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Fire type gym is just way too much...


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I really appreciate difficulty and challenge in games and of course Reborn does a great job at that, but this recent gym with Charlotte is just too overpowered. Dont get me wrong I never complained but when 4/6 of my squad got OHKO'd i kinda dont wanna try anymore. And sure ONE on ONE would give some chances to try stuff but honestly she sweeps i think think my entire team with her leads and maybe one more....xD

Dont really know if this will be changed or not, if not, Hieelp

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Through the entire game I was using a mono fire, but I have one exception slot. If I used just all fire then I would have lost at least 10 times. It took me a while when I was changing the one slot up, but swagger Sableye just rekt that gym.

But yeah, even with my fire types it was way too much since all her pokemon are faster

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Well, my choice against Charlotte and the one I always recommend is Tyrantrum. Double resistance to fire, great attack, rock type moves and it even takes neutral damage from possible water and grass moves; give it a decently bulky water type as ally in battle (alomomola, azumarill), and either spam water attacks of your own (not really that good since the field weakens water type) or just spend their turn in healing up tyrantrum.

However, maybe you didn't get the jaw fossil and therefore tyrantrum, at considering the point of the game you're at, you can't go back at the moment to get the fossil, revive it at Spinel Town and then hours of grinding later, have it ready at level 68 or more in order to proceed to sweep Charlotte. Also, I've heard that her team got re-done changing one of the ninetails by a darmanitan, which has hammer arm and that is obviously terrible for tyrantrum.

Other options would be going back to the ice caverns before route 3, catch some water type or water/ice type that learns rain dance to neutralize the field effect and grind it.

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You really still have problems with her? Well thats quiet understandable, she's one of the biggest obstacles in the recent episodes.
My suggestions:
Fire Stab Attacks after she sets up sun
Lead of with Sturdy Rock pokemon and set up Stealth Rock
Start off with Grass type and change into flash fire arcanine (with egg moves)
Use Rain Dance <- thats my tactic. You will get a Rainbow field that works like serene grace for both sides and power up some moves. Zen Headbutt Metagross was my choice, because the flinch rate was doubled and Zen Headbutt dealed x1,2 more damage than usual. Besides that I used Electrivire, Swampert, Gyarados and some other but dont lead off with Swampert. Besides that I cant understand how you want the game to be even more easier.
Ame already made the gym easier by not giving drought ninetales with solarbeam Typhlosion as the lead offs. I still beat her before the change.
Some gyms just need serious preparations. They are not these childish ones from the official games where you were able to just buy 100 of revives and hypepotions until you won (+ you lack the money to buy anything at all in Reborn xD)
The only things you can use everytime without money is catching pokemons (well, except for the balls. You still have to pay for them), training them (EV trainings helps a lot), grinding their level and use the day care for the right nature/egg moves. Most of my team member is from the daycare and the ones that were catched arent used as much, because they have a bad ability, no egg moves and a very bad EV spread (mostly because they are the ones I was using before beating Noel and realizing that for the next gyms I need to make serious preparations)

Good luck with your battle. Read the field effects, they are very important in this gym. It's very hard to win, without using them. There are still people though that win without them, by using SR at the beginning or somehow managing to boost a pokemon so it can sweep. Another good idea would be trick room swampert since every of her pokemon is faster than swampert.

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Charlotte's mons have ev training roughly equal to what standard trainers would look like reaching her gym but her's are focused to atk/spatk/spd I believe. Best bet is to have a pokemon who can get off Rain dance (a lot of pokemon can learn it) I just fought her leading with Chesnaught so I can't say its impossible to do with a decent team. Just look for ways to negate pokes and if that fails get Kingdra. Water/Dragon at that level will wreck her squad in absence of sunny day.

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All her pokemon have perfect IV's (31 in every stat), most of them have 252 EV speed and 252 in att/sp att. You may think its hard when you look at that... but you are a human who is able to think, use other pokemon, use items (more than she can), change your strategy... There is no reason to not be able to beat her. Get this 3 things and you cant even lose, trick room (hint: bronzong), rain dance and flash fire.

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Actually, there's 1 water move that INCREASES in power. SCALD.

Wish you trained that Panpour now, didn't you? STAB Scald + Semipour's speed = Monster.

But really flash fire is your friend.

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I may just have gotten lucky but my camerupt just swept through them like nothing else. True, she is ev trained pretty well and had a focus band on but I was able to knock out all of her mon by spamming Earthquake or rock slide. I used my other mon as healers. I was absolutely stunned after I managed to beat her in less than 3 tries.

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I led off with a Flygon and a Crobat. Crobat fainted due to not attacking Delphox (instead making sure that Volcarona didn't do anything funny while outspeeding Flygon), but the rest was piece of cake, spam EQ (or perhaps rock slide if I wanted). First try win.

The ground gym leader wasn't so nice for my team, nor was that certain OP monster right before it...

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In my nuzlocke, I had to lead with a suicide bomb strategy of chlorophyll Sawsbuck and sturdy Boldore. This was back when Charlotte led with ninetales btw. Anyway, Chlorophyll let me outspeed stuff and set up rain dance, while sturdy let my boldore get off stealth rocks. Honestly if you can just set up either rain dance and/or stealth rocks, you win. Case closed.

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I had Noivern, Golem and Blaziken for my Charlotte battle and that is all I honestly needed. Blaziken tooooo OP. Plzz do not nerf. :) I just reset until Typhlosion flinched from Airslash so that Golem could get up rocks then I swept with super fang and Hi Jump Kick+ Rocks. and brave bird for her Volcarona. But yeah she was definetly broken I could see that. I went in originally with Golurk, Diggersby, Golem, Crawdaunt, Noivern and Staraptor and they all died instantly.

Edited by TheJawsOfDeath
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Really appreciate all the help and tips, I love this game but I dont wanna waste several hours grinding one new mon...Have a Donphan with Eq that one hits a lot gets OHKO'd instantly so yea, Emolga with Rain Dance and then a Poliwrath with dive to deny the accuracy drop..Ninetales, Drapion and Leavanny besides them

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Really appreciate all the help and tips, I love this game but I dont wanna waste several hours grinding one new mon...Have a Donphan with Eq that one hits a lot gets OHKO'd instantly so yea, Emolga with Rain Dance and then a Poliwrath with dive to deny the accuracy drop..Ninetales, Drapion and Leavanny besides them

If it doesn't know it already, Light Screen would be very useful on Emolga, and it should be holding Damp Rock or Light Clay. The whole fight is going to rest on that Emolga setting up properly, so hopefully it can survive for long enough. Ideally you would have something to change the field, but I don't think any of your Pokemon can learn those moves. Also, you should get Flash Fire on your Ninetales if you don't have it already.

You could also catch a Bronzong on Route 4. I found one on level 72 there once, so no need to train it at all. Teach that Trick Room and Rain Dance, and make sure it has Heatproof. If Emolga doesn't work out, give that a shot.

Also, you could catch a Thick Fat Piloswine on that same route, which should know both Blizzard and Earthquake already. Blizzard destroys the field, and Earthquake... is Earthquake. But in order for it to survive the first turn, you'll need something with Fake Out to stop Typhlosion from using Eruption, so hopefully you'll have something in your PC that knows it or can relearn it. If not, you can catch a Mienfoo on Route 3, which can relearn it.

Edited by berlyda
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Nah bruh, it's not enough. WE CAN GO HARDER.

That ^

Can you people please stop making threads like this that will make Ame to nerf Gym leaders more and more? They have already blooded nerfed please try more that just 3-4 times and try some strategies with other mons before asking for help

There is people who had try some Gym Leader over 10 times without asking for help

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I built my six-mon team specifically to defeat gym leaders while using the minimal amount of healing items. I managed to defeat charlotte after a couple of attempts but in her case only I used all of my hyper potions and revives. Reality is: She does need to be nerfed. An over-the-edge gym leader may be appealing to some of you guys, but it also might intimidate many potential new players. But the only one who will decide her fate is Ame and I shall support her decision regardless. That's just my opinion.

Edited by Knight_Teutonic
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I built my six-mon team specifically to defeat gym leaders while using the minimal amount of healing items. I managed to defeat charlotte after a couple of attempts but in her case only I used all of my hyper potions and revives. Reality is: She does need to be nerfed. An over-the-edge gym leader may be appealing to some of you guys, but it also might intimidate many potential new players. But the only one who will decide her fate is Ame and I shall support her decision regardless. That's just my opinion.

She might nerf her a bit if she outshines most of the Gym Leaders we fight after her (Ame did the same with Noel). The thing is Charotte has probably the most aggresive opening in the whole game with Typhlosion and a Choice Banded/Scarfed Darmanitan. This can really catch a lot of players of guard. Stil don´t think she needs to be nerfed as a lot of players should be accustomed to the difficulty and shouldnt expect the game to get easier.

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Reality is: She does need to be nerfed. An over-the-edge gym leader may be appealing to some of you guys, but it also might intimidate many potential new players.

Man, this isn't a game for little kids. This game is meant to challenge you, meant to test you, meant to make you adapt, meant to make you better yourself in order to overcome your obstacles. If a player really enjoys the game, they'll either persevere, or they'll go down in flames.

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