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Which gym leader do you think is the weakest so far?


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I would say Florinia with Kricketune. Although not many would realize how useful Kricketune in the game is in their first playthrough. But she is one of the most interesting battles in the game. Other than that I would say Luna. Even with level 70 her Umbreon is pretty harmless and just takes forever to kill.

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I really like all gymmies (as in, gym[leaders]mies), but yeah even in reborn there are some easier than some.

For me, Florinia and Samson are the weakest, of the two Samson being the weakest hands down (to me).

The thing with Florinia is weird: on my first playthrough, the Fern battle inside the school was a pain, I had to grind like crazy to beat the bastard. But then, Florinia fell in a single try, unlike Julia who took like 5. But then in my second playthrough, my team had to try 3 times to beat her. I assume all this was because of battling her before and after her field effect was implemented, but I don't really know.

Samson however, was the absolute easiest gym battle I ever had in this game. I don't know if it was the fact that I had two psychics, two fairies and a ghost at the time, but the poor guy fell in a single try, and the same for my second playthrough. Maybe I'm good against fighting types? Because Kiki wasn't all that difficult to me as well (unlike SOME gastly pretending to be a CERTAIN dead teacher -.-)

For others, well, hmm, Julia was pretty easy once I started to comprehend the mechanics of how pokemon moves worked (my first battle I tried to take down all of her voltorbs with just ember from my braixen), and I don't know what people has against Noel: it is hard, not gonna lie, it took me the 3 standard tries in my first playthrough to beat him, but like the almost 25 times I had to fight Serra, or the over 25 times I had to try against Luna? No thanks. Not even close.

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If we're counting all of them, I'd have to say Cain, but if you're only counting gym leaders that give badges, I'd have to say Julia. She's basically a step down because people are still learning the basics of the game, but if Electrike is still available, she's pretty much a free victory with that Pokemon who is already at a high enough level.

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You mean poll? Idk how to do that only moderators and higher ranks I think can do it lol

Yeah yeah I meant poll. And it would be nice if these kinds of polls were pinned for everyone to see, so it would be amusing to see the opinion of the community regarding pokémon types, gym leaders, etc... But only a high-ranking mod (& Amethyst herself) can actually decide that.

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I'm gonna have to say Julia. Which is typical for a first gym leader. However, I won't just leave like this. I'm gonna rank every gym leader now starting with the weakest and ending with the strongest. Of course, there will be some reasons behind them.

Julia - Obligatory easy first gym leader. With the pokemon first available like noibat, budew and OP moody bidoof + Toxic Spikes Trubbish, you should have no problem.

Serra - Hopefully she gets a double battle in episode 15. Ice just doesn't seem to do well 1v1 except for Cloyster due to shell smash, but even then it's not too big a deal.

Kiki - Even with the new field, Kiki isn't to difficult. You get lots of flying types, meowstic, Grumpig, Gothitelle and some fairies. The Lucario and Medicham can be troublesome, but nothing horrible.

Radomus - How unfortunate for Radomus. His tricks don't work. If you stop him before he sets up trick room, You'll win. You can get Escavalier, Houndoom, Drapion and more before him. The Gardevoir is the big problem however as it's the first pokemon you'll see that is over the level cap and owned by a gym leader.

Florinia - Florinia and her new field and team can cause some problems. Hell this team and her old one are quite the nuisance. However Makuhita and all of the fire type starters can lay waste to her. Not to mention a Tranquil, Fearow or Pidgeotto can hurt her pretty badly. That damn Cradily tho...

Aya - With Aya's new field she can offer up a pretty big challenge due to the hazards and sludge waves ability to cause any status. That and she makes ground moves like bulldoze, EQ and magnitude do less. However if you have a Psychic type and take advantage of her pokemons secondary weaknesses it isn't all too bad. The Drapion and Dragalge can cause problems if not prepared for however.

Corey - Only beating Aya by a little bit due to the fact that his field is just terrible. If you have a pokemon with gust it shouldn't be too hard right? Well it still is. His Skuntank is only weak to ground which is hard to have a good move of atm unless you have Donphan and or onix (not diggersby because I think it only has access to mud shot atm) and his Crobat has nasty plot and venoshock. Venoshock combined with his field will destroy your team. If you have a Klink, don't think you're safe. He has some fire and fighting moves.

Shelly - Her new field causes quite a few problems as does her Anorith. Packing a good rock type and fire type may seem like good options, but (I believe) She has grass move and rock slide on anorith. Her Volbeat gets her extra points just for the annoyance factor it brings in and her Yanmega can be kind of threatening if you don't take it out quickly. If you ask me, Shelly and Corey tie for difficulty.

Shade - Shade came up as the first real roadblock in the game for me. His Gengar is fast and hits hard, Especially in the new field, he's got a lot of ghost type variety with his Rotom and Doublade and Golett, but the real problem and difficulty comes from his ace, Chandelure. Taking advantage of the field effect, its Hidden Power Electric and Shadow Ball get boosts and it can take some hits thanks to it's sitrus berry. It has Energy ball to deal with ground types rock types and water types alike and Flame burst is a good STAB move for it.

Luna - Her dark field allows for some pretty interesting things to happen and her dark types are all pretty strong. Ttar, Bisharp, the bulky ass Umbreon, Malamar and Honchkrow are all kind of hard to deal with if you don't have the proper pokemon to kill them. However, all of the difficulty and hatred I have for this battle stems from her Sableye. This damn Sableye is bulky as hell. With the addition of fairies it's not too bad. However with prankster confuse ray, will-o-wisp and 75% health healing moonlight, the damn thing will be around for a long time if not prepared for.

Terra - I don't really see how so many people had trouble with her. Her Nidoking is a threatening lead yes, but it's nothing too terrible considering you should have amazing pokemon to deal with threats like it at this point. Her Claydol doesn't pose much of a threat but can be tricky with Psychic, Bulldoze and I think Explosion. Her Swagsire is a pretty big threat however because if it gets up 1 or 2 amnesias, you won't be doing much with special attacks or physical attacks. Her hippo is a physical wall, but doesn't take special attacks well at all. Her Excadrill can destroy you even if the sand isn't set up. Hopefully you bought those air balloons back at the Circus...which is right before this. Her biggest threat is Garchomp. It has an Assault Vest if I remember correctly. Thanks to it, it does not only boost it's special defense, but it's special attack as well. It's a big threat considering the last Garchomp you fought was level 75 and all alone.

Samson - His field. End of story. I'm not even kidding, his field can give you so many problems due to luck hax coming from the god damn high Striker. His Hariyama can take and dish out hits pretty well and is mean with it's rocky helmet. His Bounce Mienshao with regenerator is a bish and His Blaziken will likely outspeed everything on your team if on the field for too long. His Hawlucha is where most problems arise. It has fly so if it's faster than you and gets off a swords dance and uses it's item, say goodbye to ever attacking it again. I can't remember his other pokemon off the top of my head, except for the level 73 Conkeldurr. The thing is a monster, plain and simple. Due to the level cap it will likely eat up most of your attacks, super effective or no, and dish out more pain right back at you. Not to mention the high striker is out pumping x2 multipliers for samsons attacks causing you to be destroyed easily.

Noel - Oh my god. Noel was literally one of the reasons I stopped playing reborn for a month. His team is rediculous. With a field that can heal him and a Wigglytuff that now sets up rocks and paralysis you will be feeling pain. His Porygon-Z hits way too hard for most pokemon to survive, his Cincinno is a god amongst pokemon with it's high speed and skill link. His bird spam is too stronk with the powerful staraptor and guts swellow dishing out lots of damage as soon as they come out. I think he use to have a Girafarig that hit hard as well, but it wasn't too bad. His ace however is where all of your problems with him will come from. Clefable. Wowowowowow. That thing isn't normal type. On the contrary, it use to be a normal type but changed to fairy and you can't just get rid of a prominent main/ace pokemon. This thing will set up cosmic powers, heal itself and dish out damage with moonblast and hidden power. Not sure if it has unaware or magic guard, although it would still be threateing even with both.

Charlotte - I can say that Charlotte was never really a problem for me. She was just like every other fire gym leader. Easy to beat with the weaknesses. However it wasn't until my third playthrough that I realized why people hated her so much. Her Typhlosion had Energy Ball which killed all ground types and water types. She use to lead with Ninetales and just destroye everything with ninetales and typhlosion, but her ninetales was swapped for Darmanitan. Even so, her field boosts fire damage. If you don't set up rain dance and or stealth rocks before she kills you, you're already done for. Her Rotom-H is pretty menacing to water types if the sun and fire field are up and with levitate, ground types can't touch it. Her Volcarona is really powerful, like most, if you don't have a rock move. I can't remember her others except for the Ninetales. This thing can hit you hard with a powerful fire move, solarbeam and more when left unattended. Not to mention, Charlotte is one of the first gym leaders to have fully EV trained pokemon. Holy shit! She will most likely outspeed everything you have if you don't have a lot of speed investment and she hits hard as hell. Easily the toughest gym leader in reborn so far.

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Terra. It may just be because I have a really good team right now, but she didn't get even a single hit in, except for when I switched in my wall just to taunt her some for sending us up a whole mountain 4 funz.

Noel is also rather sucky right now. He now has only fast attackers which are doomed when outsped, sorta-bulky with no offensive presence whatsoever, and Swellow which is not so easy to outspeed but not so problematic anyways.

And Samson is still Samson.

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Julia was definitely the easiest - on my first attempt I just swept her with a loudred doing nothing other than spamming echoing voice. Samson and Terra were also really easy - Terra's Garchomp was a bit threatening, but my Greninja could just sweep everything other than the Garchomp reall easily so I only needed to be able to beat the garchomp with the rest of my 5 pokemon to be able to win. Samson didn't seem like he had anything threatening to me except for his last pokemon with the kind of cheesy fly mechanics on that fight (until it got paralyzed at which point it was just like any other pokemon).

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I found Samson and Luna to be the easiest. Samson because I knew what I was going against so I was able to train the right Pokemon, a few good Flying and Psychic types were all I needed (Delphox, Swoobat and Hawlucha, especially with Flying Press, were godsends). For Luna, I had a Primeape who I don't train anymore and a really powerful Leavanny. Also, Honchkrow used Foul Play on my Sturdy Golem. It died quickly.

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Definitely Charlotte, people say her field was too OP but my rain dancing Greninja took care of her team and then Crobat and Gardevoir finished up the rest.

Poor Charlotte..she tried to burn me with her flame, but I actually put her flame out.

true story not lying at all....

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For me, Noel is probably the easiest Gym Leader. Granted, that's due to my Typhlosion always setting the field ablaze and then abusing Eruption + Flash Fire + Burning Field. It OHKO's Noel's entire team.

Edited by Mighty Kamina
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Julia for all the reasons above. After that it would be:

-Samson: i just caught a hawlucha and gave it bounce from the circus tutors, the -1 priority on landing is godlike.

-Serra: sturdy magneton did most of the job.

-Luna: she made me realise my lack of fighting/bug types, so i trained a heracross.

-Kiki: my flying attacks raised a LOT lof dust and i was sad... a couple of her pokemon didn't really do anything at all though.

-Radomus: mightyena with crunch and strengh took care of most of his team.

-Corey: the field was annoying but i had my as swalot a CC bot with yawn/body slam while the other pokemon had type coverage.

-Shelly: annoying with her anorith and bug buzz/struggle bug (can't remember) did considerable damage on most of my pokemon.

-Shade: i had more trouble with his rotom than his chandelure, even if it did high damage with flame burst, the biggest issue was that my ghost coverage was a fragile mightyena.

-Aya: magneton did some heavy lifting here but her dragalge was tough and the sludge waves did a lot of damage.

-Noel: magneton again with the heavy lifting since it took me more than i would like to admit to realise clefable was immune to poison and colateral damage, his pokemon weren't too bad to deal with except for that Porygon Z which took some serious fire power to take down while one-shotting everything.

-Florinia: i was rather careless at this stage of the game and didn't have bugs or fighting types and didn't want to grind so i ended up pulling the following strat to kill her cradily: poison it first with gulpin to force her waste turns not attacking, then using mightyena to lower it's accuracy, followed by growl spam from noctowl, and finally tail whip spam from braixen to one-shot it with flame charge. Her other pokemon fell easily after that.

-Cal: screw magmortar, the others weren't horrible but they weren't easy either, but seriously... screw magmortar.

-Charlotte: decent amount of trial and error here, my strategy ended up being make-shift at best since killing both typhlosion and darmanitan at the same time allowed her to overwhelm me completely with volcarona and ninetails. What i did: ludicolo and bronzong at the start to flinch typhlosion and use rain dance/heal block while hoping darmanitan used something other than flame blitz, then surf to kill darmanitan and lower typhlosion's accuracy to oblivion, after that i defeated her other pokemon one by one with ludicolo using dive or golurk and others STABing while typhlosion sat on his thumbs.

-Terra: not yet there.

Edited by Claydoll
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Samson, honestly Greninja + Protean + Extrasensory = PURE DESTRUCTION! Whatever Greninja couldn't take Arcanine did fairly well.

Radomus just out of the sheer fact it only took me one try to beat him, and I think these are the only 2 gym leaders who took only one try. This is when I subbed in Bouffalant for Machamp and became the 7th pokemon on my team, Strength was so broken at this gym with fully EV Attack Stat.

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Florina is way too easy. Asides from hariyama making the fight so much easier, and the abundance of fire/fight/flying/poison types at this point, she has no way to get rid of t-spikes which ruins the entire idea around her cradily. She should get a vileplume or something to fix that really.

Don't think too highly of randomus either. Exeggutor needs to be punted from his line-up as it's useless and compounds a bug weakness that is easily exploited given the great bugs at this point of the game. I'll pay that metagross was hard to take down, but beyond that a slow SE type ruins him as the AI won't set TR if it sees a slow abuser on your side, and thus allows you to steamroll him.

Luna's Umbreon is a joke as well. That being said, I don't know what to replace it with, without the match turning into nightmare mode (I had considered a sniper drapion until I realised how cruel 100% crit, sniper boosted, STAB boosted, field boosted night slashes would be) Maybe a hydreigon as the jabberwocky could work? Also what ability does her tyranitar have? because no sand is summoned and the unnerve text doesn't appear...

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I think Samson is also one of the weakest fight in the game. I mean not difficulty wise but gameplay wise. His battle is basically Luck based, hoping he doesn´t get too many Powerul or Over 9000 rolls and hoping the AI doesn´t screw you over with Bounce/Fly spam. Doesn´t help his Gym battle happens right after the weakest part of the game (Route 2).

Definitely Luna or Flobot. Flobot's cradily admittedly cam be trouble with the wrong team but Kricketune eats her alive. Luna just comes too late in the game as a dark specialist to be of any particular challenge compared to the others save for Malamar.

While Flobot has the excuse for being the second Gym Leader, Luna doesn´t have anything like that. Although this is just subjective because there are people who have definitely a lot of trouble with her.

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