing that allows you to cast abilities. If you don't have enough of your resource bar you cannot activate that ability. There are a few different Resource Types and it would be best to learn about them where needed.

That is all for now.

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-DON'T AA THE CREEP WAVE!!! I can't stress this enough, and that isn't yelling, I am emphasizing it so you know it is important. ;) Anyway, we don't want to because it will make you miss Last-Hitting the minions, or worse push the lane. So, only Auto-Attack to kill a creep to get the Money you get from last hitting it.

>or worse push the lane

But Huk, I'm Malzahar, it's my job to push the lane QQ

Okay, but seriously, this is actually super important. Because as previously stated, CS is more important than champion kills. If you can last hit perfectly (which takes time to learn for each champion so be sure to practice) it doesn't matter that you died in that gank, because you had three time your opponent's CS

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-DON'T AA THE CREEP WAVE!!! I can't stress this enough, and that isn't yelling, I am emphasizing it so you know it is important. ;) Anyway, we don't want to because it will make you miss Last-Hitting the minions, or worse push the lane. So, only Auto-Attack to kill a creep to get the Money you get from last hitting it.

This honestly depends on the champion you're playing. Some champions benefit from basic attacking minions, such as Jinx and Graves. While you don't need to be basic attacking all the time, the bonuses gained, such as the attack speed and tank stats, for Jinx and Graves respectively, are always good to have before starting a fight with your lane opponent.

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This honestly depends on the champion you're playing. Some champions benefit from basic attacking minions, such as Jinx and Graves. While you don't need to be basic attacking all the time, the bonuses gained, such as the attack speed and tank stats, for Jinx and Graves respectively, are always good to have before starting a fight with your lane opponent.

Well, obviously. Just as some champions do well when the lane is pushed. But I think we're trying to keep things simple here, and overall it's a good guideline
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They weren't angry over a frozen lane, they were angry for me not being more aggressive.

I also never said that some of these people were intelligent. I only play LoL now if someone invites me to. Other than that I rather play something else.

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-You can play through the tutorial multiple times.

I suggest you do, and give all three of those characters a few playthroughs.

- Play with bots. They give you a pretty good feel for how games go without being too hard on you.

- Play with bots on Twisted Tree-line: the 3v3 map is great for faster paced games and is a good intro before you really spend a lot of time on long, drawn out battles on summoner's rift.

- Play and win at least once a day for that IP bonus. It'll add up. You really don't want to pay money for characters, no matter what the crazy hardcore players above say. Keep it free.

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This is a list of items ranging from most important to least important. Try to play while focused on obtaining them in descending order

1. Nexus

2. Inhibitors

3. Baron

4. Dragon

5. Turrets

6. Farm

7. Kills, although lategame killing someone will often mean they will have to wait a minute to respawn so it's a but subjective depending on the state of the game.

Don't kill yourself because you want a kill so badly. Almost all of the time you end up giving that champ a kill as well, meaning all you did was give the both of you 300 gold. If that champion happens to be a hypercarry and has better decisionmaking than you, you're in for a rough time.

Farm is extremely important (lasthitting minions and monsters). It's your biggest source of income. If you're good at it,you're going to end up with 2 more items than anyone on the enemy team if you start out, easily.

Baron is a risky objective. It gives you the ability to, at the very least, take one turret or turret and inhibitor down. It also gives 300 gold and increased combat stats. However, Baron himself does a lot of damage so even if you're ahead, if the enemy team catches you out doing baron you might just get your entire team wiped and lose the game because they take home baron while your team is dead.

Anyway it's a lot to take in. Go play against bots and try out as many champions as you can, until you find one you really like. Once you find one and you can beat bots easily, you should try playing against other players. Have fun

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  • 1 month later...

This is a list of items ranging from most important to least important. Try to play while focused on obtaining them in descending order

1. Nexus

2. Inhibitors

3. Baron

4. Dragon

5. Turrets

6. Farm

7. Kills, although lategame killing someone will often mean they will have to wait a minute to respawn so it's a but subjective depending on the state of the game.

Don't kill yourself because you want a kill so badly. Almost all of the time you end up giving that champ a kill as well, meaning all you did was give the both of you 300 gold. If that champion happens to be a hypercarry and has better decisionmaking than you, you're in for a rough time.

Farm is extremely important (lasthitting minions and monsters). It's your biggest source of income. If you're good at it,you're going to end up with 2 more items than anyone on the enemy team if you start out, easily.

Baron is a risky objective. It gives you the ability to, at the very least, take one turret or turret and inhibitor down. It also gives 300 gold and increased combat stats. However, Baron himself does a lot of damage so even if you're ahead, if the enemy team catches you out doing baron you might just get your entire team wiped and lose the game because they take home baron while your team is dead.

Anyway it's a lot to take in. Go play against bots and try out as many champions as you can, until you find one you really like. Once you find one and you can beat bots easily, you should try playing against other players. Have fun

I certainly agree, it took me quite a while to find a champion I enjoy playing as. It certainly allowed me to get better, but we all have room for improvement. I have yet to do anything ranked due to lack of desire more than lack of skill, but eventually I'm going to be made by friends to try. My advice is this; try everything, vary your playstyle, and ward.

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My advice is pretty long, so i'm keeping it in a spoiler tab.

- Mute your team if they say anything remotely negative without anything constructive to add. It will only put you in a bad mood and make you play worse.

Don't argue, don't try to explain yourself, just mute.

- Learn to last hit. I'd recommend not attacking creeps that are half health or less. A good way to learn would be to click on the creeps and watch their health. Creeps have no armor or magic resist, so none of your damage will be reduced. Left click creeps to see their health and if their health is equal or less than your AD attack it. Doing this will help you get a general idea of how low you need to get them because attacking. After you get used to it you won't need to check their health.

- If facing AP champs don't run after they blow all their skills on you. You may instinctively want to back off after sustaining tons of damage, but with most AP champs you want to wait for them to burn their skills, try to dodge, then go all in them. Especially in the laning phase their cooldowns tend to be long. So if they get their skills off on you try to at least use yours on them before their cooldowns refresh.

- Don't stand still. You should be constantly walking around even when auto attacking someone. Put out and auto attack, walk a bit, put out an auto attack, walk, and just repeat. You want to keep moving to ensure that you keep a good position in a fight, or change your position if you're in a bad one.

- Put yourself in the mind of your enemy. If you're running away from someone and they keep throwing skillshots at you try to get an idea of the cooldown of the ability. Try to predict when you think they're going to use it, lead them one way and quickly sidestep when you believe they're going to use it, or when you see the animation. Vice versa when you're chasing an enemy and you think they're veering off right so they can step left last second to dodge try to predict their dodge with the skillshot. Try to think of their typical habits if you see them walk left typically to avoid a skillshot aim at the left side of them to outsmart their trickery.

- Learn to farm under tower. It's better to just get as much gold as you can playing safe than to recklessly try to get kills. For melee creeps you want to left the tower attack them twice then attack them once. For the ranged creeps you want to attack them once, then let the tower attack them, then attack them once more to finish it off. Of course if you have a creep wave hitting the creeps under tower you will have to adjust your attack patterns, but this is just a basic way to get it done smoothly.

- Don't aggro creeps. I'm not saying never get in the situation where a creep is going to hit you, but try not to fight in the middle of a huge creep wave because creeps hurt. I've lost fights I would've won from taking an extra 50 damage from creeps while fighting without mine being there.

- Learn to be a good garen. The reason I say this is because garen is a very safe, always good pick. He's a tank that can dish out a fair amount of damage and has great passive regen. He's also insanely easy to use, no mechanics necessary, and everything about him comes down to decision making. It is literally impossible to be a bad garen as far as mechanics go. So if you play and do badly you can reflect on the match, and figure out what you did wrong and the mistakes you made and try to correct them. This will make you a better player in general.

- After you learn to be a good garen learn to be a good vayne. To be a good vayne you will need patience, and it will help you with your mechanics a lot. To be a good vayne you not only need good decision making skills, you need to have good kiting, good positioning, and it's insanely hard to beat one if she has good mechanics. She will teach you a lot about how to play ranged champion.

- Group. Just do it. Getting caught out will lose the game for you if it's late enough. Stay as 5 late game, and if you're really losing fights hard just stay as 5 in your base.

- Have fun. Ignore the meta if you don't enjoy it, try out quirky builds and make sure you don't just play to win and rage at players doing worse than you.

P.S. It's only worth if you say so in all chat.

*edit - I didn't realize the date on this until I saw koshers comment, but I could've used this info 2 months in as well.

Edited by Verbaltag
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