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[Pokemon] Noivern Infernape Gigalith Flygon

Nature Bold Quirky Quiet Hasty

Type: Flying and Dragon Fire and Fight Rock Ground and Dragon

Level: 75 75 75 75

-Move 1 Dragon Pulse Mach Punch Stone Edge Earth Power

-Move 2 Air Slash Flamethrower Power Gem Dragon Rush

-Move 3 Hurricane Flare Blitz Rock Slide Rock Slide

-Move 4 Dark Pulse Close combat Explosion Earthquake

HP: 224 226 222 223

Attack 112 200 215 160

Defense 161 148 221 117

Sp.Atk 161 197 127 146

Sp.def 135 125 146 140

Speed 215 195 50 183

Carracosta Roserade

Nature Lax Nature Bold

level 76 level 75

Water and Rock Grass and Poison

Hydro Pump Absorb

Crunch Mega Drain

Aqua Tail Petal Dance

Rock slide Stun spore

218 hp 196 hp

169 attack 117 attack

235 defense 121 defense

135 sp.atk 208 sp.atk

107 sp.def 169 sp.def

56 speed 152 speed

Rate my team 1/10 and tell me what I should do to fix my team.

Thanks! Also for some reason it messed up my topic when i posted it for some reason

Edited by jamesw0102
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Having both Air Slash and Hurricane on Noivern is redundant. Stick with one, I'd recommend Air Slash because it actually hits opponents and the high flinch chance works well with it's high speed. For the freed-up slot, go for Tailwind, Flamethrower or Boomburst.

Same as above, no need to have 2 Fire moves. Mach Punch is also unnecessary, hardly anything it would do good damage to would outspeed it anyways, might as well stick with CC then. Instead of a Fire move (I'd recommend ditching Flamethrower) and MP, go with Acrobatics and either Punishment or Thunder Punch (via Ampharos, check this section's pinned guide if you don't know how breeding for moves works).

You could also go with a Specially offensive variant, with Nasty Plot, Flamethrower/Heat Wave, Grass Knot, Hidden Power/Uproar, though setting it up is a pain.

You know the drill, ditch 2 Rock moves. I'd keep Rock Slide for it's better accuracy, but it's up to you, just definitely get rid of Power Gem and one other. Explosion is fine (might wanna stack up on some Normal Gems though). For the 2 free slots, give it Curse (via Onix line or Yamask line) and Heavy Slam (Golem). If you go back to pre-E13, you can also get EQ, the chain for EQ, Curse and Heavy Slam would be Onix/Steelix>Golem>Roggenrola.

Ditch Earth Power. Also swap Dragon Rush for Dragon Claw, not a lot weaker, but waaaay more accurate. Gget a new Trapinch and don't evolve it until level 40 so you can get Superpower.

Ditch Hydro Pump. There's also no real point in using Carracosta without Shell Smash on it. Might also wanna ditch Aqua Tail then, it's barely stronger than Waterfall, while Waterfall has perfect accuracy and can flinch foes, something you can do since you'll actually be faster than them after Shell Smash. Also ditch Crunch, you can get EQ via Wooper pre-E13.

You might also want to go Yanma hunting, wild one can carry Wide Lens, which boost all moves accuracies by 10%.

...well, forget all of those moves, they all....suck. Sorry. Get Giga Drain by not evolving Roselia until level 25. Also go for Extrasensory (you can only get it if you hatch a Budew, which only happens if the Roselia/Roserade you use in the Daycare is holding a Rose Incense). Aaaand get Hidden Power, with Technician, it'll be a 90 BP move. If you go back to pre-E13, you can get Sludge Bomb along with Extrasensory, the chain is listed in the aforementioned guide.

Your Natures are also all over the place. Give Noivern Modest, make Infernape Adamant/Jolly if you'll keep it physical or Modest/Timid if you'll go for the special variant, give Gigalith Impish or Adamant, Flygon Adamant or Jolly, Carracosta Jolly/Adamant and Roserade Timid.

You also didn't list your abilities. In the order you listed your team, Frisk, Iron Fist if you'll use T-Punch (otherwise just use Blaze), Sturdy, Levitate, Sturdy and Technician are the optimal abilities.

For any breeding-related stuff you have questions about, check out the guide in this section (which also has a link to E12). If there's anything unclear to you after reading it, feel free to send my a PM.

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Pretty much replace everything. Also, my suggestion is look for Pokemon who DON'T NEED a setup. While you setup you can get KO'd right away (I'm saying this out of experience)

Setting up is a waste of time, find Pokemon that don't need you to first do 8 Swords Dances, 4 Shell Smashes and 5 Iron Defences before it's a good Pokemon, because you're back at the Pokemon Center before you're done.

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  On 2/28/2015 at 12:57 PM, Helia said:

Pretty much replace everything. Also, my suggestion is look for Pokemon who DON'T NEED a setup. While you setup you can get KO'd right away (I'm saying this out of experience)

Setting up is a waste of time, find Pokemon that don't need you to first do 8 Swords Dances, 4 Shell Smashes and 5 Iron Defences before it's a good Pokemon, because you're back at the Pokemon Center before you're done.

? He would only have 2 set-upers with Gigalith (though it doesn't even need it) and Carracosta, 3 if he goes for Special Infernape. All of his team members barring Carracosta hit pretty hard. Carracosta is also guaranteed not to be knocked out while setting up due to Sturdy (unless something with Bullet Seed shows up) and Gigalith can laugh at 90% of all physical attackers and Curse it up. Overall, the team is pretty good (huge Ground and Ice weaknesses, but hey).

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  On 2/28/2015 at 12:57 PM, Helia said:

Pretty much replace everything. Also, my suggestion is look for Pokemon who DON'T NEED a setup. While you setup you can get KO'd right away (I'm saying this out of experience)

Setting up is a waste of time, find Pokemon that don't need you to first do 8 Swords Dances, 4 Shell Smashes and 5 Iron Defences before it's a good Pokemon, because you're back at the Pokemon Center before you're done.

wowowowow 4 shell shashes? You only need one to sweep, and sturdy guarantees pokémon like carracosta the chance to stay alive before it starts killing things.

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Those numbers were exaggerated because I don't know how many of those moves Pokemon would need to Set up with, since I never use them. Overall my Pokemon on average only use 2 of their moves, 3 max. 4th slot is for HMs or coverage so I don't get stuck with a long way to walk back and collect the HM slave. My Dragalge has Surf and Dive, my Swampert has Strength and Waterfall, Houndoom has Rock Smash, that kind of thing.

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  On 2/28/2015 at 3:16 PM, Qaaz said:

Just to point out that as for ep 14.5 HM can now delete so no need for HM slave just delete some move u can replace such a TM or easy from Heart Scale

With move deleters quite close to move relearners it wasn't that hard for me to replace HM for relearn moves, but I do see how it can become better. Still, I like most HM moves such as Waterfall, Surf, and Fly to use in battles, as especially those three and Strength too are quite strong.

Surf on my Dragalge is nice for training in caves such as the ones on Route 3.

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  On 2/28/2015 at 12:57 PM, Helia said:

Pretty much replace everything. Also, my suggestion is look for Pokemon who DON'T NEED a setup. While you setup you can get KO'd right away (I'm saying this out of experience)

Setting up is a waste of time, find Pokemon that don't need you to first do 8 Swords Dances, 4 Shell Smashes and 5 Iron Defences before it's a good Pokemon, because you're back at the Pokemon Center before you're done.

I'm sorry but if your getting KOed while trying to set up your doing it completely wrong.

As for the team I can't really say anything that hasn't been said already.

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