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Well, you made this in the wrong section!

No worries though, a moderator will move it for you eventually! :P

Welcome to the Reborn forums, Akipuff!

If you have any questions, be sure to ask myself, an Ace Member, or a moderator. If you are interested in competitive battling, or just wanting a place to chat, check out the Showdown Server. There's also a FAQ page, which is pretty self explanatory, so be sure to read that if you have any simple questions. Finally, be sure to read the rules as well.

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Hello, welcome to reborn. Many antivirus programs do indeed hate reborn, you will be glad you didn't give up.

Thanks! :3 I just wish we could have more than 1 of the starters, and could decide on genders. ;-; Femaler Serperior and Meganium. <3

Well, you made this in the wrong section!

No worries though, a moderator will move it for you eventually! :P

Welcome to the Reborn forums, Akipuff!

If you have any questions, be sure to ask myself, an Ace Member, or a moderator. If you are interested in competitive battling, or just wanting a place to chat, check out the Showdown Server. There's also a FAQ page, which is pretty self explanatory, so be sure to read that if you have any simple questions. Finally, be sure to read the rules as well.

Wrong section?! D: I never saw an introduction one. ;-; And I was kinda confused. I was scrolling on the forum and was like "... Uhhh... I see no intro sub-forum... I guess I'll just post here?" because I got in this section from another thread. :x

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I'm TheJawsOfDeath universally. On here, DN, Devpro, Showdown, youtube etc. Hopefully one day we can get a duel. I'll maindeck stardust road just for black rose haha

Black Rose x Stardust! <3

I never saw you on Dev. I was AkizaIzinski98 there. You may see people talking about me there, I got some salty haters. :P

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Just came back from a break so I don't think I've done anything on the latest ban list. But I'm hoping to hop back into the metagame fully in the upcoming banlist.

I can pm you a link to the sim I'm staff on, if you wanna duel. I don't like getting on Dev since they bully me for not doing competitive.

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Thanks! :3 I just wish we could have more than 1 of the starters, and could decide on genders. ;-; Femaler Serperior and Meganium. <3

Wrong section?! D: I never saw an introduction one. ;-; And I was kinda confused. I was scrolling on the forum and was like "... Uhhh... I see no intro sub-forum... I guess I'll just post here?" because I got in this section from another thread. :x

Yeah.. it's called the 'Grand Hall.' :P

Don't worry though, we all start somewhere. :)

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That would be cool and haha don't worry I won't bully you :). Or will I.....

Wild meanie appeared! D:

*Throws rock*

Yeah.. it's called the 'Grand Hall.' :P

Don't worry though, we all start somewhere. :)


hi enjoy your say


Edited by Akipuff
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