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What game are you playing right now?


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I shed a tear and erased my data for custom robos ds and started over. There goes my wifi battle record.

And then tfw the first custom part I get is the best gun, the flamethrower. Ladies and gents, imma sweep on through this game.

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Uh... Nothing much interesting me.

Finished SMT IV, I'm not enough of a completionist to replay the whole game with a neutral alignment, so yeah.

Monster hunter 3, is that supposed to start slow? It's just so boring cuz I don't feel like I'm making any progress with the first 2 ranks of missions.

Rejuvenation, slowly. Thing is my enjoyment of TBRPGs has burned out with SMT.

Oh, and I have Dragon age origins in the background, ready to play on my PS3, it is hoping desperately to be noticed when I hop on only to be passed up by KH 2.5.

Thing is, with all of these I'm missing something that just feels faster paced. Right now, it's hard to put it into words, but I guess something with open world, manic dungeon crawler violence?

Oh hai Darksiders 2, I forgot about you...

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Just finished "Mark of the Ninja" - great, beautiful game!

occasionally playing:

Pokemon Shuffle

Pokemon Rumble World

Heroes of the Storm


FTL - Faster Than Light

"Big" Game:

Since I just finished "Mark of the Ninja" I have to look for a new big game to play... until May 19th - then it's all Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt!

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Pokemon Rumble World ^-^ Just heard of the Endeaver-tactic for making pokemon drop their toys and its practically a 100% guarantee that the pokemon will wobble eventually

That reminds me. The game likes to give tips during loading screens and shit and it talks about taking pokemon to the move vendor to get new moves. Where the hell is that?

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Diamond Mine (generates 20 diamonds each day) [...] the Diamond Mine by buying all of the diamonds in the shop with eshop points.


you have to buy 3000 diamonds to get 20 diamonds each day?

You have to pay around 30€/$ for that??

THEN(!) they could have made it just a retail game to buy... seriuosly...

and what do you need 20 diamonds for when you got 3000???

Balloons are:

2x 20 = 40

2x 30 = 60

2x 50 = 100

2x 70 = 140

2x 90 =180

1x 100

that equals to 620D

WHAT DO YOU NEED the other 2380 Diamonds for?

(the help-items like Pokemon house are relatively cheap... and most are buiable with coins)

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So the one challenge I'm stuck on because the game doesn't want to give me something stronger than a latias with mistball is the exact challenge I need to beat in order to get the move vendor. Well shit.

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I decided to pick Dark Souls 2 again and try to finish my completionist run. You know, try to get all the weapons, armors, spells...

It was a terrible idea ._.

Just follow a guide and you'll be fine...probably

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Pokemon Reborn..... Now if only I can find some Rare Can- oh wait my own pokemon won't obey me if they hit level 26..... damn it all..... Including Rejuvination at level 20.... Dear lord have mercy on me........ Well might as well go to the next thing..... Disgaea 2.

Edited by Anthony810
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Reborn at corey. Grinding my team. But interesting thing, mist field and I have gyarados,diggersby and possible torterra. That torterra might not happen because I challenged myself to try defeat corey w/o torterra.

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