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This calls for a gentlemanly greeting!

Gentleman's Hat

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Greetings to all Pokemon Reborn trainers! As you might have guessed, I am a hat of a gentleman who noticed about the Pokemon Reborn game and wish to progress into the journey alongside the forums. I'm not entirely alien to the Pokemon series but I have unfortunately been unable to catch up with the current generations. So do forgive my ignorance of such things and let us have a splendid day!

Now while I am at most curious about the site and the game itself, I do believe it is only natural to let you know quite a few things about myself; such as:

  • Learned that typing "IT'S PIKACHU!!!" is apparently not a valid answer in the validation question upon creating the account.
  • Chansey is confirmed to be my spirit animal.
  • I find being worn by bald people comfortable.
  • I do not live in the UK or was born from it, so I do NOT have a British/English accent. SO QUIT ASKING!
  • Hail Arceus.
  • I have actually played the Reborn game but a long time ago so I may be unfamiliar with the past updates or changes.
  • The avatar is not the actual image of my being. I take on the form of the most fanciest hat you would have ever seen.
  • Do not question how I type, read, listen, sleep, destroy, swag, or other abilities humans have.
  • I can be Mega evolved.
  • My type is Gentleman.
  • Derp.
  • Tis not even my final form.
  • By the power of Grayskull, are you still reading this?
  • I'd say.
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I like this guy. he can stay

Anyways, welcome to reborn, soldier. Jericho and a few others will be along shortly with a packet of info for you, since I honestly don't do greetings too often. if you have any questions in the meanwhile, ask a moderator.

Enjoy your stay on the forums, and check out showdown if you ever want to duke it out or just chat B)

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Cheers! It is nice to have a welcome here! By Surge's signature it appears those trainer cards are common around this forum, to say at the least. Hopefully I'll be making ones like those; maybe my pokemon team in Reborn perhaps? Splendid customization here, I'd say.

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Well welcome to the reborn gentleman.

We hope you will enjoy here with red vine and have a gently time around here.

Such kindness, sir. If I wasn't made out of fine and expensive leather material I would so most cry with tears of joy. But an accessory to gentlemen must keep up his appearance!

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