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Normal Monotype Challenge v2.0


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Yeah, this is a retry of my lastest Normal Monotype Challenge, the last one was going great, but I forgot to continue it, now I decided to start again, as that one was in version 10.5 and after a year of not playing it, I forgot most of the plot so... excuses to restart to game yay.


Starring Typicale, the typical guy

So, I'm going to update after every important battle or event that deserves it, this is the team after beating both Victoria and Cain, for those who are interested I used a Chespin that now is permaboxed.


Joey Lv7


Run Away



-Quick Attack

-Focus Energy


Priestess Lv7


Keen Eye






Rocket Lv7






OMG THAT'S A SHINY TOP PERCENTAGE, shame on the Run Away though.

Also, I will try to complete the normal type pokedex, so I ask you to tell me if I forgot a normal type event/caught and where I can find it. Also you can come with your own challenges so this is more interesting.

Also, PLEASE comment so I don't do a double post.

Edited by Hinaru-Sama
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catch a bidoof and evolve him into bibarell .. You can trade it for a litleo in peridot ward. You can also catch whismurr in peridot ward .. Exploud will be awesome

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yeah, you definitely want that litleo. i've heard a lot of good opinions about it. also, later in the storyline, there'll be a helioptile in beryl ward that's sunbathing on a rooftop, emphasis on the sunbathing hint hint. i don't use normal types much though, so that's all i really know.

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Cool, I started a normal monotype run recently too.

I looked at your last post, and I guess you never fought the normal gym leader. It's hard to explain, but he gave me more trouble than anyone else. Be sure to get a guy with a good fighting move.

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catch a bidoof and evolve him into bibarell .. You can trade it for a litleo in peridot ward. You can also catch whismurr in peridot ward .. Exploud will be awesome

yeah, you definitely want that litleo. i've heard a lot of good opinions about it. also, later in the storyline, there'll be a helioptile in beryl ward that's sunbathing on a rooftop, emphasis on the sunbathing hint hint. i don't use normal types much though, so that's all i really know.

Yeah, I know about Litleo, I used a Pyroar in my last run and it was very useful (Like, it's my only Fire type, I will need him).

Thank for the obvious tip for Helioptile, not bad since normal types lack of good special sweeper, but with early Charge Beam and most of my pokemon learning it it's not the most useful catch.

Also, catching a Bibarel is mandatory, it's my only Water type and while it's movepool is quite bad, the resist are something I can't just simply disregard.

Cool, I started a normal monotype run recently too.

I looked at your last post, and I guess you never fought the normal gym leader. It's hard to explain, but he gave me more trouble than anyone else. Be sure to get a guy with a good fighting move.

Yes, I still have that save (And my old main save that was at the end of chapter 10.5, just after the Psychic gym when the lights turn off), but it has been a year and I forgot most of both the plot and the map so I though it was a good idea to restart.

In my old run I remember having BIG problems with Aya, mostly because I tried to Boomburst everything and most teammates died before...

Also, where is Whismur in this version? It's very usefull to kill everything that Shade can throw to me.

Please forgive me for my bad english, it's not my first language.

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Be prepared for Samson......that is all

Sam... who? Was he in 10.5?

Except he is the new Kiki... except he uses Lv75 except of Lv45... oh god...

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Also, where is Whismur in this version? It's very usefull to kill everything that Shade can throw to me.

Its in a house in lower peridot ward

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Also, where is Whismur in this version? It's very usefull to kill everything that Shade can throw to me.

Same as it was earlier, House in the lower-right parts of the Peridot Ward. I think it doesn't show up if you don't have some Pokesnax.

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Yeah, I beat Julia... even with the fields she didn't feel that stronger, was her pokemon's level neafed? Because it felt that I killed her by overgrinding alone.


Joey ♂ Lv18


Run Away

-Hyper Fang


-Quick Attack

-Charge Beam


Rocket ♀ Lv18





-Fake Out



Music ♀ Lv17



-Disarming Voice


-Charge Beam

-Sweet Kiss


Braveheart ♀ Lv17





-Work Out

-Noble Roar


Derp ♂ Lv17




-Water Gun


-Charge Beam


Hertz ♀ Lv18



-Echoed Voice




Boxed guys:


Tamara ♂ Lv18


Priestess ♀ Lv17


Scout ♂ Lv2

So, here's a question to you all, do you want me to continue this normal monorun that will probably be very similar to the other one or try another monotype? I was thinking of Flying or Ground for the options, or going hardmode in Grass, Bug or Dragon.

Edited by Hinaru-Sama
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How to beat Florina:
>Have a pokémon that changes his type.

>Have that same pokémon with a 100BP move + STAB.

So the answer is... Arceus? Nope, it's motherf**king Castform, slayer of Cradily with Ice Weather Ball and supporter of Litleo with Sunny Day.

Also, did I say that Facade this early is OP in a mono Normal? Ame please nerf.


Cair ♀ Lv24


Keen Eye


-Aerial Ace


-Mirror Move


Venus ♀ Lv24


Cute Charm


-Jump Kick

-Quick Attack

-Charge Beam


Pope ♂ Lv24








Braveheart ♀ Lv24





-Work Out

-Fire Fang


Meteo ♀ Lv26



-Weather Ball

-Rain Dance

-Sunny Day



Sutie ♀ Lv24


Big Pecks


-Air Cutter

-Quick Attack


Boxed guys:


Joey ♂ Lv24


Hertz ♀ Lv24


Derp ♂ Lv24

Tamara ♂ Lv24
Kuma ♀ Lv24
Finoli ♀ Lv24


Music ♀ Lv24

Nyan ♀ Lv24
Prietess ♀ Lv24
Pattern ♂ Lv24
Scout ♂ Lv24
Tanuki ♂ Lv24


Rocket ♀ Lv24


Happiness ♀ Lv10

Yeah, if you see my box you will see that I grinded EVERYONE to level 24 (Except Happiny, because I want an Oval Stone first), yes, that means lot's of grinding, but I will continue to do this so I can find team members that are useful for certain gyms, like Castform and Lopunny, which I never used before.
Also, don't forget to tell me if I missed a normal type or a challenge you want me to make so this is more difficult.
Edited by Hinaru-Sama
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Normal is a very diverse typing and also one of the most powerful ones, since it has only one weakness. I will throw you some suggestions for the long run, if you'd like.


-Thick Fat

-Body Slam
-Zen Headbutt


-Skill Link

-Tail Slap
-Rock Blast
-Bullet Seed



-Double Edge
-Brave Bird
-Close Combat


-Serene Grace

-Double Edge
-Horn Leech
-Jump Kick


-Hammer Arm
-Super Fang

Pyroar (Mixed)


-Hyper Voice

Many of those you get late in-game, so you can also use some temporary ones below, these do not have breeding moves, or late-game TMs.


-Immunity/Toxic Boost

-Crush Claw
-Close Combat
-Swords Dance



-Drill Peck
-Drill Run



-Head Charge
-Swords Dance


-Sheer Force

-Zen Headbutt

Edited by Knight_Teutonic
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Diggersby performs better with Swords Dance and at least some normal-type STAB. Bounce only gives you coverage against the few levitating ghost-types, and Hammer Arm gives you coverage against Lunatone, Solrock, and Bronzong. Lunatone and Solrock are pretty common among some Meteor Grunts, but I still don't think it's worth running Hammer Arm.

Diggersby is also available early-ish, but most of its good moves come either very late or via move tutor. You're stuck with spamming Take Down for awhile, which is pretty strong coming off that Huge Power boosted atk, but the recoil is unpleasant and the accuracy also leaves something to be desired. At least you can teach it a weaker but more reliable Facade to tide you over to Strength.

EDIT: Pyroar should run Work Up over Bounce.

Edited by dondon151
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There's a heliolisk event in the beryl ward (sunny weather). Give it solar power and in the future teach pyroar sunny day, BOOM! Don't evolve it until level 49 for t-bolt.

Don't worry about Samson, braviary will be avaliable when you're about to fight him.

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A challenge? Hm, what about a "no item in battle" rule? You're not going to be able to use items in battle (duuuhh). I can see a nice future in this monotype. Belly drum linoone tho.

I'm not used to use item in battle (Mostly because they suck, why will I use a Super Potion when most of my pokémon have more than 100HP and it's not worth it), so it doesn't change my gameplay much.

Wow your Buneary evolved pretty quickly. Mine evolved around Shade... which was pretty annoying (although it does its job really well in my team)

It evolves by happiness, and it also learns Return so it hit like a truck early game, but it's sad that by now it's somehow outclassed with the new, stronger sweepers (Ursaring, Diggersby and Dodrio).

Normal is a very diverse typing and also one of the most powerful ones, since it has only one weakness. I will throw you some suggestions for the long run, if you'd like.


-Thick Fat

-Body Slam
-Zen Headbutt


-Skill Link

-Tail Slap
-Rock Blast
-Bullet Seed



-Double Edge
-Brave Bird
-Close Combat


-Serene Grace

-Double Edge
-Horn Leech
-Jump Kick


-Hammer Arm
-Super Fang

Pyroar (Mixed)


-Hyper Voice

Many of those you get late in-game, so you can also use some temporary ones below, these do not have breeding moves, or late-game TMs.


-Immunity/Toxic Boost

-Crush Claw
-Close Combat
-Swords Dance



-Drill Peck
-Drill Run



-Head Charge
-Swords Dance


-Sheer Force

-Zen Headbutt

I'm a competitive player myself, so yeah most of my late pokémon set will look like that.

Just one question, why Serene Grace on Swasbuck while NONE of his moves have a secondary effect? Sap Sipper (for the inmunity and a probable attack boost) and Chlorophyll (for Sunny ay abuse) are far better in this case.

Diggersby performs better with Swords Dance and at least some normal-type STAB. Bounce only gives you coverage against the few levitating ghost-types, and Hammer Arm gives you coverage against Lunatone, Solrock, and Bronzong. Lunatone and Solrock are pretty common among some Meteor Grunts, but I still don't think it's worth running Hammer Arm.

Diggersby is also available early-ish, but most of its good moves come either very late or via move tutor. You're stuck with spamming Take Down for awhile, which is pretty strong coming off that Huge Power boosted atk, but the recoil is unpleasant and the accuracy also leaves something to be desired. At least you can teach it a weaker but more reliable Facade to tide you over to Strength.

EDIT: Pyroar should run Work Up over Bounce.

Diggersby is a beast, probably will go with:

-Earthquake (No need to explain why)

-Quick Attack (Solid move with STAB, priority makes it a revenge killer while patching his mediocre speed)

-Bounce/Another physhical move for coverage (I'm not sure which TM are avialeable later in the game, bounce is the best coverage move it learns by level)

-Swords Dance (No need to explain why, again)

Facade is OP early in the game, and even more in a normal monotype, it's a solid move with STAB and good PP and it's learnedby the mayority of my pokémon, it patches the early movepool pretty well (Having Double Slap as your best option for STAB is horribly bad) and if you take one of those status ailments that are everywhere thanks to the areas, it makes it one of the highest BP without drawbacks.

Pyroar will probably end like this:


-Hyper Voice


-Work Out

There's a heliolisk event in the beryl ward (sunny weather). Give it solar power and in the future teach pyroar sunny day, BOOM! Don't evolve it until level 49 for t-bolt.

Don't worry about Samson, braviary will be avaliable when you're about to fight him.

For Heliolisk I decided to go with Dry Skin, the immunity is something precious in a monotype.

For Samson... I don't know him, he wasn't in 10.5 so it will be a new experience for me (Probably will end spamming Girafarig and 5 Normal/Flying).


Beat Corey, easy has ever and would have sweep him if that damn poison didn't kill Dodrio, shame there isn't a Normal/Steel or Normal/Poison (And both Snorlax and Zangoose aren't in the game this early).


Bugs ♂ Lv30


Huge Power


-Double Kick

-Mud Shot



Venus ♀ Lv30


Cute Charm


-Jump Kick

-Quick Attack

-Charge Beam


Pope ♂ Lv30








Vijali ♂ Lv30


Dry Skin

-Parabolic Charge



-Charge Beam


Kuma ♀ Lv30


Quick Feet


-Faint Attack




Tota ♀ Lv31 @ Sharp Beak


Run Away





Boxed guys:


Braveheart ♀ Lv30


Joey ♂ Lv30


Hertz ♀ Lv30


Derp ♂ Lv30


Meteo ♀ Lv30


Sutie ♀ Lv30

Tamara ♂ Lv30
Finoli ♀ Lv30


Music ♀ Lv30

Nyan ♀ Lv30
Pattern ♂ Lv30
Scout ♂ Lv30
Tanuki ♂ Lv30


Cair ♀ Lv30

Kira ♀ Lv30
Levajet ♀ Lv30


Happiness ♀ Lv10

Yeah, next time is Shelly who will probably be easymodo with the pletora of Normal/Flying plus Pyroar and Unzefant.
Plese continue to making challenges, it makes to run funnier and don't forget to comment.
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Do you want an extremely hard challenge? Change the battle style to Set, with this mode, even Julia can become a nightmare if you don't have any save switch-ins. Also, you missed some normal types: Lillipup, there's a hide n seek event for it that starts in a house in obsidia. Slakoth: Headbutt trees in obsidia park. And YES, they're going to be useful. Stoutland with intimidate support and Vigoroth is quite useful if you don't want truant slaking.

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Do you want an extremely hard challenge? Change the battle style to Set, with this mode, even Julia can become a nightmare if you don't have any save switch-ins. Also, you missed some normal types: Lillipup, there's a hide n seek event for it that starts in a house in obsidia. Slakoth: Headbutt trees in obsidia park. And YES, they're going to be useful. Stoutland with intimidate support and Vigoroth is quite useful if you don't want truant slaking.

Okay, challenge accepted, but in which way do you preffer I do it:

  • All times in set, no question asked.
  • Only be in set mode in boss battles, which are the hard ones in Reborn and it let my free switch in normal trainer battles so the Exp isn't monopolized by one pokémon alone.

About Lillipup, doesn't it have a spawn point in Lapis Ward? I was pretty sure of it (The last time I found it was near the dessert door) and I though it would be catcheable after Corey, and yes, Stoutland is useful (I used one in most of my in game of White), good bulk, very good attack, Scrappy and Intimidate is awesome (One of my only 2 Intimdate), and it's movepool is good (As good as 80% of my normal types).

Didn't knew Slakoth was catcheable before Flobot... I've never seen it before, thank for the data, probably will go for Slaking because Vigoroth is very outclassed.

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