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Fire type gym is just way too much...


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lmao I feel you. I trained 3 Pokes just to specifically counter that bitch. It's definitely preferred to set-up the rain, Tailwind support is also good. What I did was lead off with Druddigon (which is by the way easily obtainable as you encounter it in the cave before Charlotte's gym), and a Swanna that I randomly ran into before and decided to catch it, the latter provided rain and Tailwind support. I also trained up a Mold Breaker Excadrill which just did all the work until the Tailwind petered out. Hope this helps. :]

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Personally, I like how hard Char was, even now that I have had to try about 13 times to beat her. Getting those predictions up and trying out your strategies, keeps the brain sharp.

Even tho I like to play with my favorites, like Karen has taught me, Charlotte might have been the first time I changed up the team. Galvantula and Whimsicott weren't going to help me much) and I tried some different tactics and other Pokemon from my PC in an attempt to defeat her. Also, I don't save in front of the leader, get beaten and soft reset, I black out and try again, because exp is exp. THEN I'll train them up some more and after I'm bored of grinding, I try again.

(What's the deal with people being so against fainting their Pokemon? It's not like they instantly start to hate you and turn against you)

I remember with Serra I led off with Emolga against her Cloyster, knowing I'd outspeed it for a Nuzzle, and hoping I'd get that Paralyze so it wouldn't wreck me with Icicle Spear/Rock Blast. It didn't work most of the time but when it did I was happy it worked and finished it off with Electro Ball.

Serra being not so hard but still challenging doesn't matter as much, since there's another Ice type specialist who has wrecked me the most out of any battle I had. Having Terra derping around after that and being able to beat her in 1 try balances it out again.

Keep it how it is, tho Terra might be slightly more of a challenge to me. Bertha from the Sinnoh Elite 4 was pretty much the same to me as Terra.

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I spent all night on her, and had to do like 3 hours of grinding. Rotom is mad annoying and you need either a good Special attacker or brick break to deal with his reflecting.

I found that leaving rotom for last helped me a lot because his strategy centers around overheating for massive hurts, putting up reflect, and then running away with volt switch. But by himself he's forced to burn out with overheat and was only dealing like 25 damage per turn against Drapion by the end.

Ninetales I just sort of bumrushed from a tailwind boost,, but I got lucky since it decided to use solarbeam against drapion for some odd reason and used hidden power which isn't that threatening compared to say Darminitan's flare blitz or Typhlosion's eruption.

I feel luck is a part of this match too because if Darminitan decides to start a flare blitzkrieg you might not even stand a chance.

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First few attempts she completely obliterated me, and then i started to kind of figure out how to work the AI, still took some resets, but i let with dusknoir and magnezone, and the AI would "usually" target magnezone with fire type moves, so i would swich in my Flash Fire Arcanine and have musknoir set up trick room, and from there it actually a good chance of victory, from there i would swich out dusknoir into quagsire o he could set up that rain with his newly found super speed. After about 10ish more tries, i managed to beat her. I did have to swich out drapion for arcanine, which i thankfully had at around level 51, had tot rain it up to about 67 in the woods outside, but it turned out to be a great asset.

Edited by deadpool848
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Am I the only one who only used a Flash Fire, Eruption Typhlosion?

Makes great use of the field effect, as well as making use of the sun, and also being able to hit both pokemon. Took me one try.

And that was beta Charlotte too.

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