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All best pokemon types in reborn (Electric,water,ghost etc)


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What's the best fighting, water,eletric,ghost,dragon,fairy,physic,fire,water,ice,ground,fly,rock,steel,bug,normal,grass and dark type in the game

The reason why I started this topic is because so people don't post like what's the best eletric type in this game etc. So people can come here and see what opinions people think for like fire water etc. I don't have a clue what the best type is in the game I also want to know what the best types are in the game.

Make sure you put [Type] first then what pokemon it is nexy

Edited by jamesw0102
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Since mega evolution is still not available in reborn, I will not take megas into consideration.

Normal: A good one for this game would be snorlax. It's bulky, hits hard, and its Thick Fat ability is really useful against Charlotte and Blake, which are, in my opinion, the best trainers I've have faced yet (unless you get a metagross, in the case, blake is easy).

Fire: Blaziken is surely the best one out there. You can get it right from the start and it has an excelent level-up movepool with Hi Jump Kick, Fire Punch, Brave Bird and Bulk Up, take its ability into account and you've got the perfect pokemon.

Fighting: Again, Blaziken. But Toxicroak is also particularly useful in this game since poison types are much more common and important.

Water: LORD HELIX Since gyarados is out of service and Ame will take Azumarill to somewhere else soon, I'd say swampert. It's bulky and hits hard, despite being slow as well, but Sheer Force Feraligatr also doesn't disappoint.

Flying: There are many good options, you can pick which one fits best on your team. I suggest Aerodactyl, Archeops, Crobat, Honchkrow, Staraptor and Noivern.

Grass: Contrary serperior. Overpowered beast.

Poison: I always liked Crobat. It's fast, decently bulky and hits hard. It has access to Acrobatics, which hurts.

Electric: Guts Luxray is a good option, since toxic orb is available (no flame orb, yet), but I also like Compoundeyes Galvantula (Too bad TM24 is not available).

Ground: So many options. Krookodile, Excadrill, Swampert. Ground is a pretty good type overall (except for stunfisk, I hate that thing).

Psychic: Gardevoir, the unofficial mascot of the game. Useful typing, access to calm mind, psychic and moonblast. Watch out for physical attackers, though, it's frail.

Rock: Dragon Dance Tyrantrum or Shell Smash Crustle, choose the one that fits your team best.

Ice: Cold environments are the home of many Dragon Slayers, such as Frosslass, Mamoswine and Glaceon. Those three are all very powerful and reliable pokémon.

Bug: Mega evolution gave this type so many toys to play with, but since we can't use them, I'd stick with my good old Heracross, which kicks ass, and after that, it gets a good moxie boost.

Dragon: Dragon-types are scarce in Reborn, but Noivern, Tyrantrum and Dragalge won't disappoint you. They're hard to train, though, especially Noivern, which is useless until it evolves.

Ghost: I'd say Gengar, Chandelure or Frosslass. Chandelure is slow, but hits like a truck with its high Sp. Atk. Stat.

Dark: Greninja. It's powerful, fast and versatile, but if you don't have it, consider using Scrafty. It's strong and it has access to both the move Dragon Dance and ability Moxie, setting up has never been so easy.

Steel: The best defensive type in the game also has some of the best offensive pokémons as well, including Lucario and reborn's only Pseudo-legend: Metagross itself.

Fairy: XERNEAS Gardevoir is by far the best fairy mon accessible so far, but go get Azumarill while you can, for the sake of exclusivity.

Edited by Knight_Teutonic
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Goomy is so good that it doesn't even need typing. Why having mega rayquaza when we can have lord goomy? Anyways, *goomu is by far the best type in the game.




Goomy is so fucking broken, which is why Ame only made it accesible via a special giveaway that has already passed. Having problems with Charlotte? M3G4 T3774? Send in that pimp Goomy. She finna rock the place. place.

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I agree with the above, Blaziken and serperior can just wreck almost every gym/threat in this game. Also, the best dragon type for now is Kingdra/Flygon/Tyrantrum. But I really think the best water type is Gorebyss, after one shell smash that pink thing can OHKO everything that does not resist with hydro pump/surf.

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Goomy is so fucking broken, which is why Ame only made it accesible via a special giveaway that has already passed. Having problems with Charlotte? M3G4 T3774? Send in that pimp Goomy. He finna rock the place. place.

OMG That gif doe Im defo keeping that somewhere special

Edit: Well you see... There are so many Pokemon in Reborn that there are no good ones or bad ones. Since this is Reborn you would need different strategies to win different types of battles and would therefore use Pokemon you may have never used before and they end up helping you out A LOT. That's my opinion though :3

What type is it thought

o-o.... ummmm.....Lord Type?

You're supposed to learn this in Pokemon school....

goddamn poke-teachers...not teaching children the basics these days

Edited by Jericho
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How to derail a topic: A guide by DoubleAA14.

Jokes aside, ignoring the starters since they aren't all available...

Normal: Lickilicky. No, really. Despite being derpy-looking as hell, it's got pretty good attack stats so it can be both physical and special easily, enormous bulk and a really diverse movepool. Right now, it already gets a lot of good moves via level-up as well as through Egg moves, but if you go back to pre-E13, there's almost no TM this sucker doesn't learn.

Fire: Darmanitan/Chandelure. Simple, easy to use, fun. Only reason I'm not using one of them on my main team is their sub-par Speed because I have a Ninetales+Heliolisk combo going and because Ninetales can buff itself with Nasty Plot.

Water: Reborn doesn't really have too many good Water types. I know I'm grabbing a Tentacruel the minute we get one, but until then, Gorebyss/Huntail are the best we can get, barring starters.

Electric: Ninetales. With a Ninetales around, Heliolisk is the best by a mile. Sky-high attack, great speed and excellent coverage compared to all other Electric types that aren't called Eelektross.

Grass: Lilligant. It gets the best boosting move in the game, the almost-strongest move of it's type, Petal Dance, an Ability to negate that move's only drawback, Own Tempo, and it even gets a move to make setting up reeeeeally easy, Sleep Powder.

Ice: Mamoswine. Not too much selection here, with Ice being the second-rarest type. Mamoswine is just the best of the small bunch.

Fighting: Toxicroak/Mienshao. They're pretty even, Toxicroak has a sweet Bulk Up set, 44% chance to poison with a STAB and Sucker Punch is always nice to have, while Mienshao has more immediate power and some more diversity.

Poison: Crobat. Nasty Plot, high Speed, Air Slash for hax, Venoshock as one of the strongest attacks in the game if something sets Toxic Spikes.

Ground: Stunfisk. Seriously, this is one bulky pancake. It's attack is acceptable and gets great moves, among which are Scald and Sludge Bomb for some extra damage via status and for weakening physical attackers. (Thanks for the AV, Aya!) It's also already at it's best, Excadrill would be the best Ground type if it could get Iron Head and a Sand setter somehow.

Flying: Archeops. If this thing is healthy, the foe won't be for long. Too bad for it's ability, this thing would be OP otherwise. Staraptor is a close second here.

Psychic: Reuniclus. I'd have said Alakazam, but it's as fast regularly as Reuniclus is under Trick Room. The only real difference is the bulk, where the winner is obvious.

Bug: Durant with Hustle. Essentially 190 base Attack because of Hustle with Hone Claws to help with Hustle. Hustle Hustle Hustle.

Rock: Crustle and Gigalith. One's a standard Shell Smasher without the sucky Rock/Water typing, the other is a physical beast, especially with Curse.

Ghost: Gourgeist. Oh, what's that? We have a physical foe? Boom, dead. This is the best physical wall you can get in this game. It even solo'ed Solaris' Garchomp on Pyrous Mountain.

Dragon: Considering how many we have in Reborn, your best bet would be bringing a Ditto and copying any Dragon you may come across. Or Dragalge.

Dark: Bisharp. It just gets the job done. Drapion is also pretty great.

Steel: Durant. Metagross works pretty well. It's nothing that special, but it works.

Fairy: Sylveon. With Eevee getting Trump Card and Sylveon getting Pixilate, there's your easy-to-set-up 390 BP move.

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I made some suggestions above, but here's what I really think:

Normal: Cinccino. You know that something is overpowered when it has great speed and skill link. With king's rock (got one via old pickup) this thing is unstoppable. The bad thing is that steel types completely wall it.

Fire: Blaziken is by far the best pokemon in this game, Chandelure is the best non-starter fire type, with access to Energy Ball and Psychic via E12 breeding.

Water: Shell Smash gorebyss, nuff said. But I prefer Politoed, I went back to ep 9 just to get a King's Rock :P.

Electric: Heliolisk in the sun, or Analytic Magnezone, the only decent electric types in this game.

Grass: Serperior Roserade, with Sludge Bomb via breeding it becomes really great. But at the moment I'm using technician breloom, who's not catchable in this episode.

Ice: Froslass, it is fast, has access to Destiny Bond and can abuse Hail + Snow Cloak + Brightpowder + Blizzard.

Fighting: This one is a personal option, I like moxie heracross.

Poison: Gengar is by far the best, if you want a fairy killer grab yourself a grimer, a stunfisk and do the sludgebolt chain.

Ground: Flygon, that's the only ground type you need, it's fast and has nice attack stats + access to EQ via leveling up.

Flying: Samson? That's cute.

- Archeops

Psychic: Power Split + Cosmic power Claydol and Gardevoir.

Bug: Hustle durant, at least before Volcarona is avaliable.

Rock: Before tyranitar is avaliable, DDance Tyrantrum.

Ghost: I like calm mind mismagius.

Dragon: Kingdra/Tyrantrum/Flygon.

Dark: Moxie Honchkrow, if used with a scolipede for speed pass, nothing will stop it.

Steel: Metagross OP.

Fairy: Belly Drum azumarill.

Edited by Follow
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Alrighty then!!! I'm not putting starters not given as events.


pure: Snorlax

dual: Heliolisk


pure: Magmortar

dual: Emboar


pure: Vaporeon

dual: Kingdra

pure: Eelektross

dual: Galvantula

pure: Liligant

dual: Ludicolo


pure: Avalugg

dual: Frozlass


pure: Conkeldurr

dual: Toxicroak


pure: Weezing

dual: Crobat

pure: Dugtrio

dual: Excadrill


pure: pending...

dual: Gyarados

pure: Alakazam

dual: Malamar

pure: Accelgor
dual: Durant


pure: Gigalith

dual: Tyrantum

pure: Cofagrigus

dual: Gengar

pure: Druddigon

dual: Flygon


pure: Umbreon

dual: Bisharp

pure: Klinklang

dual: Magnezone

pure: Clefable
dual: Gardevoir

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Hmm everything has pretty much be said as of now and I agree with most of the options (except the ones I haven't personally tested myself), but I'll share my experience as well, for the lolz or whatever.


-Gengar: A special beast with great speed, who's only handycap might be defenses, and the lack of bulk. But it can work with pretty much everything you through at him, so give it thunderbolt, sludge bomb and shadow ball and use the last spot as a wild card, and you're good to go.

-Gourgeist: Invest in this thing's physical defense and attack, and laugh at pretty much any physical attacker you encounter; At 252 defense EVs, this thing loses just 20-30% of its HP from a dark type move like pursuit, and at worst, 50% HP from a strong, STAB dark type move, or Brave Bird. Just make sure you give it Trick-or-Treat, a ghost type move and leech seed, and everything else is irrelevant (always that it hits the leech seed that is). On the battlefield, special attacks will be your worst and probably only enemy. Also, as a trivia, as of episode 14, Trick-or-treat works different than in the main series games: instead of ADDING the ghost type to the target, it CHANGES the target's type to ghost: you know what this means? This means this thing can leech seed you, recover HP every turn, turn you into a ghost and then hit you for STAB super-effective damage with a priority shadow sneak or a strong as hell phantom force, until you hit the ground. Dunno if this still is the case as of episode 14.5, but for my whole reborn playthrough Gourgeist was the ghost boss.


-Gardevoir: the fairy type greatly benefits it defensively. Except maybe for Aya, Shade and Corey, Gardevoir's weaknesses are pretty much scarce, specially steel. Calm mind plus moonblast/psyshock allows to literally piss at Samson's gym. Other than that, is a pretty decent psychic that can take care of dark and dragons alike. The obvious downside is its "glass cannon" complex: you'll rarely survive any physical attack of neutral coverage, even less for super-effective hits.

-Delphox: while not as good as gardevoir in the psychic regard, the fire coverage is pretty good. This thing shits on any fire/fighting starter if handled correctly, and if you can get it to have hidden power ground/rock, it's a great lead for certain battles like Charlotte's.


-Delphox: ^^


-Gardevoir: ^

-Mawile: since you cannot mega evolve in reborn, you'll think mawile is useless. WRONG!!!! for in-game standards, it hits like a truck and doesn't care about your "superior" speed when it has sucker punch. Iron head and play rough for STAB damage on dragons, fairies and anything that you can need, and two wild cards for more coverage (sucker punch/crunch and brick break really benefit it IMO). Just don't switch it into a special attacker, for the same reasons as gourgeist, and it will serve you well.


-Scrafty: while relatively slow, it will rarely die in one hit unless we're talking about a strong ass fairy type move. Dragon Dance Scrafty, while I admit I haven't used it because I didn't understood what dragon dance did at the time and replaced it with brick break, is a good set, with the Hi Jump Kick WHEN IT DOESN'T MISS and crunch. It will hit hard, and is a great option against luna and even radomus to an extent.


-Tyrantrum: I'm not really a fan of rock types in my team, but Tyrantrum won my respect after eating Charlotte alive. Great attack and dragon helps rock with its horrible set of weaknesses, to some extent. I haven't really used any other dragon or rock type in this game except Tyrantrum.


Crobat: has been explained well enough already by other people.


Scrafty: ^^^

Malamar: since this is not competitive and the AI is not a real human opponent, sometimes you get lucky and can set up the famous contrary superpower. Despite this, Malamar sadly dies to a decent bug type move and pretty much anything will kill it in two turns since it got no resistances.


-Scolipede: A great baton passer that can also pack a punch when needed and can survive a psychic or fire foe enough to speed boost and get the fuck out of the battlefield. Steamroller and Poison Jab STABs really benefit it.


-Serperior: contrary leaf storm. Leech seed.

-Roserade: I stopped using roselia before Radomus, for obvious reasons, but up to that point she helped a lot clearing routes and NPCs. She shines at Florinia's gym for the most part.


-Manectric: for some reason when this thing uses strength, despite having it for a HMslave role, it takes more than half of the targets HP. Discharge is great too.


-Zangoose: this thing cleared up ALL of route 1 by itself and with false swipe has allowed me to catch pretty much everything else. No tauros can oppose this thing's close combat.

Can't really say anything outside of those types, because I have only used those.

Edited by zimvader42
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I think so? The only issue I'm aware of with it is that Pixilated moves don't hit Ghost types.

Well, since it's normal + additional fairy damage it's probably not suposed to. Anyways, why having trump card on sylveon while echoed voice will do the exactly same thing but with more PP.

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Well, since it's normal + additional fairy damage it's probably not suposed to. Anyways, why having trump card on sylveon while echoed voice will do the exactly same thing but with more PP.

It's supposed to hit since it changes typing to Fairy. Also, not only does Eevee not get Echoed Voice (not even by pre-E13 breeding, it was missed apparently), you can also use TC on wild foes to build up it's power to be whatever you wanna start of with, then hit up a Gym. With Echoed Voice, you'd always start with the weakest 40BP attack.

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Goomy is so good that it doesn't even need typing. Why having mega rayquaza when we can have lord goomy? Anyways, metagross is by far the best steel type in the game.

Lol I never knew goomy was so powerful

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It's supposed to hit since it changes typing to Fairy. Also, not only does Eevee not get Echoed Voice (not even by pre-E13 breeding, it was missed apparently), you can also use TC on wild foes to build up it's power to be whatever you wanna start of with, then hit up a Gym. With Echoed Voice, you'd always start with the weakest 40BP attack.

What? I'm pretty sure eevee can get echoed voice via whishmur (never tried). Echoed voice has more PP, trump card can help you against 2 or 3 foes, but then the PP will end. Well, I guess trump card is better to break through Massive Walls at maximum BP.

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What? I'm pretty sure eevee can get echoed voice via whishmur (never tried). Echoed voice has more PP, trump card can help you against 2 or 3 foes, but then the PP will end. Well, I guess trump card is better to break through Massive Walls at maximum BP.

You can try anything to get Echoed Voice onto it, it won't work. Even having the actual TM probably wouldn't work either. "It was missed". There are some similar cases, such as Phantump not getting Energy Ball no matter what.

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